My Sheepie Wraps Her Paws Around Me

My fluffer, Francesca (20 months, 75 pounds and deaf) has developed a very odd habit. I am her primary "walker," and take her out 3-5 times a day. Recently, on return from our walks, when we reach our yard, Francesca will jump up and wrap her paws around my legs, almost like an embrace. Does she want to play or walk more? I have no idea what she means by it but it has happened consistently enough now to become a habit.

Does anyone else have a sheepie who does this? It's not really annoying (unless I'm in shorts and her paws dig into me or if she tangles herself in the cord of my Shuffle) but I'm curious.

By the way, Francesca survived the Doggie Daycare. First few days back, she stuck to me like glue, always under the desk or on my lap. Now, she has moved to the doorway or next to me on the couch instead of on top of me.
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My Izzie (4months) does the same thing, except she does it at the start of a walk. Usually she tries to chew on us too. We always push her off and say off. As she gets older the chewing might end, though.

I guess this doesn't really help, but at least you are not alone :D

Sky likes to "hug" too... she gets really excited when my husband gets home and will wrap her paws around him. We tell her off, and give her a command like sit, to distract her, and to give us a chance to reward her for the good behavior. She is getting better at it, I think the key is consistency.
*sigh* The Gooch does this too. Mostly to my husband when they are playing, we do not reward this behaviour and are trying to break it! Are guy is deaf too, so saying NO doesn't work. We twist away from him and turn our body away from him and ignore him. He usually goes into a sit then we reward him.

Colleen and The Gooch
A reward too soon may confuse the dog, thinking that "Ok, if I hug, then sit, I get the treat." The hug during play can be just play, but trying to constantly sit on your lap, "hugging at other times" could be read as being the "alpha," if allowed to continue doing it.

My Shadow is deaf also. If she doesn't see a treat land on the floor I use a tapping motion and she then looks for it. Sit, is a point to the floor. After sitting, if I want her to lay, I point again and she lays. If she's laying and I want her to come closer, I pat my hand on the floor, then she "crawls" to me.

When she was younger she got more treats for "training." Now that she's going on 15, she gets treats for just being "my Shadow." :wink: After coming in from outside, before I leave and when I return home are her regular treat times. Nah, she's not spoiled. :roll:
Panda does the same hugging thing...particially why we named her panda...when she was little she wrapped her paws around my arm and wouldnt let go....awwwww, my little panda bear :D
:) I have a 13 month old bobtail that does the same.... If I am walking she comes behind me and wraps her paw round me, nearly trips me up ha. ha Its funny how they do that. :lol:
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