Do bark collars work?

These past few months are horrible and we hope that as soon as Tag and the new small dog move, things will calm down. Remy can spend more time inside etc..BUT for now and when she is outside we need to stop her barking, esp when it's first thing in the AM and later in the PM.

We have a hill (burm) behind our house and people like to walk their dogs off leash along here. The dogs come down to our fence and Remy esp goes crazy with barking and wanting to play. I can't stop people from walking, but I have to do something to stop the barking. We call her back, distract, etc, but it's hard to do if you can't go to her.

Hubby is becoming very livid about this, and I have to fix it. Her barking has become ALOT worse at the dog park too.

So just wondering if a bark collar will control this and break this bad habit.

[Here are some links to Bark Collars:]
Command Series Ii Professional Cs2000 (Excellent Electronic Training Collar)

Free Spirit Fs 25a Remote Trainer

Innotek Basic No-Bark Collar ("Bark Inhibitor") (less than $40)

Innotek Free Spirit Automatic No-Bark Collar (about $50)

Innotek Advanced No-Bark Collar - Set It and Forget It! (About $80)

2 Dog InnotekUltraSmart Contain and Train

Innotek UltraSmart Contain and Train
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hmm.. a friend of mine has a havenese that barks like crazy - she tried using a barking collar - it didnt work.. i think it depends on the brand?? not sure.
I have a sheltie who, I swear, barks when a leaf falls in San Francisco (we live in Baltimore). I spent $125 on a top of the line shock collar. She would bark right through it. woof woof woof WOOF woof.

I lent the collar to two other people, and they didn't have any luck with it either. Even turned to the highest setting, it didn't work on a boxer and a pit bull. Thankfully, my two OES and my brittany aren't barkers, so I have only one big-mouth.
My sister used a bark collar provided by her trainer for her Schweaton(schnauzer-wheaton terrier mix) unfortunately she was not consistent in its use so she says the collar doesnt work :roll:
We have the same problem with our dogs in the morning if I am in the shower they bark...I can hardly run out to get them :oops: So now either I have a shower before dogs get up or dogs have to go in their crate while I have my shower. Because I can't control the barking I have to make sure that I am around when they are let outside. I do tell them 'no bark...go lay down' when I come to the door. They are never let in right away for the barking. After I tell them no bark, I close the door...move away for a few minutes and if there is no barking they get let in.
I don't think they work either, but man do they hurt! One touched my leg when my ex was goofing around with it. OUCH! He had been using it on my first oes to attempt to control her barking, it didn't really work, but after feeling how much it hurt I refused to let him put it on her again, especially since it didn't work.
WizardMerlin wrote:
Because I can't control the barking I have to make sure that I am around when they are let outside. I do tell them 'no bark...go lay down' when I come to the door. They are never let in right away for the barking. After I tell them no bark, I close the door...move away for a few minutes and if there is no barking they get let in.

I do this too, I try not to reward for the barking, I say good girl for coming back to me, and then Enough, and close the door...long enough to distract her... ,(recommend by the acknowledge her protecting the property and the alpha is now aware of the situation and she can now be sometimes works, but I have to get up in that sec and stop it. Then if someone is lingering with their dogs out back, she races back to continue barking. We have a deck they can see the entire back neighbourhood.

It's gotten worse because we are doing these reno's that started in July, and now it's almost sept and we are not done. I finally got the baby gate bvack up so at least I can confine to the kitchen again. Poor doggies have been kept outside all summer.
Just wondering if theres a way that you can "hide" the view of the problem area? Doesn't work with all dogs, or all the time, but I've found that if they "can't see it," it helps control the situation and the barking.

I had a gentleman once that walked his two dogs daily in front of my house. No problem, except he'd always stop. In the early A.M. I was like you and would rush to bring them in until he was gone. I was in the yard one day as he passed by. We said good morning, he then began to tell me how he loved watching my dogs and how pretty they were. I told him they were great except for the barking. Was a nice conversation and he started passing by later in the day and quit making pit stops in front of my house.

Maybe a little conversation with those walking their dogs would help.
I don't know what kind hurts (does it shock them when they bark? Ouch!), but I've heard that the citronella spray type anti-bark collar was pretty effective, but I haven't personally tried it out on any dog.

Must be a problem with that litter. Bunker barks constantly. I tried the shock collar. That was a waste of time. My parents live on a lake with a walkway behind them and she goes crazy when people or dogs walk by. When she barks now I bring her inside, tell her no barking then after about 5 minutes let her back out. When she barks again, back inside. It seems to be helping. She hardly barked after the first few times.
Thanks everyone, I won't waste the money. I'll pray that when the other dogs are gone, and she in inside more this will help.

There is no way for me to block her view while she is outside. We have an open field behind our house, and our deck is 12-15 ft above ground. She has the ability to see for a couple miles. It's only a problem if people walk dogs, if it's just people nothing. Or if our neighbours come home and come say hi to her...I did have to talk to them and request they not get her all excited...because the days they ignored her...her barking was non stop until they came over. She trained them to pay attention to her when she wants...but they love her. Now rather than having my husband yell at her through the window (he never checks the why is she barking), I have him checking to see if it's the neighbour's fault. They also babysit her mom's little that is a yappy dog....and it sets our dogs off...then it becomes a contest. Now they have gotten better at bringing him in, I can't bring mine in because I just let them out to pee.

On occassion in the middle of the night (if she is sleeping outside) she will bark if someone is outside starting their vehicle...she does not like that. Perhaps that is more of a protective thing, since it's about 12-1pm...or she's just mad at them for waking her up.
I have figured out our nights are quieter if I seperate the they take turns inside the house.

I am sure once we don't have Tag here to play/fight/bark...things will settle down. Actually he is very quiet, and rarely is he the one to start barking. He has a different bark then she does...less ring to it, and much deeper. Not as annoying...she is so high pitch.

Then we have this little one I agreed to place (people please stop me from helping others with their dogs) :roll: ...he has seperation issues and barks to have you come to him. During the day I can work on that and he is realizing it's okay for him to be alone because I am still here. He seems to get along with the dogs much better..they've figured out a peaceful way to co-exist. I've definitely figured that he will love a home with an active older...retired couple. He still needs exercise and loves to get outside for walks, but wants someone around. I would say he is housebroken, but still needs constant watching...he likes to mark everything. So far he has only done this twice in the house....once in the kitchen and once on an area rug Tag dribbled one morning waiting to get outside.

I am glad this forum has had experience with bark collars, they are expensive and we really can't afford something if it doesn't work.

Thanks again everyone.
my mother in laws frined trains dogs for tv and she says that the shock colars don't work but the ones that spray the citron smell are excellent

i was thinks of getting one but he seems to be calming down on the woofing front. only woofs like crazy when teddy my sister in laws yorkshire terrier is here when shes on holiday.
ones that spray the citron smell are excellent

We did this. We even cut the hair around her neck so it could be more effective.

It sucks. It goes off probably every 10th time she barks. It's not consistant at all, so she never gets corrected when she's supposed to.

The bitter apple hand spray helped us a lot more! ...but there are the same number of people that will tell you their dog loved the taste.

We won't use a shock collar because I think they're painful, so this was our alternative. But, my sister in law runs a doggie day care and EVERY dog that has been on their shock collar's worked, almost immediately. Just to give a few success stories.
I had a Collie that I had to give away because of his incessant barking. I tried the shock collar, and it only worked if I practically shaved his neck to maintain good contact. Eventually he simply ingored it and barked anyway. Then when I discovered he was developing rawness and sores due to the shocking I quit. Since then I've been told that all herding dogs will become barkers if left outside all the time and get bored. I did find that having several dogs tends to keep each other occupied, although if a stray dog wonders by or the school bus stops, then they both bark. My rule is not to leave them out before 6am or after 9pm unless I'm there to bring them in if they bark.
I actually has some postive results with the barking collars. We had a Black Lab "Buddy" that BARKED NON-STOP. Behaviorly-He was probably the worse behaved puppy I ever had! Very stubborn and but SMART! He would just stand there looking at you a bark in the highest pitched bark! He wanted your attention CONSTANTLY and if you didn't play ball or if you ignored him.....he would just sound off non-stop-hardly taking a second to breath! If I crated him, he BARKED non-stop, If I put him outside he BARKED non-stop hardly coming up for air. Well...I bought him an INNOTEK Barking collar off the net. And lets just say it saved him, me and my neighbors! I was one nerve left from putting a ad in the paper! But because of the collar- I had peace again. And then I was able to deal with his other behavior issues. Eventually-because we moved -We gave "Buddy" to our friends. He's still a barker but not near as friend only has to go over and pick-up the collar and show it to him and he shuts up! That's training!
Now Max was also a barker when he was a puppy. I bought another cheapy barking collar at Wal-Mart. It worked for him pretty well too. He only wore it while he was a puppy and when he was in his "rooster" phase. He would just start barking in his crate every morning around 4Am when the sun came up. He is now 2 and really only barks at people at the door and strangers in the yard. Which in my mind is what he's suppose to do......
Rosie on the other hand is a YAPPER! We call it yapping..... Her bark is another high pitched but different kind of bark. She barks at EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING when outside. I tried Max's cheapy collar but it just goes off unprovoked on her and corrects her we don't use it. I have not purchased another collar for her.....I've just been living with the yapping. She's not anything near what Buddy was and I can deal with it. It's just those early morning "WAKE-UP" calls outside that I really have to watch for. My neighbors don't appreciate it.

I liked the Innotek rechargable collar. I really worked for Buddy!
I added some links to the Original Post... which one did you use?


That was silly... here are the links again:
Command Series Ii Professional Cs2000 (Excellent Electronic Training Collar)

Free Spirit Fs 25a Remote Trainer

Innotek Basic No-Bark Collar ("Bark Inhibitor") (less than $40)

Innotek Free Spirit Automatic No-Bark Collar (about $50)

Innotek Advanced No-Bark Collar - Set It and Forget It! (About $80)

2 Dog InnotekUltraSmart Contain and Train

Innotek UltraSmart Contain and Train
Innotek Advanced No-Bark Collar - Set It and Forget It! (About $80)

I think that was the one. We started on the lowest setting and just "upped" the setting until it worked. I bought my collar about 3 years ago that looks to be about the same with the same features. I Originally had a "battery" one that was by Innotek. That's what we originally started with and worked great until my hubby forgot to take it off the dog when he gave him a bath and we thought it fried. It didn't work and I immediately ordered the rechargable one. After about a week of drying out and a new battery, it started working again. So we used the battery one as a back up when the the rechargable was being charged.

I think that $80 is well worth the "peace"! I may jump on one of those again for Rosie!

We have peace and quiet now, Tag is doing excellent with his new owners, they are just in love with him.

Now that he is gone, Remy spends all her time with me again in the house. When she is outside it's to pee, or have a bone to chew while I get the kids from school. So she doesn't notice people anymore, but when she does she still barks like crazy, and we just call her in.

Now that we have just her, she stays clean and dry, and has her house privledges back.

I am glad it went this way.

No bark collars needed for us at this time, but thank you for all the suggestions, I hope this helps someone else.
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