The Water Bowl!

Mallory dicovered that the water bowl is good not only for a drink, but for blowing bubbles!
I have spent the day mopping the kitchen floor over and over because her biggest thrill in life right now is sticking her cute puppy snoot under water and blowing bubbles. She blows so hard that water splashes all over the place. Then of course she steps all in it and tracks it all over the kitchen. When I first went into the kitchen and saw the mess I thought we had a bad water leak, I looked and looked and couldn't figure out where the leak was at. As I was cleaning up, here came the precious angel, stuck her snoot in and started blowing all over again.
OK, it was a BIG mess but I figured what the heck, let her have some fun she has been through so much the past couple of weeks, first being abandoned by her first owner & just getting out of the pound last night.
What's a little mess........ :wink:
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:lol: That is so sweet! She sounds adorable. I hope she adjusts wonderfully and you enjoy every moment with her! Post some pictures, I'd love to see more of her!
That is too funny! :lol:
If we put ice cubes in the water bowl, Avalon feels compelled to take them out with her paw. Makes for a BIG mess.
Hilarious!! :lol: :lol:

What a treasure you've found!! :D :D
Id love to see pictures of that, it sounds really comical...messy but comical
Mallory sounds a lot like Bailey. Why just drink out of your bowl when you can stick your whole head in there and play?
:lol: :lol: :lol: That's really funny!
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