Now You've Gone Ahead And Done It, You made me quit smoking!

Silly People...all this talk about stopping smoking...grumble...bah humbug...hmrph!!

Okay I'm so darn proud of Darcy, Butterstotch, Ron and everyone that had the courage to stop smoking while I'm sitting here puffing away on my nicotine stick!!!!

I'm so fatiqued as I've even had lung surgery in the past..Yup although ironically it wasn't related to smoking but ironically the face powder which accumulated on my lungs from 5 years of stage makeup. Smoking doesn't help however, as my lungs are permantly scarred. People that see me often remark I don't "look" like a smoker..maybe cause I don't breathe heavy (except in passionate moments) or have that grey yellowish look common to long time smokers.

Never mind I feel like a social outcast and have been stressed for weeks about going back to smoking at all on breaks as I work in an Elementary School. I smoked anytime I wanted to in the summer and now school starts up in less than 2 wks and I'm stressing smoking more than usual.

I stock up on gum, sprays for my car and body to hide the fact that I'm a smoker, but who am I kidding??
I went to the dermatologist and asked about a facial to give me that nice glowing look to my skin and first thing he said well you'd have it if you were a non smoker.
I bought crest white strips although I have been told I have very white teeth I remember when they were even whiter. Dentist gave me heck about smoking too as eventually I'll have all sorts of dental problems as it happens to all smokers.
My house doesn't smell like dogs when you enter but stale smoke..Yucky!

I started when I was 9 years old!!! 9!!! just a baby!! In that entire time I have only quit smoking once and that was for 5 months. Thankfully that allowed me to see what non smokers live like as I had no previous recollection of what it is like to not smoke.

When I had the lung surgery I was hooked up to four machines and had one which I could press when I needed morphine. I didn't feel any pain but that of my horrible addiction. I would only press it when I had a craving so I could fall asleep and forget about it, even tho it wasn't meant for that purpose but for the fact that I had a chest tube connected to me. Two surgeons cut across my lungs for biopsies. The machine beeped and the nurse informed me that no more..the dosage was finished.

I went beserk! NOOO I needed a cigarette!! I needed the morphine to zap me to sleep again ..I was stuck to four machines and couldn't get up even if I wanted to. I wanted the nurse to unhook me at that moment!! In my drug induced state which now I'm horribly embarressed about and have no recollection of..but what was told to me later by the surgeon, nurse and friends whom I called and pleaded to free me.. :oops: :oops: :oops:
I swore I cursed and I friends found me in a tangled heap twisted amongst the machine tubes which I had threatened to pull out so I can have that mighty cigarette. Again I have no recollection of this event but even 5 years later the memory of being told what I did causes me to cringe.

It took almost a year for me to recoup and I remember how grateful I was to be given a second chance ..that it wasn't lung cancer after all. I only stayed a non smoker for 5 months. In those months my first memory of being a non smoker since age 9...I tasted food!!! I smelled so much better..I could run skin and eyes glowed.

Gawd I hate being a smoker.

Thanks to my ramblings and because of this site and you guys...I'm going to stop now and go to the drug store and pick up some patches.

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Marianne, welcome aboard! Any time you want to rant or cry..Im here for you!! Its not easy and I have cheated :oops: but seeing my husband who was a horrific smoker quit has kept my incentive...just keep trying, I figure the more you keep trying, sooner or later its bound to happen.

You go Girl!!!!
Hi...Just returned mins later as I did it! Okay didn't quit smoking that fast but got the courage to buy the patches. I even looked at them yesterday and put it off yet again for another day. Something about these post made me feel I need to do it RIGHT THIS MIN..DON'T PUT IT OFF!!

I want to do this!!! I want to be a non smoker!..That's my mantra for the next couple weeks. Always felt if I could get over the hurdle of the first few days ..I could do it.

I need to take a nap now as all this excitement has worn me out. When I wake up..the patch will be on and no cigarettes. I will be "witchy" no doubt.

Good luck Marianne.... :)
It's that real desire to really quit that will help you succeed the most!
Good Luck Marianne!!!!!

Hop on the bandwagon, it's a good thing. Remember that we are all here for you. Smokers, previous smokers and non-smokers alike.

Let's keep up the good work everybody!
Come on Marianne, we'll all with you; do it for the sheepies. Do it for yourself; do it for us. We'll back you all the way. Lord, help her.

Barney, Maggie, George.
Just takes 75 days to break a habit!

Just take it one day at a time...what's 75 days compared to the smoking days since you were 9?

Best of luck to you, Marianne!!!
Good luck Marianne!!
Marianne, you've been through worse, you can do this!! Rant away - we're all here for you!
The patch will DEFINITELY reduce the effects of quitting, and they nearly triple your chances of successfully quitting.

Motivation is key, and you have that.

It wasn't easy quitting, but it wasn't really hard, either, once you put your mind to it, and with the help of the nicotine gum. One day I realized I hadn't thought about a cigarette the entire previous day. I knew I had it licked at that point.

I KNOW you can do it. It may be helpful for some people to NOT think about smoking or the smoking support group. Personally, I didn't want people asking me about it, reminding me about it all day long. Other people find it very helpful to talk and chat about it.

Choose your pleasure! Post or not, but know I am thinking about you all the time.
Marianne YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Sunday at midnight is one week for me, there were moments all week I wanted to smoke but they passed rather quickly. Tonight I found a brand new pack of cigarettes I didn't know I had...I am not tempted...they are evil :twisted: Rant, rave, scream ,yell, sing., swear whatever it takes to get you through the moment(I'm currently on the sing/swear part :oops: ) I quit for 5 years, this time I hope it's forever!
You guys are fantastic!!!

Bestdogs I remember reading you had been a smoker for a long time and now 7 days!!!!!! Amazing!!! I think you are so strong and determined and now the first days of "ell are going to dissipate. The rest will be temption but seems you've already come across it and it didn't affect you.

I must admit I haven't read all the post if I was scared to admit to myself I wanted to quit. Then that did one and got the patch.

Thanks to all of you for your support!

In the past I was like a raving metal case....and have used Zyban which makes cigarettes taste horrible and has a calming effect..worked for me...(although you can see I eventually went back to cigs).

The doctors office was closed so for now it's the patch and I'm gonna to steal Panda's Nature's take the edge off.

I used the same tactics I tried not to think about it all the time then it seems less important, so it was like it was.nt part of my life. if I was going through an iffy moment steve my other half talked me out of it. luv pepe
Way to go Marianne!

We're here for you!!
Ron, that is so funny! Brian is the same way...Do NOT ask him how he is doing.....but he asks me all the time...go figure...we went out to dinner for the first time since we quit and as soon as dinner was over, he had to leave...."I cant be in here...I smell smoke..I still want one.." thats the first thing he has said since he quit....
I am sooooooo proud of all of you. I am not a smoker but I have watched lots of people I care about struggle with trying to quit. Some successful, some not. I have read that smoking is 10 times more addictive than cocaine, and they hospitalize people who are withdrawing from cocaine. I have had to take several classes on smoking cessation (I have to try to help my patients to quit) and quiting smoking is like quiting drinking, it doesn't always happen on the first try. You just have to pick yourself up and try again.

It's NOT YOUR FAULT that you are addicted. It is the fault of the cigarette companies who manufactured ciagrettes intended to be far maore addictive than they had to be (by adding chemicals and increasing nicotine levels). It's the fault of the advertising companies who filled your brain from the day you were born with the message that cigarettes made you sexy, attractive and powerful.

But EVERYONE OF YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No matter how many times you have to try, no matter how many set backs you have. You CAN DO it.

The best of luck to all of you!!

A non-smoker who CARES
I can't begin to express my gratitude to you all. I mean that so sincerely as without this encourgement and the courage of those of you trying to quit - YOU are my inspiration and my motivation.

Thank you to all of you. :D

A BIIIIGGG Sheepie kiss from Barney and Maggie. My prayers and encouragement are with you Marianne, each day - one day at a time.
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