Maybe I'm really ready to quit this time, any suggestions?

Alright People! Now you have my attention..See, I promiced my future
daughter in-law & son that I would quit smoking when my grandbaby arrived..Well, he is now 2 months & one week old,and g-ma is still smoking..I hear about it almost daily....I have tried before (many times)
and only made it without cheating about three months...I do have some of those Nicatrol inhalers at home..Just waiting for me!!! My mother who has smoke for ever,has quit now for 5-6 months...I just start to panic & break out in a sweat (like now) just thinking about it.. The mental part seems to be my downfall..I get really short tempered also...(not physical),I find reasons not to quit..I'm sure I'm not telling any of you smokers or newly non-smokers anything..But, do you have any really good advice?? I really need to stop..Maybe I will do it this weekend..I am off work and it seems easier when I am not there..Dam, I really am sweating!!! Ha! Ha! :roll:
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I quit about 18 years ago and I smoked for about 18 years. I can only say that it has to be for you that you do it. For me I got Vanity! I also had a cough that I couldn't shake. When I learned that the fine crepey wrinkles on the face, usually on the cheeks were from smoking and that it was because the smoking choked off the finest blood vessles from feeding the skin oxygen, I got vain. I knew what those wrinkles looked like and that they were not fixable with a face lift, I thought, hell! What am I doing smoking anyway. Now each time I see a woman light up a smoke, I thank god or who ever, that I had the strength to quit and stay off of them. I did it cold turkey and it was hard, but I only wanted to do it one time so I stuck with it.

What helped me to stay off of them was to avoid the things that I would associate with smoking, I gave up coffee for nearly a year. I found that when I could drink coffee with out wanting a smoke then I went back to coffee. I found doing something with your hands helped to keep me from smoking, gardening, knitting, cooking, just about anything that requires your hands is a good way to stay away. Some people find they use a smoke as a reward for completing a task, find another reward and make sure it is not food. Get ACTIVE! move around, take up speed walking or swimming. When I quit they didn't have aides, but I highly recommend them, they may help you not gain weight when you quit or at least minimize the weight gain. If I had to do it all again, I would use the gum or the patch. Anything to not gain the weight.

Good luck to all of you who are interested, but my main advice is do it for YOU! Then you will stick with it.
I vacilate both ways...why I should quit and why I shouldnt...Im just being stubborn this time and not letting my husband beat me at the quitting game.....besides since I started smoking again my thighs look like jello and I have no ambition to work out....that needs to change...I want to have a hard body I guess when you break it down for me too its vanity....
Grandma- I just have one word for you ARSENIC!!! It can be found in second hand smoke! Do you want that gorgeous, precious grandbaby of yours breathing that, and all those other chemicals in? Of course not! You can do it- I beleive in you! You can do it for that grandbaby of yours, and you'll never ever again have to worry about his health when you go to pick him up or he comes over !

I don't really have any other advice, but I'm here to cheer you and our other quitters on! go Grandma, go Grandma, go Grandma!!! :clappurple:

Karen :)
:lol: Thank-you for the incouragment! I do have to say that nobody smokes in the house or around the new grandbaby!! Thank-you again! I am planning this to start saturday!! Keep me in the prayers!! I think having words of encouragement will also help..
Oh yeah! Had a scare this morning,Cable guy came to repair my cable..Left the gate open..Cody went running! Thank God, my son caught him...(big sigh of relief...)
Hi ,

I've been thinking about you in my own battle with nicotine. Like you, I've been a smoker for longer than I can remember. I didn't want to give it up..telling myself I enjoyed it.

Then for whatever reason something "clicked" the day I read all of these post. Took almost 30 years of smoking for that to happen. I can't explain it..and using everything out there to help me combat it.

Zyban and Nicotrol (Also Habitrol) on the market..increases chances of stopping.

Visualization- Picture a monster inside you that needs to be fed nicotine daily to survive. Who is stronger you or that thing?
If that doesn't work- look at graphic pictures online of damaged lungs, deformed faces and other causes what smoking has done.

Picture your beautiful grandchild always associating you with that awful smell on your hair and clothes.

Good luck to you!
<<smoke free for 6 days
Congratulations Marianne - keep on going. :D :D :D :D :D :D
Thanks George!! Your encouragement is much appreciated!

I still have cravings...but resist the temptation each time..dogs are all happy as I'm taking them for lots of walks (more than usual) :D

You could use the gum! I'm a big supporter of the gum.

If you do choose to use the gum, here is a way you can support while we support you in your quit.

Nicorette Gum Offerings:
Here are a bunch of choices for Nicorette Gum.
There are 13 different offerings here, they've just been sorted a couple of different ways:
Either choose your flavor, or choose your strength, you'll see all of your options.

Good luck! Let our community help you quit.
But first, Get The Gum!!!

Fresh Mint Flavor Choices:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Fresh Mint, Coated Gum 40 pieces
Nicorette Nicotine Coated Gum 2mg, Fresh Mint, 100 ea
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Gum, Mint, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Fresh Mint, Coated Gum 40 pieces
Nicorette Nicotine Coated Gum 4mg Starter Kit, Fresh Mint, 100 ea
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Gum, Mint, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

Original Flavor Choices:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Original, Gum, Bonus 170 pieces
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Gum, Original, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Original, Gum, Bonus 50 pieces
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Gum, Original, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Original, Gum, Bonus 170 pieces

Orange Flavor Choices:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Gum, Orange, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Gum, Orange, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

2mg Strength Choices:
Original Flavor:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Gum, Original, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Original, Gum, Bonus 170 pieces

Fresh Mint Flavor:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Fresh Mint, Coated Gum 40 pieces
Nicorette Nicotine Coated Gum 2mg, Fresh Mint, 100 ea
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Gum, Mint, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

Orange Flavor:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Gum, Orange, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

4mg Choices:
Original Flavor:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Original, Gum, Bonus 50 pieces
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Gum, Original, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Original, Gum, Bonus 170 pieces

Fresh Mint Flavor:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Fresh Mint, Coated Gum 40 pieces
Nicorette Nicotine Coated Gum 4mg Starter Kit, Fresh Mint, 100 ea
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Gum, Mint, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces

Orange Flavor:
Nicorette Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Gum, Orange, Starter Kit, Bonus 110 pieces
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