Tag has new owners...and I am so happy.

He is gonna live with old friends of mine. They just put their boxer to sleep, and then the old golden retriever also passed away. So now they are recently without both dogs. They live on a big acreage, with horses, and obviously love their dogs to the day they die.

They had a beautiful boxer, for 9 years, and the retriever I think was 11 if not more. Anyways, their daughter stopped by out of the blue, and we got talking about placing Tag. Their daughter told me about the passing of both dogs...and were looking to get another dog in Sept.

So I get to keep Tag for a little longer, and they come to pick him up Sept 5...I couldn't be happier with where he's going, and I am always welcome to visit. He will be living in Cold Lake, AB...approx 3 hours away.

Their daughter lives here in our city, as well as other family, so who knows maybe they can bring him over for visits when they come.
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Yeh. At least you will still be able to let them play together and see him. It's not that far of a drive. It's a boring drive, I've do it a few time.
Im so happy for Tag!!! Lots of room to play...and its even nicer actually knowing where he is going!!~!!!!!
I use to live there, so I was a frequent vistor to their house. I know he will have so much fun and be very loved, and who knows maybe the daughter will have grand children for them soon and he can kids again. That's the one thing missing, but I am sure they have friends that have kids.

Now I have to fullfill a promise to Madelyn, that we'd get her a small, must be female, puppy...that will be here forever, and doesn't kill guiniea pigs. I was thinking a Maltese, or a Maltese Shihtzu cross...almost had one for free but the lady changed her mind and decided to ask for money instead...so we'll see, I prefer to find one spayed, and housebroken, and gets along with kids and dogs....I do want to keep two dogs, but feel a small dog won't be an issue to Remy. Remy will always be my dog, and the small dog will be more the kids dog...I hope that divides up the attention needs better. Madelyn wants a female so we can put sweaters and bows in the hair, and well she just wants a girl.

Fill me in on the Maltese....what's good, what's bad, getting along with your sheepies, kids, should I find another small breed?
My sister had a maltese that is a very sweet, very affectionate little dog, but she definitely wanted to be the only dog and did not like children at all. After much debate, my sister (who had two small children and also a pug) eventually gave the dog to an older couple who pamper her and shower her with attention and the dog is really happy. I don't have any idea if that is typical for maltese but that was my experience with one.
My Baba had a maltese when we were growing up and she did not like kids. SHe would snap at us for no reason. My old boss had one and it was a pain in the ***. HE snapped at everyone in the office. He had to get rid of him after he had kids. The little bugger peed all over my suede jacket and briefcase one day. I just about used him as a football.
They are pretty yappy too.

Maybe a lapsa Apsa or Bichion instead?
casearoo wrote:
My Baba had a maltese when we were growing up and she did not like kids. SHe would snap at us for no reason. My old boss had one and it was a pain in the ***. HE snapped at everyone in the office. He had to get rid of him after he had kids. The little bugger peed all over my suede jacket and briefcase one day. I just about used him as a football.
They are pretty yappy too.

Maybe a lapsa Apsa or Bichion instead?

I would be livid if any dog peed on my suede jacket...did he replace it, or clean it for you??? I like the Lhasa, but they are a bit more protective, bark more, cling to one person instead of family. I like the personality of a Bichon, not the coat...I like soft hair, wavy, or long. I want Tag in a 8lb pkg.

Jo and Tasker you both have one...what do you guys think of your Maltese's?? Would you recommend them? Or a cross to make a sturdier dog for a family?
I'm glad to hear the good news about Tag.
I am sure he will be very happy with your friends.
I adooooooooooore my maltese TY. Joahaeyo has had one much longer and can tell you more. They are NOT APPROPRIATE for young children because they are very small and fraigle but once a child is old enough and calm enough (and that age differs with each child) to understand that, they are wonderful. Like any dog personality differs from dog to dog. A maltese will not snap at you or pee on things with any more frequency than another breed of dog, it is all in the training.

Maltese are especially known for their loving nature and are not at all snappy. They are "people dogs". But like any dog, some are poorly trained. Any small dog is going to be a bit yappy.

A bichon might be a better choice they are a little bit bigger (10-20 lbs), and less expensive. Bichons also have wonderful dispositions and are delightful dogs. A maltipoo would be the perfect dog, small but sturdy with a great disposition. From what I have seen they have have all the great qualities of both. I actually started looking for a maltipoo when I got Ty.

Maltese are very expense and I thought that a maltipoo would be cheaper. To my horrer I discovered that maltipoo are considered "designer" dogs and many breeders have the nerve to charge as much or more for them as for pure breds. That being said I did find some out there for a reasonable price so it can be done.

Another great option is a cockapoo, I have always adored them, they are friendly and bouncy and the cocker fur softens the poodle kink and makes for delightful coat. they are usually 10-20lbs.

I adore Ty and think he is perfect. If your daughter can handle a newborn kitten and a guinea pig without difficulty then I can't imagine she would have any problem with a malt.

Glad Tag found a home!!!
I'm glad things worked out for you and Tag... :)
I agree on the Cockapoo. After our family's OES passed away when I was 11, we got a cockapoo named Baxter (who we rescued from a pound at 3 mos old). He just passed away at 20 yrs old a few years ago.
He was a wonderful dog with children. Even when he was an "old man" and my son Ryan was born. They have excellent dispositions.
Also "not yappy" lol Baxter was about 32 lbs and just so cute.
Good Luck with whatever dog you decide to get :D
He cleaned the jacket but whenever he brought that dog in to the office, he stayed as far away from me as possible.
My mom has a Bishon, Ipsy....she is the sweetest and smartest little dog I have ever met!!! She knows each toy by name and is just plain adorable. She was the runt of the litter so she is really tiny..only 7 lbs..she still looks like a puppy....I got my mom to groom her herself...I think she did okay, of course still waiting for pictures.
My sons' Shih tzu is such an adorable lovable little fella. He's here with us most of the time, and he can hang with the big dogs or just lay around with someone. He is excellent with children. If a younger child comes over, he will lay on his belly and crawl up to them lol If they are older, they are fair game and get their share of kisses.
That's great news, Daisie! You'll miss him, but it will be nice knowing where he is and that he's being well cared for. :D
Thanks everyone,

I got in touch with a ckc breeder of Maltese, to see if she had any in foster care, or adult returned...Nope. So anyways she did explain how fragile they are, esp with jumping off furniture. My kids are very gentle with the animals, having the litter and pups were handle from the early days, so they know not to squeeze, and never never drop but to place gently back on the floor. The guniea pigs too, you must have a gentle hold on them too. I am not too worried about the kids and handling, I'm more worried about forgetting to set them down from the couch to floor when I get up for a coffee...or off the bed.

I went to the off leash park and finally saw alot of small dogs, and we went as a family. A shihtzu cross saw the kids and ran over to say hi, he sure was a porky little dog, but very cute. That's what I want, a dog that is drawn to kids, and enjoys their attention. Parker got to play fetch with a cocker spaniel...no other dog has ever returned a ball to the kids...they were so excited.

I'm taking my time, checking into Petfinder too, if I can I'll take an adult, but if not the kids would LOVE a puppy. She's been waiting a long time for her own puppy to walk, she can't walk Remy or Tag...but she was very upset when we told her 3 weeks ago that Tag was moving soon, then the guniea pig died...so her daddy said she could have a small dog now. He is no longer against two dogs, which is great for me. I've been wanting a small dog too, but wasn't gonna press it.

Our neighbours are getting a Beagle puppy...so it would be good timing then the pups will get to know each and not have fence issues. I also have to buy them a baby pup gift...I found a towel with a paw print pattern on it, and I'll get a nice toy or two, and a box of treats...or homeade ones. They might call him Gucci.. or Guch for short...haven't got it yet.
Hmmmmmm, I know malts are fragile but Ty jumps off my funiture all the time without difficulty..... so I'm not sure they are THAT fragile. But there are LOTS of small dogs out there that will fit the bill and I'm sure the perfect one is just waiting for you :D
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