Acting out

Barney has been acting up/out lately and I don't what I can do to help the situation. My husband has been out of town this entire month, so it's just me and Barney (and the cats). I work all day, so basically I just see him in the morning, lunch, then at night.
He used to eat his breakfast or dinner, and then as soon as he was done, I'd say, wanna go outside? And he trot right outside, and go to his designated spot. Lately, though, he won't come outside and I'll go towards him to bring him out (I know he has to go) and he'll run to the corner of the kitchen. Up until a few days ago, all I would have to do is walk near him in the corner and he'd go outside. But then he'd 'go' in the wrong spot in the yard. He knows the right place to go--for some reason he just doesn't want to go there.
Then, 2 days ago, I went to go bring Barney outside (he had gone to his corner) and when I went to grab his collar he snapped at me (which he's never done before--had I not moved, it might have drawn blood). He then reluctantly went outside.
Also, he doesn't want to come back inside once he's out. It's all very frustrating, but I don't know what to do about it. I spend as much time as my schedule allows at the moment...
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So sorry to hear that Barney is acting up on you. You're not alone... Bailey gets very out of sorts when we break his routine. Usually the problem is when I'm out of town - when I'm not travelling I work from home and he's used to having me around all day (even though I'm pretty dull, just sitting here working on proposals and software requirements!). When I'm out of town he's alone all day and he "pouts" according to my husband. He doesn't eat, he mopes around. The funny thing about it is that Tim got Bailey so he would have a companion when I'm out of town, and when I'm out of town Bailey is mopey. Go figure!

Barney has probably figured out that as soon as he goes outside and does his business, you're going to leave. So he's resisting to keep you home longer. Any way you can change the routine a little? Take him for a quick walk instead of going out in the yard maybe? I know it's hard when time is short. I'll look at Bailey and say "hurry up! I've gotta go work so I can buy more dog treats!" He just tilts his head and looks at me so I don't think he's understanding the financials involved :roll:
Barney has probably figured out that as soon as he goes outside and does his business, you're going to leave. So he's resisting to keep you home longer.

Sue, you're exactly right. And I'm not sure what to do about that. I mean, he does it at night too, when I don't leave (well, after last call I leave, I guess, to go to sleep). I am not a morning person AT ALL and have tried getting up earlier so that it isn't just a run into the kitchen and feed him/poop him kind of thing, but that's kind of what it is. Sadly, I haven't been sleeping well when my husband is gone (I know, I'm a wimp) but that doesn't help at all with the getting up earlier thing.
I come home at lunch to get a little bit of play time in, and then I have been playing with him in the yard after dinner for at least a half an hour (depending on the heat).
I know exercise is important in keeping him happy (or tired!) but it has been so hot and humid that I feel bad, but I don't want to take him for walks, thinking he'll burn up.
And, I know he is more of my husband's dog (that is, he likes my husband better!) so he could just be upset and mopey that I'm the one that's left behind! :(
You're right about the exercise keeping him happy-- and worn out. Have you tried walking him right as it gets dark? Although it's still warm, the lack of sun helps a lot. I've been taking Lucy at dusk and Clyde once it's dark and they're both handling the heat really well. Do you have a dog park you can take him to? That's a great wear out for Clyde!
Sorry to hear he's acting out. Whenever we break our dog's routine they get like crazy. I one of us does not return with the other, they start climbing up the walls, and usually I'm the one getting nips... "Where did you hide mommy!?!? Why she's not with you?!?!?!" king of thing.

Lennon is even more succeptible to routine changes, specially when we have visitors that disrupt his patterns, he get cranky and growls. Usually a good romp in the afternoon to tire him out and lots of hugs do the trick. Probably Barney feels left behind because your husband is gone, maybe palying with him and changing the pattern of getting home/potty/leaving will help a little, try staying inside for 5 minutes before leaving and see the results, that works for us when they get cranky or anxious because we've been busy and unable to go for lunch at home.
im sorry to hear about barney, walter behaves similarly when he doesnt want me to leave. he gets very snippy and guards the door. so every morning (actually everytime i leave the house) i get him a treat and reward him for being good and staying away from the door. you might want to try giving barney a small treat for goign outside and then give him a rawhide or bigger treat or even a stuffed kong when you leave the house. hell start to associate his favorite treats with you leaving and hopefully will stop moping!

good luck!
barney1 wrote: has been so hot and humid..........

Mine have acted that way before and I figured it was the heat. I also think they're just like us, "if you don't have to go pee pee, you don't have to go, so why go sit on the pot?" :oops: I did the coaxing, practically dragging, whatever worked thing to get them out. Then, I decided, "Hey, you don't want out, fine! You're the one that has to hold it longer." (pout pout on my part, I guess) :oops:

Then if they refused to go out, I closed the door and walked away. They almost looked like they were smiling and laid down. Next time, they were eager to go out.

We get grumpy when its hot and humid, so do they. Does he look at your husband as the alpha? May be trying to move up the social ladder while dads away. Maybe somethings changed outside and once he goes out, he realizes its safe and doesn't mind being out then.

I'd try not coming home for lunch (if he can hold it all day), check the area he usually goes in for snakes, etc........Oh, if he's used to spending most of the day alone, maybe you're interrupting his "private" time and he's grumpy about it. :wink:
Also, be careful about reaching for him if he's backed into a corner. Whether he put himself there or not, he probably feels threatened if there's nowhere for him to go. Coax him out of the corner before advancing on him.
I think Barney will adjust... my dogs have to re adjust to me working again every fall, and there are always a couple of weeks of different behavior. Right now Dancer is acting odd, partly I think because of hormones since she just finished a heat cycle and partly because she is jealous of Abby, the new addition. Dancer's way of acting out is acting more "needy" and sucky-ish. LOL We just give her lots of extra love and cuddles and I make sure each dog gets one on one time. Each day seems better.
Try this one: In the pack the leader comes and goes as he pleases; he doesn't tell the rest of the pack or excuse himself, he goes. If he's gone long (which your dog perceives by the change in your routine) then the dog feel like he's got to challenge you for the leadership position. If you have to leave, leave. If he has to go, he'll go. Don't say anything to him, he can't understand your explanations anyway. Convey the "I'm in charge attitude." He'll understand. I've noticed that when Barney reached the 9 mo age he began to challenge my position. I was told that at around that time, in the pack the dog is supposed to leave home and become independent; it was a natural thing and I had to reestablish my position repeatedly for the last several months.

As a grocery cashier, my schedule varies from day to day and week to week; my biggest concern was the dogs not being able to adjust to the different time tables. But it proved to be no big deal; they can't tell time. If the routine is the same, what time it takes place doesn't matter.
Thanks everyone!
I'm sure it is a combination of all these things. My husband came home for the weekend and Mr. Barney was an angel :roll: and my husband was like, what are you talking about with him acting out?
But he definitely sees my husband as the alpha so I am going to try and be more assertive as the leader--it's just hard when he is so strong and big compared to me.
*Sigh* Only one more week of hubby being gone...
AND it is way too hot to go for a walk. We have had a heat advisory out all weekend from 8am-10pm! Yuck. It has been 96 out with a heat index of 110! When I opened the front door at about 5 this afterrnoon, it felt like opening the oven door. Luckily the temps should only be in the 80s next week...
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