This is why I hate smoking

Okay, there are many reasons that I absolutely hate smoking. Most of my mother's side of the family are smokers and I had to deal with that very early in life. Luckily, neither of my parents smoke but I can remember helping my grandparents move and realizing that there were walls were really white after we washed all of that amber colored smoke residue off of them. Ewww, that's inside of you! They both smoked for over 30 years in that house, I think they even gained about 100 square feet of space after we cleaned the accumulated gunk off the walls.
My grandmother ended up quitting smoking by using hypnosis. Worked wonders for her and she never smoked again. She did however get that aftersmoker cough and never really recovered from it. She died of Leukemia that they think was secondary to her smoking history. (She would have responded to the therapy much better if her body had been stronger.)
My grandfather quit cold turkey. He made a deal with my mother that if she stopped using sugar in her coffee he would stop smoking. She agreed and he took one last puff off of his cigarette and never smoked again. That was the most amazing case of self control I have ever witnessed in my life. My grandfather also ended up dieing of smoking related causes.

The biggest impact that smoking has made in my life is that it killed my husband. Killed dead, they brought him back but non the less, he was dead for a good 10-12 minutes. He smoked for years and years and his blood already clotted quite well, the smoking ended up making his blood so thick (in a basic sense) and his platelets so sticky that he ended up having a massive heart attack which placed him into cardiac arrest. Now diet and heredity do play a part in cardiac disease but because he was a smoker it sped this process up by 10 fold. It also made his lungs very weak and prone to infection. Long story short, he was defibrillated (shocked) over 12 times to get a rhythm (let alone a 'normal') heart rhythm back and then he spent a month in a drug induced coma on a ventilator. The substance that they suctioned out of his lungs looked like roofing tar; color, consistency, everything. He was 33 years old when this happened, let me repeat that, 33 years old. That is the age of many of the people here and in some cases, half of their age.

(One of the first things he said out of the coma was "I want a cigarette." He was informed that he didn't smoke anymore! :lol: )

These experiences should be enough but I haven't even touched on the patients that I have had on ambulance that can't walk from their couch to the bathroom because they are that short of breath from emphysema. Or, the people who are now on oxygen all the time who smoke while wearing their nasal cannula. (Yes, smoking + oxygen = BOOM)

Work at this with all of your might. Dedicate yourself to it and please want it for yourselves as badly as we all want it for you. You are strong and able to do this and we are here to help you!!!!!!
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Since I don't smoke I don't know what brought me to this part of the forum, but geez Mandy, sorry to hear about all of your past with the smokers that you love/loved. Glad to hear your husband is on his way to healthiness, I'm glad that he was able to get a second chance.
This is why I LOVE our eldery,they are strong,they built this country,they have amazing stories,and did I mention how strong they are?What amazing ppl you have had in your life,Im sure I dont have too tell you how blessed you are w/ such awesome role models :D .

Your hubby....good for him!!!Some guys just dont get it,even after death,heart attacks,and other life altering events they STILL will pick up a smoke.

Thanks for your story it has made me put on a huge smile!! :D
I know there is uproar about this smoking ban but if it was up to me id have it banned all together.i know about human rights and its peoples choice BUT do they have the right to kill someone else through passive smoking, do they have the right to pollute the air with rancid smoke and do they have the right to make people stink of that putrid smoke, no they dont. if they want to smoke they should have to do it in a ventillated confined private booth that is out of the way of ANYBODY else. i know its been banned out of public places but people can just stand there in the street and waft a fag in your face and you cant do nothing about it!my nannan died of cancer just today and what caused the cancer, smoking, IT RUINS PEOPLES LIVES!SMOKING KILLS AND YOU DONT HAVE TO B SMOKING IT YOURSELF!and the same goes for drugs why should other people get hooked on things they would never want to do in their lifetime!the people who do drugs should be locked up and given a whole supply of that drug and just let them kill themselves, dont give them treatment just let them die.I know it sounds harsh but they can get other people hooked and if its their choice well, let em do it in private.I hope i got my message accross=SMOKING AND DRUGS KILLS, STOP IT!
Mandy, As an ex-smoker, I can really relate to what you wrote. I went cold turkey 20 years ago this summer. I just decided one day that I didn't want to be a slave to the cigs anymore and so I put out the one I was smoking and never lit up again. Everytime I see someone with one hanging out of their mouths, I just cringe. I ask myself, do they know what they are doing to their lungs, skin and over all health? Then I realize the information is available for them to read and learn from and they are adults. My biggest issue is when I see young people smoking and want to scream!
I've never touched a cigeratte in my life...

My biggest problem is when I see someone smoking around a child. As my father says, "you can't teach stupid".
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