Going Potty while on a walk

All you multiple dog owners: if you walk more than one of the dogs at a time - how do you keep your dogs from, or train them not to, or stop them from...droping their load while on a walk -- no I don't want to put diapers on them. I see people walking their dogs all the time: leash in one hand, bag in the other. I'm now walking both dogs with leashes hung over my shoulder, but even so its a bit awkward to carry a bag, and if I have to stop to clean up after one, they aren't far enough along in their training that I can tell them to sit - stay while I tend to the affair.
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It probably won't work for you because it's probably more of a chic thing, but I carry all my gear in a small messenger bag-- clean up bags, treats, water-- that way I have it all on me. The few times I've walked them together by myself, they both just stood calmly as I cleaned. I held the leash with one hand and cleaned with the other. Do you use a coupler when you walk them or separate leashes?

We let them out in the yard first to avoid that.
Not sure you can train them NOT to go when you go for a walk.

But I was surfing the net yesterday and I came across a bag (price $59.97) called a "sanitary bag" took me the LONGEST TIME to figure out what it was........ clips to your belt loop, has a charcol filter and comes in "fashion colors", you deposit your dog waste in it when you are out for a walk :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I thought it was pretty funny that someone would pay $60 for a bag to put dog poo in.

I've thought about making a coupler, but wanted to wait until I finish their present round of training. Presently walk Maggie on the right, Barney on the left. Maggie good about sitting when I stop, Barney still has a way to go.

I encourage them to go potty before we walk; but its frustrating when Maggie goes then, then when we walk she drops another load.

When you use a coupler, low long is it? Did you buy it or make it? I presume it has a snap on each end and a ring in the middle?

Any thought on timing the feeding in relation to walks? So far I tried different times but haven't discovered any direct connection.

Thanks for the suggestions.
You can buy couplers at most major pet stores. Also check online, JB Wholesale probably has them.


JB has them, go to collars and leads, then special purpose
Both my dogs go in the yard before a walk. I have yet to walk both at the same time tho! We need LOTS more training before I can do that. For some reason none of my dogs have ever done their business on a walk. Maybe because the yard has pebbles for them to go on so they are not used to the grass for potty.
Those couplers work well, they are about 2 feet in length and then you attach your leash to them. We used to use it with Merlin and the Chow,Chelsea. But only after each of them were trained to walk on leash without pulling. hmm Merlin seems to have forgotten this part....dont pull mom! LOL! We are 'reviewing' our training now.
These sheepies sure keep us on our toes :?
We usually get Barney to go in the yard before we leave, hoping that will eliminate his need to go on the walk. But still, 9 out of 10 times he'll go on the walk anyways. There is a spot near us that is acceptable for pooping--someone cleans it up weekly, so we just strive to get there before anything else happens on the way. Otherwise, if I'm alone, it's very hard to clean up by myself. He'll sit for a minute, but if a car comes by, or another dog, or another person, or a bird, or a dragonfly...you get the point. He usually moves just as I as trying to make a clean deposit into the bag :x
I'm just guessing, but it seems like it would be easier to train them to sit and wait for cleanup during the walk then it would be to teach them not to go on the walk. :?
I don't find that it's that difficult to clean up poop when taking Cassiopia and Baxter out. In the summer I carry extra bags in a fanny pack (either baggies or "doggie waste bags") and a larger plastic bag from the grocery store or Walmart that I use to carry the multiple doggie waste bags that are used.

Once Baxter or Cassiopia goes (never at the same time, of course), I put them in a sit (and sometimes they even listen to me) and clean up the mess.

It does take a little bit of time to get used to juggling the leashes and the bag....and we still get everything snarled up at times but overall the walks go pretty smoothly.

Good Luck

Jennifer, Baxter, Cassiopia and Sharkey
No matter how much prep goes into the pre-walk they still go while on the walk. :evil:
I just make them sit and wait while I clean up. They are usually pretty good about it. If you want to look on the bright side, it's also a good time to practice your wait or stay command.

There are also different kinds of couplers. Some couple about a foot above the dogs and then go into one long lead. Others couple at the handle so you have one loop/handle and two long leads. That style may be better for you because then you can give individual corrections to each dog.
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