Diary of a Cat(s)

A woman recently asked me to look after her two kitties while she, her husband and their two dogs went camping. I went faithfully every day feeding them, changed litter box and gave them fresh water. I also stayed many times to pet them and talk to them as I felt they must haved missed their uprights.

As it was extremely hot one of the kitties had been vomiting so I started opening the windows (with screens) once I was there, so the house could get some air. As a result I usually stayed aprox 45 mins as I couldn't leave with all the windows open. I was bored so I purchased a booklet and wrote a diary on behalf of the cats, titled "Dear Mom and Dad...what we did while YOU were at camp. :lol:

The first day one of the cats, Cocoa hissed and snarled at me when I reached under the bed to pet her. I think she was guarding the house and I was a stranger to her of course. (She wrote about how brave she was with that stranger in the house..ha ha) Her sister threw up and pooed outside the litter box on the floor so as the "Stranger" wouldn't come back. It didn't work the stranger didn't get mad but instead just kept talking to them. In time the "stranger' became familiar and they felt she wasn't so bad.

Eventually over time..they would wait for Marianne as they now knew the "strangers" name instead of hiding!! By the second week they even left her the biggest dead spider..not eating it but saving it for her as a gift!! They figured she must have ate it as the spider was gone after her visit..LOL! The girls became very vocal (both were Siamese) and rubbed and purred at each visit. They sat very well for grooming as they knew their mom would be pleased (They told their mom all about this in their diary)...each acussing the other of selling out but each loving the attention.

Last night their mom and dad returned..and immediately called ..after showing all their friends the diary. Ha Ha!!! Suddenly I'm swamped with request to look after other peoples pets as a result!

Who woulda thought my nutty idea may turn out to be another business in the making? Anyway just thought I would share this silly story.

Marianne and the boys
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How cute!!! All of us who love our critters and have to leave them from time to time know that while away we worry and fret about whether they are being well cared for. What a great way to show that they are!!! And what a great way for you to pass they time while you "sit" with them!!!!

Hmmmmmmm, maybe there is a childresn book in there somewhere.....
That's awesome. I would love that. What a great idea.
You are so creative!! I would NEVER have thought of it. No wonder you have so many requests! I'm out of town on business again in two weeks. Are you available?? :D :D
Marianne...thats such a good idea, and a nice present to come home to!! You are not only creative, but obviously, a generous spirit!! :D
Wonderful Idea Marianne,
It also shows what a good job you did with them and that you actually stayed and hung out with them for while.
Also that you cared. People would pay good money to know that their animals are looked after so well.
What a cute idea!!!
OH MARIANNE! You always have the best ideas! I think you should market this! I would love a story on GG when I go away! Maybe I can talk my husband into doing this when I go home to Winnipeg! :roll: RIGHT...when sheep fly!

You might have to quit your day job(s) :lol: And do this full time!

Colleen and Gucci George=>I have so much to say...I just need a translator! :? I'm not sure we would want to hear what Lucy (aka Natty Cat) or Jewel have to say though?! <=catty's that have been trying to move out since GG moved in! :(
This is a fabulous idea! Great job!

We're going away for 2 weeks in February, want to come house sit?
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the nice comments! Gawd I'm such a nut! ha ha!

Gucci's mom and Max..now I'd love to take care of your furballs!!
Then again....I'd have to find someone that was really good to take care of mine while I was away. :roll:

I don't know what I'm going to do in late Sept..as I'll be heading to LA for five-six days..and my son is going on vacation with my mom and sister to Hawaii...I'm already panicking. One or two is managable for some...I have 9!! Gasp! 3 dogs, 4 cats, 1 rabbit and a guinea pig (the bunny and GP are kept in a large outdoor pen which was formally a child's playhouse). So wouldn't seem fair to place them in a small cage to bring to someone's house as they have a huge area in which they are able to run.

Can't ask my mom, sis or son as it was weird how it worked out that their vacation starts the day before mine (They're going on a cruise and will be gone for 2 wks). I'm attending a magic convention, that for the first time will be held aboard a cruise ship from Vancouver to LA. (4 days and then will spend 1-2 days in LA. It's the weekend of my birthday so I got the ticket as a gift!! whooo hoooo! Still it's weird that all of us are going at the same time on vacations and all of us on cruise ships, but different ones.

Now there's a thought...trading pet sitting instead of baby sitting. Another future business in the making. Ha ha!

Marianne and the boys
That is such a cute story Marianne, and what a great idea! I bet the owners got a kick out of it too...lol....
I don't know what I'd do if I had to be away for any length of time. I wouldn't be able to leave my dogs with anyone but their breeder, but I don't even know many people around here well enough to ask them to care for our cats and guinea pigs. Maybe my little brother, if he had time between college, work etc....
Marianne, have you checked on line? I know that Toronto has a huge directory for petsitters and you can make sure they are bonded! I understand that this is tough, but if worse comes to worse! If we lived closer, The Guc and I (and maybe even our rescue guy...still waiting!) would be there in an instant! It sounds like you have a few favors you could call in!

Good luck!
Colleen and Gucci George
Hi Gucci's mom,

Hey thanks and I'm sorry you don't live closer either..most of you are so far away!! I was going to ask a friend to possibly stay at my home as boarding them all would cost me a small fortune. No wonder I rarely leave home..ha ha!

Marianne and the boys
Marrianne, I wanted to keep reading...I was thinking thise could make wonderful pet/children books....adventures of catsitting...Cocoa the Defender....

You have a knack for story telling...I can even visualize the cats...it helps to know siamese...
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