Introducing Monty and Family.

Hi !!

I found this wonderful forum last night, and didnt go to bed until 1 am ! such a wealth of useful information!

Monty is 15 weeks old,and going to be a BIG dog., his paws are like lions paws, lol.

We; thats Me, Mo, (Old as the hills) hubby, (Even older) Cameron (aged 9yr) and Daisy-may (aged 7yr) ; have had Monty since he was 9 weeks old, but it seems forever!.

I have had an Olde English many years ago, but so much has changed!, i feel like i should have had a 9 months learning curve like when your pregnant! :lol:

We have a couple of minor problems with Monty, but after posting last night on the Boards, I have had loads of help. (Monty is a Turf-eater extrordinaire!)

He also seems to scratch a lot, but have just worked out, maybe I have over-flea treated him and iritated his skin (I feel terrible, but i front-lined him as well as using flea treatment shampoo!!)

No doubt I shall be posting here regularly, I am sure we have many more trials and tribulations to come.

Hi to everyone ! Mo x
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It has been great talking with you....and you may have over-treated Monty :? but trust me, its nothing that we all, in some respect havent done..over-protective mommies :D

Welcome to the forum and cant wait to see pic's of the big boy!!

P.S. If you're keeping Monty that clean, I bet your house sparkles :D
Welcome to the forum!
Love your avatar, Monty looks handsome!

Hope you enjoy reading the forum, we are all here to
help! Looking forward to pictures of Monty!!

Congratulations on your sheepdog puppy!

A lot has changed from years ago, but its a wonderful
improvement for nutrition, health , grooming options etc.

One thing thats great is the internet and computers. Like the forum.
In the press of a button, we can exchange info across the Pond.
Years ago it seemed forever by snailmail to get mail
to my penpal in England. I love this technology!!!

Best wishes,

House sparkles !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Between Kids, Monty , studying for a degree, Ebay and the internet housework runs a very lowely ,.... well, i cant begin to think how low
it is in the pecking order, lol.

Can I ask, wheres the best place for me to post Montys pictures?

Mo (And I love all the pictures of your dogs! they are all such cuties! I am becoming OES obsessed!)
If your pic's are already down loaded into your computer, then it's easy.
(if I can do it, ANYONE can!!)

go to the bottom of the page, you'll see oes photo's...once in there at the top it, you'll see down on that....toward the bottom of the page, you'll see empty blanks with browse next to it . click on browse and click on the file that you have your pic's saved will automatically put the photo in the right slot... repeat for each photo...then you wait for Ron to approve them. Once they are approved, you can leave them in the photo area or move them to a specific site....
Thanks !!

(You are mega helful and have been quick to answer all my posts, so great hugs to you and Panda!)

Will try and send a few to Ron later this evening.

(After tea, bathed kids, fed Monty, put kids to bed etc etc etc !, lol)

Where do you all live?

I forgot to say on my post, we live in the Uk, in Leicester, which is a multicultural cosmopolitan City in the Midlands (sounds an interesting place, but its not, lol)

Someone did say on another post, theres another poster whose from the Midlands, but I couldnt work out who.

Mo x
The reason that Im so quick, is that Im at work all by myself and not Panda and I live in the sweltering heat of Arizona...I keep crying and dancing like an idiot for rain, but so far nothing, we did lose power for 24 hours...hotter than heck...Brian made me stop doing my rain dance, He says Im just a jinx 8O

(ps....just kidding about the rain dance...Im odd, but not
Hi Mo,

We have quite a few members from UK, like
Bob's Mum, but I'm not sure if Midlands is where she lives :?

We live in Massachusetts, it 92 degrees with high humidity
today... our sheepie has been sleeping near the
air conditioner today!
Welcome again, Mo! I fully understand when you say you are becoming sheepie obsessed - because we ALL are! Don't tell our bosses, but most of us check in from work, too!

I live in Pennsylvania with my husband, Dale, and daughter, Sarah (19), and, OF COURSE, Drezzie. We also have a 23 yr old son who has gone on to start his own life in Washington, DC. Our weather has been pretty brutal lately, too. Our area is known for its humidity, so when you get 90+ degree temps with almost 100% humidity, the results can be devastating. Thank God for air conditioning!

Our Drezzie will be 12 on August 6, and has been slowing down pretty much. She has hip dysplasia in both hips - we had her right hip operated on last fall but will not get her left hip done. Her right hip isn't strong enough to support her while she recuperates. It breaks our hearts, too, because when you look in those beautiful eyes, she's still there. Still gives it her all, too, bless her heart.

Looking forward to more stories and pictures of Monty!

Hi Mo! Welcome - again! :lol:

It's been lovely chatting with you in the other posts. I did some searching and found our other Midlands member. It's Pepe from Derby. Is that near you?

This forum is quite addictive! I'm usually at work when I post and you can tell from the frequency of my posts, that I don't get much work done these days! :lol: :lol:

I'm Tammy and live in North Carolina. I have two sheepdogs. Beaureguard who is nine months old, I've had since Christmas and Genevieve, whom I've just adopted two weeks ago. She's 21 months old. It's hot, like the face of the sun here right now. So my babies are hanging out by the air vents, too. :D
An official welcome to you Mo and your bobtail Monty! Welcome to the forum- I look forward to seeing more Monty pics, and hearing all the puppy stories!

Karen :)
Hi Mo and Monty! Welcome! Bailey, my husband Tim and I live in Arizona, about half an hour from Darcy (who is setting a very bad example for me today :twisted: ) and Panda (who is even sweeter than she looks in her pictures). Bailey is 6 months old and he's a bundle of energy.

Today Bailey was My Hero as he had to protect me from the landscaping crew that were putting in some new palms. He was giving them his best Big Dog Bark - "get out of my yard, Men with Shovels! I'm here protecting my Mom!". Then the crew chief came over to meet him and of course Bailey had to lick him to death. He still goes over and looks out the window on occasion to make sure there isn't anyone left out there who needs a lickin'.
An official welcome! :)
This site is addictive, almost as addictive as our oes!
Tons to learn, and the best place to ask questions, with so many members that are oes nuts too, someone is bound to have an answer! :)
I've enjoyed your posts and Mo sounds like a doll! :)
Welcome to the Sheepie obsessed forum :wink:
Warning.... Very addictive :D

Belated welcome.............(I've been away) to you and yours. What a handsome fella you have. This is a grand and wonderful place but WARNING, it is truly addicting!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: RON IS A PUSHER!!!!!!!!!!! He keeps us all OES.or FORUM DEPENDENT. Seriously though there are alot of great folks here and even greater puppies :D
Welcome to our house! My name is Paula. I don't have a sheepie yet. But everyone here shares theirs with me. Does Monty have a tail???

Paula O.
Hi !!

Sorry I have been absent for sooooo long,, troubles, kids and Monty..... do I have to say more!

Where have the pictures of our dogs disappeared at the side of our names? (or is it somethign on my computer who i cant see them? :( )

Monty is still struggling with his itching, really bad. Nothing seems to work, and he is now on a low dose steroids course, as well as antibiotics again becuase he keeps scratching himself soo bad.

Vet gave him an anesthetic last week and did some tests,.... so back to the vets this thursday for results...... bizzarely, I wont be too worried if they find something (as long as its not terminal!!), least then we will know what the problem is and can hopefully deal with it.

So,... how is everyone and there sheepys???
Mo, welcome back. the avatars are gone because Ron needed to do some upgrades. There is a post from him explaing it. look there
sorry about your OES hope you get good news at the vets.
sorry its in Members only
Thanks for that. I was a bit worried because I have had some pc problems (lets not go there!) , and i love all the pics of the beautiful sheps.

I ahve been reading around, catching up on the news. I feel like I am part of a big family who just meet up at Xmas , but have sooo much to talk about!

As well as learning loads of stuff. As Monty is growing, i recognise some of the habits/problems etc others have and its great to find solutions, or just to know your not alone.

One thing he isnt doing yet (am I tempting fate?) is counter surfing! Thank goodness, he is sooo huge, he'd clear the place!! :D
Welcome Mo nice chatting to you last nite. Look forward to seeing photos of monty.

Kim & Maizie :)

It was great chatting to you too!. and nice to find someone in the UK.

I have added my name to zoes ukfest, so hope that all comes off, sounds like good fun.

I cant post anymore pictures of Monty at the moment, I left my camera (an expensive one too!) at the caravan, will post them when i get it back.

The fireworks situation is getting really bad here, I am going to see if anyone else has any suggestions, before we all go deaf with Montys barking!!
Hi Mo,

I was sure I had posted my greetings to you earlier and was suprised later to see nothing ...hmmm musta been the computer gremlins that made off with my post. (Shrugs and acts confused).

Here goes again: Welcome to the forum!! You're going to luv it here! Friendly people, good conversation and great advice to be had here. Can't wait to see all your pics!

Marianne and the boys
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