Not quite an antic... Didn't know where this would fit!

I hope it's ok that I post this here. I couldn't think of another topic that this would go under.

Zippy doesn't really have many antics, except for what's probably normal sheepie behavior, but she does have the credit of saving mommy and daddy's lives.

To be honest, I can't remember when it was now, but I think it might have been this last January or something.

Everyone (mommy and daddy) was asleep and not wanting to be woke up. Around 3 AM Zippy started barking frantically. Not a *bark* someone is here but a *bark* *bark* *bark* *bark* and so forth. I remember waking up long enough to see that it was 3 AM and too early to get up to find Zippy barking at nothing. But Darron (daddy) obviously heard something in her bark and got up to see what was the matter. She was standing in the living room barking at the kitchen. As soon as he walked into the kitchen he felt this wall of heat hit him and noticed that the microwave was on and putting out one long continuous beep.

We'd had problems before in the past with the microwave screwing up when the power goes out and apparantly it had gone out in the middle of the night and when it came back on the microwave screwed up again.

We had a Wok sitting on top of the microwave with some old grease in it that we just hadn't found the time to throw out. We guessed that the microwave had probably been on from between 15 to 30 minutes, as the grease in the Wok was completely liquid and had actually burned the bottom!

Now for those of you who don't know, when a microwave is left empty and turned on, after a few minutes it will explode. Upon further investigation, we found that something that had spilled onto the turner of the microwave and is what had been "cooking" and kept the microwave from exploding. It took a lot of elbow grease to scrape off whatever it was!

Obviously there were other factors that prevented a disaster, but we both believe that if Zippy hadn't started barking when she did, the microwave would have eventually ran out of stuff to cook and exploded.

Since then she gets very jumpy whenever the power goes out, but that is to be expected. Every time I look at her now I can see nothing but love in her eyes and I can feel nothing but love in my heart for her.
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Thats a great story (not about your microwave, per se 8O ) but it is proof once again how great these dogs can be!!! Good for her, she deserves an extra treat!!
Yay, Zippy! Extra belly rubs for you!
Good girl, Zippy :D
I hope you threw out the microwave???
Thanks Zippy! You taught this old dog a new trick. Not that I turn the microwave on to cook "nothing," but didn't know that fact, so thanks!!!
What a great dog! Good Zippy! :D
Way to go Zippy! :clappurple:

I have to ask the same as Stacey, the microwave is gone, right?

Colleen and Gucci George
Well the microwave wasn't actually ours, but was going to be ours... we declined. o_O Although right now we have no microwave at all, I suppose nothing is better than the microwave from hell!
That's a great story, I love dogs that become hero's...could you imagine being awaken to a boom...I'd prefer a dog bark anytime. Never underestimate them, glad you shared the story.
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