Fireworks remedy Sileo


Just once I'd like to own a dog that doesn't go #### crazy with fireworks and thunderstorms. Kensie is the closest, but I still have a super Velcro dog (Get off my feet, dog) through the second half of the summer, from July1 to end of Sept, the last of our thunderstorm season.

Vet's sign board suggested Sileo for nervous nellies. I thought I'd inquire. It's a fast acting gel that goes on the gums and keeps them calm for about 2 hours, not drugged out but mellow. Down side is the cost. For Kensie it works out to $10 per hour. At another sheeper's suggestion I used 50% dosage and got 90 minutes of mellow dog. She was awake and listening but she wasn't reacting. No side effects, after 90 minutes she was again trying to hatch my feet.

In my wildest dreams I hope the treatments teach her the noise isn't a problem, but if not, I have the cure on hand.
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This is completely new to me. I will look at it and ask my vet. Is is difficult to use? You put it on with a finger? Sounds like magic to me - my dogs now both are reacting to storms. Luckily I don't have an issue with fireworks much because where we live nothing much like that goes on. But for bad storms it would be great.
And for the record it is TOTALLY my fault that my dogs react this way. I do take responsibility for that. I have an issue with storms now that I didn't have a few years ago, and they learned it from me. :oops:

Our first guy Jake and I used to sit in the garage with the door open and watch thunderstorms together.
So then we took him to a fireworks show. Ruined him. Cowered in a corner drooling in fear everytime a rumble from a thunderstorm was heard.

We felt so guilty. :(
Sileo comes in a calibrated syringe, dial the dose, stick in mouth between cheek and gum in back and apply. Don't shoot down throat, it is useless that way. The instructions say the get in the syringe is good only for 2 weeks, but my sheeper advisor says it lasts longer than that.

I'd try to apply it before the storm hit, but let's face it.......that ain't gonna happen. Takes effect within 30 minutes.....I'd say 15 watching K-dog.

I'm not wild about storms either, but I don't pace and drool, but I have been known to bury my head under a pillow or grab ear plugs.

Our very first OES, Maudie, went through a terrific storm with us when camping. She and I had issues after that.
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