Baby Recommendations: Help!

What brands (specific) should we get?

We were told after some research that it is

a) very expensive to ship anything to Alaska. poor

b) everything costs an arm and a kidney there.

so C) we have to buy everything before we leave in Sep/Oct!!!

strollers? do we get the new kind that has the carseat that attaches to it and he/she eventually grows into the other part? or is that too big? I'm so lost.


cheap but nice sheets, etc? what site should I use (definitely want dog designs)

Do I need a diaper change rack? I've heard mixed things?

best place to get cheap baby furniture?

best diapers for newborns ...brand?


swing set?

rocking chair? should we get one?

what else does our little one need? *confused*

(((hugs everyone for the help)))
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Okay, I dont have kids, but a friend of mine bought the coolest stroller/car seat!!! In the skymall magazine, yes, the skymall magazine that you see on airplanes. Out of that she bought this car seat that had a built in stroller. You didnt have to take the baby out of the car seat and put her in the stroller. It is also the only car seat certified by airlines for saftey. It has a pop up handle (just like luggage) and pop out wheels. I dont know how much it was, however, just for convience sake it looked and worked fantastic and seemed well worth it. Are you going to have a baby shower before you move?
no, we don't know anyone here in Oklahoma except for the couples leaving next week (started class 6 wks before my husband). I'm sure our parents will buy something after she's born, but that's it.

That stroller sounds cool. After all the plane riding for us lately, I should have kept that skyline magazine. hahaha. So I could check out the brand name and what it's called. :D
Personally, I liked having the stroller that you could put the carseat on - but they are a bit bulky. As for the Bjorn, I had it for all 3, but really only used it with my second 2 when I needed my hands free more to catch a toddler. I definately recommend a rocking chair - nothing better than rocking your baby to sleep. (just my personal opinion) With diapers, I think it's kind of trial and error. Different brands work better for different kids. My kids were butterballs, so I liked Pampers at that age because they seemed to have more room. When they started slimming out, I liked Huggies better. You'll find one you like best. Umm... I got my baby furniture from JCPenney catalog actually. It wasn't super quality like the Italian stuff, but it still looked great after 3 kids. I did use a changing table, but you can get dressers now that can be used as changing tables when they're little and then are a nice dresser when they're older. Don't know if any of this helps. It's just what worked for me. I can't even imagine what you're going to go through with the move! Good luck with your decisions. Whatever happens, you're going to be getting this great tiny little addition that will melt your heart in ways you'll never imagine!!

SInce my babies are grown my advice is pretty out of date . But I will tell you that you don't need any where near as many things as the advertisers would have you believe. Try to get things that have more than one use, ie changing tables that convert to dressers (the sides come off). Car seats that pop into a frame and become a stroller. LL Bean used to sell something called a "Dad bag" that was a diaper bag that didn't look like a diaper bag, I used it for YEARS long after my kids were grown it was a great bag travel with.

The one absolute essential is a comfortable rocking chair. I still have the rocking chair that I rocked my babies in (now I'm rocking Ty :wink: ). There is not baby swing, no stroller, no boucey seat in the world that cn substitute for sitting and rocking your baby!

I'm so excited for you.

Just last month I became a great aunt!! Now I'm thinking "yes", I will be a "great aunt" but in this case my oldest nephew and his g/f just had a baby. Haa my sister is a grandmother!! Egads makes me a great aunt. :lol:

Now the couple is quite young..he 21 and she 19 so they didn't have much. My sister and I thought we'd pick up a "few things" for them until the baby shower where they would probably recieve lots of gifts. LOL we went crazy in the baby dept!

It's been a while since I had my own, but you don't really need a crib for the first few weeks, in my opinion. I always preferred a bassinette with wheels so the baby can be close to you as they get up every 2 hrs for the first couple weeks. You'll probably meet lots of other couples that have children and are selling some of their baby items. Not sure either about the removable car seat..seems like a lot of trouble and I prefer the ones that are bolted in. If you were exhanging cars or riding with others than I can see it being very handy. Then again, it's been a while since my kids were small.

One thing I noticed with the new baby in the family you need tons of sleepers, washclothes, diapers and diaper bag most importantly. You'll also recieve some nifty things as baby shower gifts I'm sure.

Be prepared as it's going to be the most amazing event in your life!

Marianne and the boys
As far as strollers you know what the terrain is going to be like...if you get to walk on sidewalks or in malls the basic stroller that everyone has is fine. But if you want to walk cross country, get a jogging stoller (3 wheels), so easy to push through gravel, grass well as on sidewalks. We went for the cheaper basic stroller, then a double stroller, and I never got a chance to buy a jogging stroller...we did rent one and I LOVED it. Make sure the basket underneath is big, and you have coffee holders, and a toy bar or juice cup holder for baby. I LOVE the car seat attachement kind...nothing worse than having to wake a sleeping baby to move it to a stroller....and the car seat is light enough to carry around and sit baby down while you shop/eat/wash dishes...feed is the handiest thing ever.

Change tables are not neccessary if you have a bathroom counter long enough. Most people end up changing baby on a bed, the couch...we used the counter to be close to water.

Cribs can come in any style you want, alot of people like to convert it to the toddler bed...we bought a separate toddler bed and crib mattress. Again my kids were 14 mths apart, so we needed to do things differently.

Diaper bags are also over rated, I prefered a simple back pack. Take extra of everything, it's amazing what can happen while you're out. We bottle fed (not by choice), so I had to have a insulated bottle bag for that, and it was fine.

We used a bassinet and inserted it into the crib so we could still have a mobile. Baby only slept for the first couple months in our room then moved out to her/his own monitor's are essential. I like the pack and play pen with bassinets...if you travel they are awesome...and then later a handy thing for company's babies.

Toys are fun to buy, babies like black and white, then color, and anything that can be pulled apart, or shaken. We LOVED our baby swing. The kids were NOT fond of the exersaucers, or jolly jumpers. One of them like a bouncy chair and the other didn't. A blanket on the floor with a mobile was more fun for them.

We have consignment stores to buy gently used stuff...perfect place to buy clothes...they are also uptodate on what is safe...or should be. Be wary of garage sales, don't buy furniture that is old, or used too is your first concern. We also bought a rocking chair but didn't use it much at all...and now it's in the way. I should have bought a glider rocker instead.

We tried different bottle but the babies seemed to prefer the ones with the bag inside, also meant I didn't have to wash them out at 3 am...I could just grab and go....and less gas because the air was squeezed out. We had our kids take soothers, so they would NOT becoime thumb suckers, and then at one year they stopped with the bottle and 1 yr and couple of months no more soothers...worked out perfectly...for us anyways. But you have to buy age appropiate soothers...newborn size for a newborn....and lots of clips so they don't lose it...clip it to the shirt.

Diapers...we found that at different stages we preferred different ones. But we stuck with Huggies and Pampers...we tried Luvs and no name type but they were not smartly designed...good in a pinch but not everyday. For the imbilical cord you can buy the diapers with a notch cut out...or just fold it down. We like the slim types as well, and ones with a skinny part between the legs...easier for them move.

Get a cuddle bag for the car seat, so baby can be zipped up inside and you have a cover for their face for walking outside...they can't breathe in cold blasts of air...they will gasp. The car seat straps will fit though the slots and it is an essential for cold weather...and they don't need to be bundled up in a snow suit which is way to annoying. The cuddle bags are perfect since the baby can be temp adjust depending where you are...extra blanket, or the warmer type clothes they wear....if this makes will want to be able to have a warm car and not over heat the baby...and you can't adjust a snowsuit very easy.

Have fun shopping :)
Hey leanne Im so happy for ya!!!!!Ok best sheets for baby I love Eddie Bauer sheets,flannel is what i always used,but they have really nice cotton ones Stroller thats a tuffy,i went through alot of strollers due to me not finding that perfect one.I think you just have to go and shop and get a feel for what you like.Carseats are very important to get one perfect for your baby,one that is comfy,but safe.Ask your ped. that one he/she will tell you the perfect one,thats what i did and my carseat(8yrs ago)was very nice but not too pricey.My advice would to wash baby clothes in Dreft,the leading brands seem a bit harsh for a babies soft skin.Cribs now you want safe also,the best way to be sure it is safe,is IF a coke can,can slip between the slats it isnt safe,that means your baby might get his/her head caught,also make sure NO lead paint on your crib,but new ones now a days pretty much cover all that.However if you was to get a 2nd hand crib then youd want to make sure the slats are close together and the paint is safe.Desitn for diaper rash.
I cant tell ya how happy i am for ya!!!man this baby is going to beautiful!!!
I think the most useful thing I had was something similar to a carseat, but one that I just kept in the house. It could rock, had a handle that could be up for carrying or back out of the way. I used that thing ALL the time, when the baby starts eating pablum and baby food you will need something like that as they aren't able to sit in a high chair yet. It comes in handy more when you have more than one I think. LOL When I had my third, I felt like I didn't have enough hands. I would have him in the seat and hold his bottle with one hand, while feeding another in a high chair and keeping an eye on a toddler.
Man I don't miss those days..... lol..... I think it was a good six years before I slept a whole night through.
If I could change anything, I would have not had them so close
I have an excellent Evenflo Discovery Travel System which features one handed steering and one handed folding. It comes with a carseat, base, and stroller. The carseat can be attached to the stroller which is wonderful and you don't have to wake up the baby when you put them in.
I have a crib that had a changing table attached to the one side. It is somewhat higher than most changing tables which I really like and makes changing easier.
I used Huggies Swaddlers for newborns and have continued to use Huggies. I think there is nothing better than the elastic waistband. Really helps contain the messes. Hayley leaked through Pampers and Luvs...
I used Luvs with Ryan then went to Huggies too.
I have the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Swing... It's wonderful!!!
Here is something that is just great... I have a Prince Lionheart Diaper Depot It hook right on to the side of your changing table and holds a whole bunch of diapers and has side compartments for other things you will need Balmex...etc. Also the top of it is meant to hold the Prince Lionheart Wipes is this an amazing product. I wish I had the Wipe Warmer when Ryan was a baby. It really cuts down on the screams during diaper changes and in the case of boys....those temperature change pees.
A must have is the Diaper Genie...that is unless you want your house to smell like one big dirty diaper.
Remember Pricey is not always the way to go. My best friend who just had a baby went with the most expensive stuff available..then went to a saftey seminar and found out that my $139 travel system was 10 times safer than her $600 one. Also I have a Baby Trend High Chair. Not too pricey... I got it Toys R Us and it is one of the top rated chairs. The only downfall is it has a cloth cover... for this reason I would go with The Fisher Price Ocean Wonders High Chair...same features...but with a vinyl covering. Make sure the one you get reclines. The one I had for Ryan didn't recline and I couldn't put him into it until he was much older. I have put Hayley in hers when she was a newborn and it has wheels so I would wheel her into the kitchen so she could watch me when I cook..
I have tons of advice... So any other questions you can PM me :D
Everyone has already given ya great advice. My only addition is a bouncey seat will save your life! LOL My boys were colicky and it helped some. As for bottles & diapers, don't buy only one kind. Babies are picky and he/she'll let you know which one he/she likes. My oldest son only used the Playtex Vent Aire with the orthodontic nipple and my youngest son would only use Dr. Brown's bottles (expensive!). Both of my boys had to use Pamper's diapers because every other kind gave them horrible diaper rashes.

I never used a changing table. I honestly didn't see the need for one. I just used our bed or the couch. Our playpen (something else I didn't really use) had a changing table insert in it. A toy box may be another investment you want to make. You'll be amazed at how many toys they'll accumulate that first year and beyond. It's crazy! We seriously have 3 rooms that are full of just toys...and I just cleaned out their toys for the children & women's shelter. :oops: (yes, they're spoiled but the only "true" grandchildren & great-grandchildren on both sides--there are steps also)
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Since my babies are grown my advice is pretty out of date . But I will tell you that you don't need any where near as many things as the advertisers would have you believe. Try to get things that have more than one use.

I agree, you don't need all the extra's.

My best advice is not on toys, clothes and furniture. But, most of the new moms I know have been told not to feed their babies until they reach, what like 3 - 6 months. Help me ladies. :oops:

At any rate, a crying baby that is not sick, has been fed, and all else in life is good, is HUNGRY. I have had bouts with sisters saying, "The baby keeps crying, I've done everything. It's not sick. What's wrong?" My answer was always the same, "Well, feed it! Its hungry. Ten bottles a day is not gonna get it, it wants FOOD!" Their responce, "But the doctor says......." "Well, I'm sorry about that, but the baby's hungry, it wants food!" They feed it, and wow, baby sleeps, and so do they. :roll: :wink:

Good toys include a deck of cards, pots and pans, wrapping paper rolls (until it softens), the dogs tail (whoops, ours don't have em), anything other than the toys bought for them. Seems kids and dogs are alike, they only want to chew on and play with the stuff around the house they can't have. Only after they destroy "our" stuff do they play with what was actually bought for them. :lol:

My age will show here, but you might want to have some "real" clothe diapers on hand too. Sorry if I offended anyone, just my opinions. Good luck and have fun shopping!
mouthypf, Thanks for bringing this up.
Yes the Dr's tell you not to feed cereal until 4 mos or later.
I fed Hayley cereal at 8 weeks... She had such issues with gas and it really helped. Now that she is on baby food she is much better.
My niece just gave her Baby who is 8 weeks old cereal at 6 wks she is breastfeeding him for the most part. He finally stopped crying. Breastfed babies are hungrier more often so the cereal really help.
I am not breast feeding but it has definitely helped Hayley. The Dr's also say not to mix cereal into a bottle. I spoon fed Hayley it took her a while to catch on....
Moral of this... You're Dr is not always right. Mother Does know best

Yep, and each one is different as far as when they need something more substantial. I started feeding my daughter pablum at 8 weeks as well, and probably could and should have sooner, but I was young, she was my first, and everyone said not til 4 months. Babies do not read books however, and so she didn't know she should wait. LOL My middle child was a preemie, and very tiny for a long time, he was 4 months before he started on pablum, it was hard enough keeping him awake to drink enough formula.... and my youngest! LOL He was the biggest, and ate like a pig from day one. He started on pablum at 6 weeks, fruit at 8 weeks, veggies by three months. He ate his first mcdonalds hamburger at 6 months and had no trouble gumming away at it until it was gone. LOL
The length of time they are on formula or breastmilk really varies too. Depends on the baby and the mothers preferences. I kept my middle one on formula til he was 13 months and simply couldn't stand the taste of it
Oh my gosh. I really wasn't expecting all this wonderful advice. Thanks so much guys! This is very useful. To get opinions on certain or EVERY product. what to or not to get helps a lot. Most of the time I ask random people when we're out, they just say "Oh I had this wonder product" ...then stop there as if that helped. hahaha (not that I haven't been guilty of that with other conversations).

I am so inundated. I'm so scared of our baby getting sick.

I looked up monitors. We really want to be able to SEE the baby. I remember when I used to babysit, my biggest issue and the mother's was not knowing if they were playing in their room or really sleeping during naptime. So this is more of a bigger kiddo thing than infant, but anywho... there were 2 popular ones on One always overheats while the other (safety firsT) never works (the monitor). I'm so disappointed.

I hear the Diaper Champ is better than the Diaper Genie. Genie twist them all up, you have to use their bags whereas the Champ can use any trashbag, and air does not come out (less smell)???

Question: How do babies stay warm at night? I always hear, lay the baby on his/her back and remove all pillows and blankets. Even in alaska?? no way I'd be warm in a onsie.

I have to get a tub thing for infants too right?

If I'm breastfeeding, do I wear one of those bras that let "it" come out easier? husband isn't looking forward to those.
I had the diaper champ....NOT GOOD! You can smell everything.
I call the Genie the diaper decontamination
It may be more expensive with the bags but well worth it.
As for sleeping. A blanket sleeper will be exactly what you need.
They are the ones that zip up. For those nights when it was really cold I used to dress Ryan in a blanket sleeper with a onsie underneath.
Yes you want the baby on their backs... No blankets....that were the blanket sleeper comes in... It's PJ's and a blanket in one 8)
(Dopey me left a baby blanket in with Hayley and when I came in it was wrapped around her head 8O ) so no blankets
I don't know anything about Video Monitors. I have a regular audio montior.. A Sony.
I also have a sleep wedge. It keep the baby on an angle with the head slighty raised with cushions on each side to keep the baby on it's back.
As for the bra. Yes you want one of those and definitely stock up on Bra Pads so you don't leak in public 8O

Okay. Here we go. More than you asked for, but my number one concern when I had my son was :oops: How am I gonna know when its time to push? :oops: Told ya, more than you asked for. :lol: (Whoops, doesn't apply to C-sections) Everyone always gave me the same answer, "Ohhh, you'll know!" Well, they were right.

When asked (or sometimes not), I try to answer that question correctly, in a way everyone (including men) can relate to. lol Its like poopin'. :oops: When its time to push, the body pushes automatically. Same with having a baby, only the delivered product is much bigger, with a lot more pain. Sorry, if too bold. :oops:

Baby monitors, unless they've changed, are a good way for your neighbors to pick up your private "in home" conversations on their tv, etc.. so be careful what you say about them. :lol:

I know everyone says to place the babies on their backs, but in my day it was on their belly. Whatever, make sure the head is not in the same position all the time.

The tub thingy, well, I used the bathroom and kitchen sinks. Then, when time for the tub, sat baby on towel (to prevent sliding). A sick baby is a scary thing, but you'll know when to go into panic mode.

Remember your child will be no differant than your dog. She/he will "learn" at a very young age, like say, a week old, :lol: what it takes to get you to respond. Its like that movie, only its the baby that says, "if you cry, they will come."

Have faith in God. All will be fine. Enjoy your baby and let your baby enjoy you. Take lots of pictures, but don't forget: the 2nd 3rd, etc. child will ask you later, "Mom, how come you took so many pictures of ......, and not us?" :wink:
Just a little tibit, The first thing people want to do is grab that cute tiny adorable little foot and tickle it. Ever see a new borns reaction when you grab their foot? They pull it away as fast as they can. Not only where they shoved thru this terribly tight tunnel, hit with a cold blast of brand new air and bright lights, but..... one of their first sensations is getting a blood sample taken from their foot. They think its going to happen again. Resist the urge to just grab! slowly massage their legs and work your way down to that adorable tiny little feature. :wink:

for constipation or gas, rub their tummy's clockwise, for diarrhea rub counterclocwise

Congradulations! and welcome to this crazy wonderful rollercoaster ride called parenthood :wink:
One more subject..................diapers....................................... I hesitate to bring this up cause I know in this day and age it's unheard of but since you are going to be in Alaska and you said everything is expensive and hard to get........... Lots of us here raised our kids BEFORE the days of disposable diapers (or at least good disposable diapers). So don't discount cloth diapers entirely. They can save you a HUGE amount of money. Especially in the early days when you are changing diapers every time you turn around.
Ok- time for me to ask a few... I've been lurking, sopping up all this advice intended for Jo- but, hey I'll use it too someday! My mom used cloth diapers (late 70's) on my sister and I, and loved them- never a day of diaper rash. For those that used cloth, can some one tell me- did you use a diaper service that came and picked them up for you, or can you throw them in a washer by themselves, or do you have to put on the gloves and washey-wash yourself? How do you get them clean? Can someone who used both tell us which they prefered and why?

Jo- hope you don't mind me temporarily filching your topic :twisted:

Karen :)
Ok for some reason IM not logged in,however this is too keep a newborn warm at night,is swaddle them.My 8yr old LOVED being swaddled,she slept so soundly babies love it due too it makes them feel like they are inutro again.Dont swaddle too tight,but tight enough so that they are being hugged,your ped. will show you how too do it before you leave the hosp.Also flannel sheets(Eddie Bauer)will help keep baby warm also.I should say dont worry so much you wont make your baby sick,being a mother is something "mothers" are born w/.Your going to be an awesome mommy.Take a deep breathe and please enjoy being Pg,and relax!!!You will make all the right choices for your baby I can promise you that.Also I used the diaper genie also,and it worked pretty darn well.Dont go crazy w/ the really pricey items,just because it is more expensive doesnt make it better :wink: .Remember that.
We bought the diaper Genie, it was great for one baby, but we had two in diapers and it got tossed. Way to expensive to buy the bags, and quite inconvientent sometimes...we just tossed in the kitchen garbage and that got thrownout everyday. It only smells bad if you let it get to that point, it helps to bind up a dirty diaper tight then toss.

Diaper genie is one of the not necessary things...if you had to chose. Bathtubs are handy if you don't feel comfortable holding them in your arms while you wash them. Make sure you clean the necks and other crevices really well...otherwise they stink like sour milk.

I agree on swaddling, they LOVE to be wrapped up like that. If you keep the house warm they should be comfy with that...we used sleepers of different thicknessness, and onesies. Keep a little hat on their head if they feel too cold. We used a light blanket on them, when they are swaddled they can't roll around...we put them on the backs or the side for sleeping (supported them with a blanket rolled up to lay against the side of the bassinet)...then Tummy to play...

Get LOTS of leak pads, it's amazing how much you can leak milk...I had washable type ones as well...they provided better protection.

The best books out there are the "WHAT TO EXPECT" series, and the "BABY WHISPER"...the baby whisper will teach you what each cry sounds like, it was a lifesaver for our second child since I knew instantly. Instead of trying to figure it out.
Iriskmj wrote:
For those that used cloth, can some one tell me- did you use a diaper service that came and picked them up for you, or can you throw them in a washer by themselves, or do you have to put on the gloves and washey-wash yourself? How do you get them clean? Can someone who used both tell us which they prefered and why?Karen :)

I used cloth, with the old fashioned diaper pail. Make sure door is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS!!!!!!!! closed to room its located in!
Know of a toddler that was missing at supper time. Unfortunately, when they found her it was too late. She'd fallen head first into the pail. Had to much weight (water) for it to tip over when she fell in. She drowned while her poor mother was setting the table for dinner. (One of the other kids left the door open.) Sorry, just wanted to warn you of a potential danger.

To clean, shake off excess in potty, rinse. Place in pail. Soak in bleach water, when full, dig in with hands, rinse, throw in washer, wash, dry and fold. Start over. Saves a bundle of money. Only used pampers occassionaly when we went out, so I didn't have to carry dirty diapers around.
thanks for the info! Saving money and being environmentally friendly are good things!!! Good catch on the warning too! Baby proofing is sooo important. I imagine keeping the door closed helps keep out the err... investigative sheepies too :oops:

Karen :)
Iriskmj wrote:
I imagine keeping the door closed helps keep out the err... investigative sheepies too :oops:

Whoops, forgot that one. :oops: See, havin' an OES has already prepared you for motherhood! You're gonna be a great mom, already thinkin' ahead!!! :lol:
What's nice about cloth now days, is they have velcro...I was scared to buy them because I thought I HAD to use pins. On a squirmmy baby...but when I went to find them they have different sizes, and all velcro. But then you need to buy alot, for us 3 cloth diapers were the same price as a full pkg of Pampers. Also don't forget the plastic cover...some sell them with the diapers.

Consignment stores is a good place to find these...if you are tight on money. The cloth diapers are handy to have incase you run out of reg dissposable diapers, before you can buy another pkg.
Iriskmj, why would I mind?! Maybe I'll learn something too! :)

Tanya, thanks! I think the diaper champ was cheaper and got better reviews on amazon... but so far, everyone is saying the genie is better.

Okay, oh my gosh... I'm more overwhelmed now than before. The more I research...the more I get frustrated. Right when I think I foiund a good product, there's 1 review on Amazon that scares me to death (thus, avoiding it).

Strollers: Some of them, I can't tell if the carseat attaches to the stroller. They come together (w/the price shown), but they don't exactly say they latch together. Like the Graco Quattro Tour Travel System. ... ystem.aspx

Bouncers and Swings: Do I need both?

Swaddling: Do the doctors teach me all this because I have so many questions? ...and are you sure??

Cloth Diapers: I remember having to sew up all my baby diapers when I got older so my mom could use them as dust clothes. 8O

Playpen: Do we really need one? Or can I just hold him.her or put our baby in the crib, swing, or bouncer? Heck, or let her ride on the back of Yuki? haha ...j/k ...just trying to find out what purchases are necessary.

Is it so wrong that Yuki was sleeping peacefully... and I couldn't resist the urge to get the cat to POUNCE on her (by putting a fake mouse on yuki). ahhh... my husband is afraid what I'll do for amusement when the baby comes. :lol:

How in the world do you decide on a crib? Do I need designer bedding or can I get some neutral cheap color? They seem to be 165 dollars and up for a 6 piece. That seems like a lot for it not to even be 400TC.hahhaha ;)
Jo- have you looked at used childrens good stores in the area? I know there are "Once Upon A Child" stores up here- not sure if this is a MN thing or nation wide. I'd think they would have things like crib sheets and clothes for sale, that you wouldn't need for very long.

Which begs the question- what are good things to buy gently used, or to get hand-me-down, and what items are best to buy new?

Karen :)
I found that there was a crib sheet -- something soft that had velcro tabs that you could use on top of the crib sheets. My first was a barfer as well as back end exploder! :oops: I was changing that darn crib on a daily basis! We too also have the chain Once upon a child (IL) and I found lots of great stuff as our family grew (4 girls now... and one big oes BOY! -- yeah i finally got my boy!) The other advice to wait on the expensive stuff is so right... I can't tell you how much stuff we didn't use or the baby didn't wear. Just the basics, and lots of love! Good Luck!
Once Upon a Child is also here in Alberta...Love that place...babies don't wear stuff out. You can find great things at reasonable prices, but be careful of that too. Sometimes I find stuff a baby Gap brand new on sale, cheaper than the used store trying to sell an item. But they are worth checking into...esp furniture stuff.


Playpen...not necessary, if you have a baby proof room for them to play in, or travel is not happening (some hotels will have cribs/playpens for travellers). it is there to give you security baby can't crawl away and get into something while you ran to the kitchen.

Swing...MUST HAVE...they can be fed in it, sleep in it, watch you do stuff...we had them in the swing all the time.

Bouncer chairs...not necessary...swing does the same will your car seat (portable place to sit baby if you can't hold him/her). Again one child liked it and the other didn't...both LOVED the swing. We also used our car seat to feed them in restaurants, grandparents, is very useful.

Strollers with car seat...MUST HAVE...amazingly convienent, test drive them until you find one you like in your own price range...if it says all in one set then you can trust they work together. It should have a stay in car base too, so you don't need to fumble with a seatbelt, it snaps in securely.

Anything designer is not necessary, nice yes, cute...forsure, but not necessary, cheaper stuff will do the same job. Such as the diaper could just throw it in a reg garbage and toss later that day.

If you have a doll or teddy bear, or at prenatal classes they will teach you that. You lay baby on the middle of the blanket, and wrap the baby nice and tight...arms are tucked in, they look like a butterfly coccoon with the head sticking out. After awhile they want to move, and swaddling isn't neccessary....they like the tight feeling of the womb I guess. Nurses are usually awesome teachers, they will swaddle the baby and teach you about breastfeeding too. I had great nurses.

Check out ... tical=BABY

This is a nice stroller with all the features.
Plus they have everything else, and they can ship anywhere too I think.
I used cloth on my boys too some of the time. :) I used all-in-ones. They are VERY easy, just like a regular diaper but they're washable. I mostly used Kushies, some I made at home (they're easy to make yourself), or Fuzzibunz. You can see fuzzibunz (my fav) at: Fuzzibunz are a pocket diaper but they're still very simple. Not to mention that the patterns are adorable! Saves a lot of money in the long run too!

Jakob, Brandon, and Jasper's mommy
Hey again!! :D Before you leave the hosp. the midwife will show you how to swaddle your baby,the nurses will do that 1st thing once the baby is born.
Ok now swings,my 3kids all LOVED them,Id say a must.If your baby is colickey the swing will be a life saver for you.Samantha had alot of gas when she was a newborn and her swing helped so much.get a swing that lays back so he/she can use it when they are a newborn.I think most do now a days,and it will sit up for when baby gets bigger.Bouncers none of kids liked them,I did go buy Samantha a really nice one from gymboree,and she never used it.For me it wasnt needed,and she was walking at 9months old.When she was on the floor Id be down there w/ her,and Id hold her up and shes bounce like that,getting her legs strong for walking.
Just relax Leanne your awesome and you know it!! :wink: Hubby and you will be awesome parents,so relax and enjoy motherhood.You wont go wrong trust me.
Im just excited to see pics of this beautiful baby when he/she is born....hint hint :wink:
Thanks a bunch for the recommendations. We spent so much money last weekend on baby supplies. Dear goodness, that was WAY more than we ever expected!!!!

The sites you guys posted and emailed me the advice was very helpful! I compiled one list of everything I learned (copy and pasted a lot) and am keeping it as a guide when we go to Babies R' Us. I'm depressed to know we don't have that store in alaska NOR do they ship there! It was my first time there, and I WAS IN HEAVEN!!! HEA-VENNNNNNN!!!

I guess what I didn't take into consideration is MR JOAH. I tried to get cheap everything, but he's not having it. We're currently trying to come to an agreement on furniture (5-drawer dresser, changing table, crib) because he wants very good quality. I understand... makes perfect sense... he doesn't want furniture made of cheap stuff you can break with one kick. I just don't think we need expensive because I've seen lower-end beds, etc last through several children (when I babysat).

I think we're getting this

Crib: The Emily Convertible Crib ... FC-Froogle

We bought the GRACO Quattro Tour Travel System which I LOVE to death!!! ... 0001353000

Aquarium Healthy Care High Chair
by Fisher-Price; ... 21-4972655

Ocean Wonders Aquarium Cradle Swing
by Fisher-Price; Ocean Wonders Aquarium Cradle Swing

Sure Comfort Deluxe Newborn-to-Toddler Tub
by The First Years ... 21-4972655

...and a Swaddle Me and Bundle Me to keep our baby warm!
What I think we're getting this weekend. I put down what we are thinking about if there is a consideration. Otherwise, I don't know what to get.

For furniture, I've agreed to just go to a local furniture store and find a nice collection. He thinks Babies R' Us is too expensive or the low price stuff is cheap.

Cream for cracked boobs: Lansinol cream
Ear Thermometer
Humidifier - Vicks 1.2 Gallon Cool Mist 39.99
breast pump - medela or isis??

Mattress pad - quilted crib mattress pad 12.99 ... TLVUXKJ1C3

Mattress - Sealy Ultra Soft Mattress ... TLVUXKJ1C3

Changing Rack

Play pen – Pack ‘N Play: Ivy League (graco) – 89.99 ... TLVUXKJ1C3

Diaper Genie OR Champ - still confused

Carrier - Eddie Bauer, Snugli, or Baby Bjorn?
Jo- You might wanna check out the Hannah Anderson website... In all honesty, My mom is the manager in 1 of the stores here in MN- their stuff is pricy, but sooooooo ultra cute, I'm in love every time I go in the store! It holds up really well... all the stuff I got the nieces and nephews are definite hand me down material. They have some good old fashioned toys you don't see anymore, and the clothes are adorable, they have matching mom and child clothes, just way, way cute! Plus, they have the Sneezy Activity Dragon, which I want for my own :lol: :oops: This is a shameless plug- but it is fun, even to just look and drool!

Karen :)
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