Problem Children

Hello y'all! sorry for my long absence. Fiona and Fin have been doing fine, we recently took them to a dog park and everyone swooned over them :wink: Fiona did get shaved but as we're in Georgia the temperatures have BARELY dropped into their 30's (the average has been very warm though..60-70's most days)
Fiona has seemed to trade one problem for another, and Fin seems to have this behavior as well. They're both resource guarders and it's quite a frightening sight to see the sweetheart lip curled and snarling at any animal that get nears her food when she's eating! She's fine with people near her food but goes bonkers when a dog or cat even gets close to her. She's also not afraid to get a little pushy when I try to pet our other dogs when in the yard (and with two dogs doing this it can get a bit hard to play with Any of them!)
I won't focus too much on Fin as this is an old english sheepdog forum and he's a rough collie but he seems to have behavioral issues as well. He can't even have another dog in the room as him when he's eating without him standing over them and growling/whining. He's snapped and gotten in the face of my Frenchie twice now, once when he wasn't even near Fin's food. He is aloof, stubborn and the complete opposite of what "breed standard" collies are supposed to be. I have no clue how their family before us handled them along with their young daughters.
I'm really wondering if they really would have done better if they were separated, they say you shouldn't pick littermates as dogs and these two have been together since 10 weeks old. Oh golly, with all this it must sound like they're awful but there are good days along with the bad ones. We hope to get everything worked out soon :(
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I have a female rough collie that started showing signs of food aggression/protection around other dogs, but she is older and grumpier and maybe teaching the new OES female puppy some manners/boundaries. She is fine with people pulling her bowl while she eats. she is protective of treats and biscuits and rawhides. I stopped giving them rawhides but not other treats. just keep them away from each other when i do.
Harry started resource guarding at 3 months old. I nipped it in the bud with trade offs. I got woofers, which are dehydrated beef patties for dogs, and would started off calling him to leave the bone. Mark, reward. Than after a few reps, u would walk up to him, repeat, but closer. Than I would eventually walk into the bone. I eventually added the word off. Works wonders for playing tug too.
I also bought a bait bag. Half his daily meal goes in it. We use it mixed with chunks of rollover, to teach him to load up in the car, and as distraction training for walks.
In the past week he has done a great turn around, and I quickly learning how to earn his food and prause, has not reacted to leash pressure in the past few days, and will even give me his bully sticks, in trade. Boy those things stink!
He had been quite the handful with puppy tantrums, leash biting, car lunging, and barking. Now all is quiet. I do have to watch him like a hawk, but at 6 months old, he is an awesome boy with great potential.
And fully potty trained!
Now if I could only get him to nap outside the crate.
I used to feed 7 at the same time in the same room. I stood guard. The worst were put on the perimeter. Any interest in someone else's bowl immediately met my wrath......sheepie mothers can growl too. Jack NEVER tolerated anyone around his bowl, upright or 4 paw, but when done he'd walk away. We all learned to stand back and let him finish. Then it was COOKIE TIME OUTSIDE so uprights could pick up the bowls.

You may have to feed your crew separately.......different rooms, even in crates. It's not punishment but rather giving them the security they need.
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