We made it!

Jasper was the best behaved child on the trip. My 2 yr old kept scaring me, because he was constantly unbuckling my 4 yr old's carseat. He's never done that before, but isn't the best time to start when Mom is driving alone on an interstate packed full of semis??? LOL

My hubby got to spend all of Monday night and most of yesterday in Hawaii! Lucky devil. I was surprised he had all that time & he only thing he did was visit the Pearl Harbor Memorial. I knew that was the top of his list, but I figured he'd fit in some time at the beach too. They left for Guam yesterday afternoon, and I'm assuming they made it okay. He hasn't called, but I haven't seen anything on the news about a plane crashing either...lol He said he'd call today since it'd be late when they got there. :)

I somehow managed to take on babysitting my SIL's 2 sons, so I'll have FOUR BOYS UNDER FOUR all day for the rest of my visit! I'm going to be in a madhouse before this month is over! lol Not only that but my other SIL is bringing her newborn baby to spend weekends with us..well, he's 3 months old. Whew! I'm going to need the trip to Hawaii after this is over! lol

I have a question for all of you. Do you think Jasper is too skinny? That's all the ILs have been saying since we got here! He looks the same as he did in the "A few pics of Japser" thread in the photos section. I think he's the perfect weight...he's probably close to 70 lbs by now. They just have me worrying about it now....

Well, I need to run. I had a few minutes while my sons were sleeping...but I hear my youngest now. :)

Take care everyone!
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Yeah Gail!!! You are truely going to need a nice vacation all to yourself when you get home!! Two extra kids for a month?? Yipes!! What a great sister you are! The more the merrier - right?? Well, keep in touch! So glad you were able to get a post out to us. Oh, and I think Jaspar looks just fine!! :D

So glad you all made it safe to your family's home.
Looks like you will be really busy, so take care of
yourself. You'll need the energy to chase that crew around!!

Take care!!!!

Have a great visit!!
Glad you had a good trip, Gail! I think you're either insane or very, very nice to take on two extra kids all month! :lol: :lol: You will definitely need a vacation for yourself. :D

I think Jasper looks fine.

Enjoy yourself! Check in when you can! :D
Glad to hear you made it to your destination safely :D
Where are you? I remember something about your IL's being in AZ.
If you want to escape I am only a couple of hours away :lol: You could also visit your hubbies Grandparents which are about 40 miles from here :D
Jasper is perfect!
Gail, all I can say is Bless you!!! Better you than me :D

Jasper looks fine!!
Glad you made it. I think you may have "lost" it though. Four kids uder four? No way, not me, uh uh. I have enough challenges just keeping up with my almost three year old grandson :lol: .
So glad you made it safe and sound!!!! 4 under 4 8O 8O 8O Calgon take me AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your visit and keep us posted!!
Did you you shave Jasper down? I can see them thinking he looks small then because even a 100 pound dog looks small compared to when they have all their fur. Even if you didn't shave him, no, he's a good size. Tell your IL to stop trying to make Jasper fat! ;)
Jasper is fine. I'm convinced the more slender the dog is the healthier he is. You should feel ribs well. His body should be firm, no flab. It's the backbone that will tell you if he's too skinny. It is standing proud..well above the ribs or is there "meat" going from the spine onto the ribs. Forget feeling the belly.......that flab territory.

Now feel is rear legs. Are the muscles in the back and along the side well developed and firm? Ah. That's what you want. MO has thunder thighs from her mad running about. Jasper's vacation will hopefully give him plenty of time to run and build up those muscles. Like in people, fat is not good.

People over estimate what a sheepdog should be. They see the hair and expect a massive dog. Nope. The breed has to be light to be able to do their job running, pivoting, etc. This isn't a St. Bernard where power to plow through snow is necessary. Sheepdogs are more like greyhounds (well not that skinny and slender) as they are movers, not power dogs.

As for all the youngers......ditto what Darcy said!
Glad you made it ok! Sounds like a nerve wracking trip though!
As to Jasper, he is perfect! :) I'm biased of course, he is one of my favorite forum pooches....lol.... really, he looks great, he is a growing boy, and he may appear leggy at times when he's growing and they really fill out after 18 months. Even Dancer, my "little miss eat like a bird" is looking chunky these days and I was forever trying to fatten her up!
Glad you made it!! Jasper looks fine to me, he looks like he is an ideal weight for his age! Good luck with the kids!
Thanks everyone. Things with the boys are going fine - but I'm keeping them all day and night! They haven't left since Monday! lol I didn't realize I'd have them that much... Good thing I love my nephews and think I don't see them enough (although I've had my fill of them for a while now, lol). I managed to get 3 of the 4 kids napping, and the 4th is watching Blue's Clues, so I'm getting a much needed break! lol

My hubby called this morning, and he's coming home earlier than expected. He'll be returning to the US on the 7th. I can't wait to have him back home! I know it gets easier as time passes, but it's only been a week, so I still miss him badly. We just found out a friend of ours got orders for 36 months in Iraq! I just couldn't imagine 3 years. He has a 2.5 year old son - it just breaks my heart knowing how much he'll miss out on those 3 years... He's a firefighter with the Army, so I guess they're needed for the rebuilding or something. I'm sooo grateful my husband is in a relatively safe field - he works on the airplanes, so they try to keep them in safe spots.

Jasper hasn't been shaved yet! I couldn't do it, lol He is a mess right now though. He's not getting along with ILs dogs, so I put him in the back yard. He's been playing in the kiddie pool & then playing in the garden, so he's nothing but mud! lol He's having fun though. :) Somehow, he's not one huge matt - hardly has any to my amazement. I'm surprised at how well he's doing in the temps - it's been 100 here but he's still running around and active as ever.

Well, I guess I need to run. I'm sure there's some laundry that needs to be done or I could mop some sticky floors. I don't see how people with 4+ kids do this on a daily basis! It's so much work...lol It doesn't help that my 2 year old has been EXTREMELY jealous of his cousins & has been more clingy than usual to me. He is also acting badly! I'm guessing that's being away from home and his father being away. He is very scheduled, has to have his routine followed exactly or has a fit, and everything has been off for him. He got kicked out of the church nursery on Sunday, he has been acting so bad. I was mortified! That should give some indication of how he has been! I'm sure once we're back home, he'll settle down some. I hope so anyway! He isn't an easy child to begin with, but he's being more of a monster than ever now. Good thing he's so adorable and knows just when to give Mom hugs and kisses - lol :)
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