Things that go bump in the day....Beau

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep hair out of your OES's eyes? Beau can't seem to keep the pretties in his hair and then he bumps into everything! :lol:

Any ideas would be greatly appreicated.
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Not everyone agrees with me on this (especially if you show your dog), but my solution has always been to cut it. I LOVE seeing those eyes! :lol: When we got our first sheepie WAY back in the late '70's, I asked the vet if these dogs could indeed see through all the hair, as I had always heard. He just looked at me and very calmly said, "If you had all that hair in front of your eyes, could YOU see?" :? The advice hit home, and I've been cutting the hair around the eyes ever since.
That's what we do also.. When I was showing I put the hair in a covered band, not only could they see but it provided hours of "fun" chewing them out of each others hair :roll: I love dual purpose ideas :D
I also cut Pandas hair...but right b4 Christmas, I let it grow out a little bit so I can put a red bow on top of her head.. :D Brian thinks it looks stupid, but I think she looks adorable!!
Merlin, Panda and Blue agree ...Panda would look cute in anything! In fact Panda says if they date..kinda like Paris and Paris, he wants her to wear the red bow. :wink:

Marianne and the boys
We put a hairband to keep hair from Lennon's eyes, just twist the band around the eyes hair to let him see. He looks cute with a small ponytail!

I do use covered bands, but somehow they come out. :evil: I'm probably going to have to resort to cutting the hair around his eyes. :cry:
A rubber band is great. The trick is to make the knot tight, while keeping the roots loose so it does not pull their hair from the root, rather just keep it tight at about half the length. I'll send you a pic if you want.
Marianne, Panda would love to date Panda 8) You know how Darcy is a good guy canadian name...And D'arcy is a good french canadian name...well I alway thought it would be funny if I married a french canadian and we could be Darcy and Darcy D'arcy :D :D talk about screwy........Panda may put a bow on early for Panda..she smells right now 8O grooming date set for Sunday...Ill take a picture and see if it can entice Panda....
Sometimes I use a little spray wax and blow dry Clyde's hair back. It keeps it out of his eyes for awhile, though the longer the hair, the shorter the time.
Does he look like an 80's rocker when you do that?
No, I usually make it more into a mohawk!
I use hair clips. They are easy to put in, take out, and he can't get them out when he rolls around/plays with the other dogs.

He will paw at it or roll on the floor if I have put too much in the clip or have pulled the hair too tight.
To help get Benny's hair out of his eyes I use a non stick elastic band (i think goody makes them) thye are clear so you don't even see them when the are in!! Or I use a big metal barrette.
THe barrette can be seen in my avatar....
Now, I don't know about any of you, but my husband was very sensitive about what I used to put in our old guy, Bart's, hair. He used to say that it was too girley! :roll: I'm not sure what a MANLEY hairclip should look like? Perhaps I should ask him! Does anyone else feel this way?

I would use a hairclip and make sure it was black! Good grief! LOL

Colleen and Gucci George=>I don't have any hair to clip up! :oops: But when the time comes, I would like a big red bow, just to irritate Daddy! :twisted:
Hey Gucci, just make sure its a plaid bow...much more manly!!! :D
Oh plaid! Very Manly!!! Or maybe something with those sculls on them that all the upright kids have belts with them on it! Cool!
Colleen, really, how manly can Gucci George be? He kinda looks like a mammas boy to me....especially with the pink slipper :D

Personally, I think different breeds either look more boy or girl...but sheepdogs look like stuffed animals....gender free :D braid or bow him away...he'll always look sweet...hey and dont they put those silly little bows on even boy poodle ears??!!
OMG, I almost spit my coffee all over! I cannot let Grant see that post! Then he'll get all sensitive about what color GG's slippers are! Just for the record those were my slippers, not Grant's! :lol:

And ear bows...NEVER! :evil:

Colleen and Gucci George=>I am not a momma's boy! Well, OK, sometimes! :oops:
Do you plan to show him? If not, you can trim the hair near his eyes in such a way that it doesn't really look trimmed, still nice and shaggy, but he can see.
Willowsprite -- I love that picture. That's exactly how I want Chumley's hair to be when it grows in. Right now, I think someone gave her a terrier haircut -- on her face it is long in some areas, short in others. I love how rounded and fluffy yours looks. I think I will bring that picture with me to the groomers. . .
Thanks everyone. Willowsprite, thanks for the picture. I don't think I'll show him (lack of time).
Willow- who is that in the picture?! Is that not the epitome of OES cuteness or what?!!!!! I just wanna walk through the computer and get a hug!

Karen :)
Stacey, is that Dancer or Sky? I want a hug too!!
That's Frazzle, isn't it?
Can I pet him?????
Why is everyone's dog's face cleaner than Clyde's? Why do I have the dirty kid? only send in the pictures where Panda actually looks good!!! If you saw her now, You'd say....eeewww stinky dirty dog...bla!!

She'll look better on Sunday....Ironing and grooming..what a day!!!
That is a fantastic haircut, Stacey! I really want to get some training so I can groom GG myself! Especially since it seems that everytime I take a sheepie in for a groom, they give him some sort of terrier brow cut! The last one GG had before his buzz cut, I swear he looked like he had a mullet! :( Not cool!

This is a great reference photo! THANKS!

Colleen and Gucci George=>no more mullets, PLEASE!
I have a couple barretts with the harley davidson logo on the, brushed silver and black, i think that will be manly enough for tuc & bogey lol :wink:
Harley Davidson barretts! Now that's cool!

Colleen and Gucci George=>You guys are going to look so cool!!!

Not to worry. You should see Beau right now. Dirty face and red lipstick all over his front paws. My sister happen to drop her tube of lipstick and guest who found it? :lol: Did I mention, he had just gotten a bath two days before this happened! :twisted:
Pictures, Karen, pictures!!
Mmmm, I was thinking a more pale color would look good on Beau :lol: I can laugh only because it's your Beau and not mine :evil:
All 3 of mine have different styles of eye hair.
Norman will not tolerate a ponytail, clip or any other sort of hair removal. He rubs his head against the couch and paws at teh rubber band or clip or whatever until it's out.
Carl has the double ponytails. I like to refer to them as devil horns, it suits his personality.
Toby has the cutest tiny ponytail. He is a master at getting the nontangling bands out though. I have to use regular, little rubber bands. The best ones I've gotten so far are the ones that are usually used for cornrows.
I did find some rhinestone barrettes in a catalog. Maybe I need a girl dog just to get her the tiara hair barrette.
Sorry, too late now. My sister washed him up and the carpeting too. :lol:

I need to keep the camera ready to use. My fault. He did look pretty funny. :lol:
Well, I just shaved Panda and I have to say...I did a horrible, horrible job on her. I think I need to get my blades sharpened :? too late now!! She looks goofy and uneven...sigh...looks like scissors are in order to do some re shaping!! She definately has no need for clips or barretts..she has no hair :cry: Mommy's sorry...
OH Darcy! I'm sure she looks gorgeous still, how could she not! Gucci George says to tell Panda, that he is naked too and they will go shopping for COOL bangy things when it grows back!

Is she all frisky!?

Colleen and GG=>when I got home from the groomer, I ran and ran around the basement showing Daddy just how much faster I am naked!
Hey Darcy, the choppy look is in, remember!?!
Thanks everyone!! Choppy IS in!!!! Oh, she ran and ran and ran all over the backyard then she did it again after her bath... :D Anyone know how to fix a shaved "hole" in the side of her muzzle? I dont want to take her down to skin on her face...Naked is good, but naked and even would be better!! Her collar looks too big for her now!!! lol

and Colleen...tell G.G. "thanks for the moral support :D "
Okay, illustrations of eye-hairstyles. They were all being very goofy last night and wouldn't leave the camera alone so ended up with some face shots.


Norman with his hair down. He hates the camera but came right up for this one. He looks very 90's skaterish in this pic.


Carl with his double ponytails. He has so much hair a single ponytail just falls over into his face anyway!

And, Toby's tiny little ponytail.
how cute!!! I love the ponytail look!!
Very well done!
OH! I love the "horns"! That's the BEST! Those are great pics! If I'm not mistaken, I think Toby posed for the camera! Great smile!

Colleen and Gucci George=>I want horns with Harley clips Mommy! Stop cutting my hair, I want to be a Rocker not a skinhead! :evil:
Well, I've already given in.... I was going to be one of those self-groomers and let Bob go to full coat. When I picked him up at daycare today they asked if it would be o.k. if they did his eyes so he could see. He's 4 1/2 months and it's just starting to get longer on his face, but I said "yeah, sure". After watching how easily they accomplished this, he now has an appointment for a full grooming next Wednesday. Bad mommy!! He looks so cute now that we can see his eyes, it's like a totally different dog. Maybe now I'll be able to teach him to go down the stairs!! :lol:

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