Miracles do happen

I just took the laundry out of the dryer without turning it back on three times!

And then I folded it.

Took it upstairs.

And, are you ready for this, put it away!!!

Any other miracles out there?
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:lol: I haven't managed that one yet... lol.....
hey Jil, want my address? You could prove it was a miracle by doing it twice :lol:
Ha ha! Chances are it'll never happen again!

Good thing I didn't iron. That would mean that hell had frozen over!
Okay, so you're saying no drop off service? Even if I bring my own hangers so all the clothes that you will so carefully iron won't get wrinkled? I will even bribe you with lunch! Subway of course :lol:
Boy, I want whatever drugs you're on! The hallucinations are spectacular!!

:lol: :lol: You mean you're NOT kidding :( How about 2 subways AND a coke? And some cookies? C'mon I'm begging now!!!!! I even told Daisy and the boys, and you don't have to iron everything perfectly . :lol: You don't even have to iron the towels
Wow, that brought back a memory; my mom used to iron the sheets!

Ooh! AND a Coke!


I've managed to not iron anything this summer and not one person has commented on my wrinkledness. I think I'll go for a personal best.

I thought towels were meant to stay in the dryer until you're in the shower and realize you don't have any in the room!
Well, okay then :( Maybe I can teach Jill how to iron......
Good luck on that one...
See what I mean? Good drugs!
A girl can dream....
There was a miracle here today too. I finally got to take a shower before 11pm. It is so hard to get things done with a baby in the house....
especially laundry. And folding it...Ha! My dryer has been broken for two months now. I have resorted to hanging the clothes over chairs in the dining room. If I hang them outside they will have sand on them as soon as the wind blows, then I have to rewash. Geez... I have a check from the home warranty company to get a new dryer... I just need some time to be able to go out shopping and buy one.... That will be another miracle

Jil - must be all this free time you have this week while on vacation! :lol:

I had to laugh at your memory of your mom ironing sheets. Mine did too - AND the pillowcases!! 8O

Is anyone else here old enough to remember their mother "sprinkling" the clothes (in the days before steam irons), then putting them in the fridge overnight so that they'd stay damp and cool enough to iron the next day?? In our house, Monday was laundry day, Tuesday was ironing day. Yikes! I'm REALLY dating myself now!! :? :lol:

I remember my Mom sitting for hours using one of those ironing things with rollers, you fed the clothes through it. With 6 kids(5 girls) that was LOTS of ironing :D
I remember the sprinkling - my mom had a white bottle with a tan cap and the bottle said "Sprinkler" in faded black letters. She didn't put the clothes in the fridge though.
Okay guys dont laugh....Im 37 and I still iron my sheet every Sunday. Pillow cases, top and bottom sheets....I use my grandmothers sprinkler on them too :oops: Nothing beats ironed sheets....Id rather iron than dust!!!
:D :D :D (Laughing at Darcy) Oops sorry I couldn't help it! :lol:

Jil I am astounded you were able to do your laundry in one go! It's a miracle!!

I am always amazed at that black hole that exist in washers and dryers that sucks up socks..but only one at a time! Leaving me with an odd sock while the other is probably floating around in space circling the earth somewhere. Other peoples socks are probably up there too as a result of those black holes!

Just the other day I decided to bleach all the white socks in the house. This is a rarity for me, as they are usually just thrown in the regular laundry. Washing them and placing them in the basket as I was finally going to try to match up the pairs. Not having the time at that moment I decided to place the basket in my bedroom closet. Awww wasn't it sweet...either Merlin or Panda tried to help and they lay scattered and chewed all over my bedroom. :lol:

Marianne and the boys
I remember the sprinkling of laundry too! In fact recently asked my mom why she put the damp laundry in the refrigerator. Do you all really want to know what her answer was?...

I should keep you guessing, but I'll tell you.

She said so they wouldn't get musty or mouldy.

I have one for you all. My mom used to iron my dads "shorts". how is that for a hoot? Hell she used to iron everything, all of our clothes.

You all want to laugh, I love to iron.... but I don't do it all the time, don't have time to. I hate to dust and generally do house keeping. I would rather do laundry and gardening and cooking, but no dishes.....
Good to know Leslie, good to know.

:wink: :wink:
Leslie, I put linens in the freezer because when you iron them frozen it takes the wrinkles out in a snap!!! a lot quicker than the sprinkler bottle...I never heard of the mold thing...but I guess if you live near the water, you may get rust or mold......
Just reporting the facts maam...
So Jil, What is so good to know...

That I like to iron........ Iron for a lady and she will be wrinkless for a day, teach a lady to iron and she will be wrinkless for life.... hehehe
I know how to iron, I just don't do it.

Maybe I'll save it all up . . . .
I used to have to iron my dad's shirts and suits when I was little... I remember actually enjoying it.... but yet I have NEVEr ironed any clothing of my own, or my kids, or my husbands.
I'm not sure I would remember how if I wanted to, and we don't have an ironing board anyway.
Ironing is like meditation....it's quite except for the rush noise of the steam...and its monotonious(sp?) repitition is wonderful for daydreaming or thinking...I would iron everyones sheets for them, as long as they dusted my house....
I hate to iron! In fact, I have some clothes I never wear because they have to be ironed! Usually, I iron something right before I have to wear it. Otherwise, it stays in the closet until that time. I also hate to dust. However, since finding swiffer dusters, it's a snap! I like a clean, neat house but don't like to do it myself. I have someone come in every other Thursday and keep it up between times myself. Having cleaners is my gift to myself. (That's the way I rationalilze it!! :lol:
I hate doing laundry and ironing! My husband does it all! :D Don't try to steal him!

Colleen and Gucci George
I'd only try to steal him if he makes dinner and does the dishes :D
Oh oh! :? But I do the dishes! whew! :wink:

Colleen and GG=>I'm a very good helper with the dishes
This thread is a hoot, and I'm enjoying it so much!

I never asked my mom why she put the sprinkled clothes in the fridge. I just assumed (and you know what it means when you assume, don't you? :wink: ) that it was to keep the clothes cool and damp. She always ironed the next day, so I don't think it would have had a chance to develop mold or get musty, but who the heck knows?? On second thought, I have, on occasion, left a basket of damp clothes from the washer on the floor because there was something else in the dryer at the time, and left them there overnight. And they DO start to smell "funky" after a day, so that probably was the reason. The older generation were smarter than we give them credit for!!

I don't hate ironing, but it's not my most favorite thing. Heck, NOTHING to do with household chores is my favorite thing!! All those genes went to my sister, whose house is always so neat and clean that you could eat off her floors. You'd be taking your life in your hands if you tried to eat off MY floors!

If I could, I would GLADLY pay someone to do the house stuff. As the old saying goes - why couldn't I have been born rich instead of beautiful?? 8) 8O

Chris....hahahahhahahaha :D I guess its like the lottery saying
"you cant win, if you dont play"
Your story about Mom putting the clothes into the fridge reminds me of this story (from memory...):

A daughter asked her mother why when she made a roast, the last thing she always did was to cut the ends off the roast before putting it in the oven.

"Does it make the roast more moist or help it to cook faster?", the daughter asked.

"I don't know," said Mom. "Once a year we'd have a roast. Grandma always cut the ends off as the last thing she did before sh put the roast in the oven. I'll ask her about it next time I talk with her."

So the next day, Mom calls Grandma and asks her why she always cut off the ends of the roast just before putting the roast in the oven.

"That's easy", Grandma said. "We were poor."

Mom asks: "So it made the roast last longer?"

"Of course not!" Grandma exclaimed. "We were poor and I only had one pan and it was short, so the only way to get the roast into the pan was to cut off the ends."
Hey Leslie-

Just so you're well informed I live really close to Jil and have a really nice iron if I can find it :lol: Your welcome to borrow it, I could just leave it in my "never" ironing basket for easy access.
Iron? Gets wrinkles out? Isn't tha what the dryer and a damp towel are for?

Okay, I have two iron stories:

First we have house guests this week, 2 guys from a band that are doing an east coast tour with my husband's band. One of the guys asked for an iron today. (No I didn't offer to help, Domestic is a dirty word in my house.) He was doing a drum clinic today and for stage clothes they always wear suits so I figured he needed to iron his dress shirt or tie or whatever. Guess what he ironed? His t-shirt and jeans! I'm sending him to your house Darcy, I think you'd be a good match!

Story 2, (I think I can tell this if I'm delicate about it! :? )
While on ambulance, one of the crews responded to a call in a very urban area. They were met by some police officers on the scene who said that their patient would be a trauma victim from a domestic dispute; they were unsure what caused his unjuries. When the crew asked what happened, the man said, "She hit me with the smoovah!" When repeatedly questioned about what type of object he was hit with, the "gentleman" would only reply that "She hit me with the smoovah!" Finally, they had to ask, sir what does a "smoovah" do?
"You know, the thing you smoove the clothes with!"
I like the smoova Maxmm!!!!! So funny!
Ron, I've heard that roast story before, it cracks me up! It's funny how you just do what you grew up with , but don't know why sometimes.
Elyssa - You brought back so many memories with your shower comment! I remember telling my husband when my kids were babies that I'd had a great day if I made the beds AND took a shower!!!

As for ironing, I'm a last minute ironer also. And my bed is my ironing board, so I end up with little marks from my quilt in my clothes. My mother would be so dissapointed. She's also an obsessive ironer!

Mandy, my husband is a fireman and he comes home with stories that are sooo out of the park...some times i have a hard time believing him...but you go and prove his story again :D re: ironing...I used to iron Brians uniform, navy blue shorts and tee shirt, until he made me stop...the guys at the firestation were making fun of him... :oops:
Maxmm wrote:
Iron? Gets wrinkles out? Isn't tha what the dryer and a damp towel are for?

No, it's what buying new clothes is for. If something looks like I may potentially have to iron it, I don't buy it. I'd take it to the dry cleaners but I never remember to pick up my stuff and then I think I lost stuff until the dry cleaners call me months later to remind me that it's there. The few linen skirts I wear to work I just make excuses for like, look what happened to my linen skirt on the way to work, to explain the wrinkles. I don't know if anyone actually believes me.
Hey Darcy, my dad's a firefighter too. So, ironed uniforms were the norm everyday in our house. He uses the ultra heavy starch, which I could never understand, I think it helps keep them upright while they're standing around doing nothing. :lol:
Mandy, God forbid if you call between 12-4...nap time!!! and absolutely no calls after 8pm...nighty night time...If they arent on calls, the are doing one of three things..
1. Sleeping

2. Eating

3. Gossiping

:D :D :D :D I love you, Brian :D :D :D :D
Don't forget watching tv! There are some of the guys that I've never seen out of a recliner. I wonder how tall they really are? :lol:
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