Behavior Biting and Jumping

Looking for any advice regarding the biting and jumping up on me. Issues no bite sharply and when he jumps on me I put up my leg but nothing stops him. I am afraid he will knock me down. He is six months old. We let him run and exercise every day. Than you for any advice.
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The best advise regarding the jumping is to turn your back on him until he stops jumping up. I used the command '4 on the floor". It does take a while for them to get this. When they see us they are out of their minds with excitement. One thing that has really worked for me, and I just discovered it a few months ago, was when I am coming in the door throw some dog food?kibble out in front and away from me. The dogs love that game and it allows me to get in the door without injury. My husband works at night and comes in late and he gets deluged with 5 dogs all excited and 4 are puppies. I would suggest to him to keep a bag of dog food in the laundry room and when he comes in at night, throw a couple handfuls out ahead of him and away from him and their excitement would be spent getting the dog food and he could come in and get ready for bed. He fought me on it for a while and so one night gave in and gave it a try and low and behold it worked. So now he does it, but not every night, just the nights they are really excited to see him. Don't worry about a mess because there won't be one. None of my dogs have ever left a crumb behind. We also use that as a game during the day, it runs some of their energy out. The biting is a hard one. They are like human babies and explore the world through taste, so lots of mouth use and yes it can hurt. "No bite" is the best command and put an acceptable toy in their mouth. After a while, and it does take time so be patient, if they feel themselves getting excited, they will grab the toy themselves. My Aussie does that. It is great if you and your family can get into puppy obedience's great for all of you. It takes a lot of patients raising puppies, but in the end they are the best dogs ever.
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