Brick & I at vet ER. He ate some chicken bones.

Brick and I are at the vet ER right now. He might have eaten one or two chicken leg bones. They have him in x-ray right now.
As long as there aren't any big chunks, then there's nothing really to do. He should pass them just fine.
I'll update in a little while.
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He's back from x-rays. Have to wait for the radiologist's report.
So we're home now. X-rays showed a lot of little pieces in his tummy & small intestines. Doc was not worried about those.
But there's also a larger piece, maybe around 1.5 - 2 inches, still in his stomach.
Doc says the good news is that chicken bones digest kinda easily. But it's still a shard that could obstruct or perforate.
If he didn't have a full belly from dinner, they would have scoped him and removed the piece. But because he had a full stomach, they wouldn't be able to find the piece.

The gave me 2 choices, bring him home & self monitor (bring him back in case of vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, inappetance) or let him stay at the ER where they would re-xray him in the morning.
I elected to take him home. I'm hoping I made the right decision. The vet was no help in that decision.
I will probably stay up all night watching him. I'm a nervous wreck right now. I'll take him to my regular vet in the morning for another x-ray.
Don't know what happens after that.
That boy!!! Have a restful night both of you!
2:15 AM update.
He's been resting quietly/sleeping all evening.
Asked if he wanted to go outside; he jumped right up; went outside; peed & pooped normally.
He moved around normally while outside.

After coming back in, he kept going to his & Zeke's bowl looking for food.
He had a restful night.
No issues.

Can't say the same for me, though I slept on the couch with the TV on. I'd wake up every hour or so & check on him.
His activity level and disposition seem normal, too.

I'm waiting for his vet to open this morning for further instructions.
Went to regular vet this morning.
Took a few x-rays.
No chunks left in stomach; no piece bigger than 1/2 inch in intestines. No signs of obstruction or perforation. Good bowel sounds.
He should be fine. Maybe some loose stools.
It's always a worry, sounds Luke he'll be okay :phew:
:phew: :phew: Hope those last remaining pieces pass.
He pooped out the end of a bone this morning; the knuckle piece.
I didn't measure it. I will when I get home.
Hope it's the 5 cm (2 inch) piece they saw on the x-ray.
Good, alls well that ends well. If he has any residual irritated bowel, Slippery Elm Bark, available in heathfood/natural foods stores. Dissolves into a mucilage that coats the bowel, soothing it. Good for diarrhea is dogs and people.
This really is the only place I know where we all get excited about poop!
I'm thrilled that Brick is OK.

Just in case someone finds this thread in the future:
Raw bones isn't an issue. Cooked bones break into shards when chewed/eaten.

Our Jake once got into the trash and ate an entire cooked chicken carcass. No issues beyond a bout of the runs and worried, embarrassed and remorseful parents.
Brick ate a whole carcass once.
Years ago.

We had one of those cooked, roasted chickens from the grocery store.
The next day when I cam home from work, I found the bottom half of the plastic container on the floor in the living room. I asked my ex g/f what it was all about.
Her eyes grew big and said that it was the chicken container. I asked her where the chicken was. She said she put it on the floor so Brick could lick it.
Why she thought he would just lick it was beyond me.

Anyways, no issues from that.

In this episode, he had 3 small pieces of bone in his poop yesterday morning. Maybe about 1 cm each (.4").
The following 3 poops had no bone in them.
Kdog loves the lick out the bottom of the chicken container........and wishes I'd leave the bones there too, but no way! She's flying high if she gets a bit of the skin and meat.
Glad Brick is o.k. No more garbage surfing!
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