How long before visiting vet if dog has lack of appetite?

Hi all,
Brick wasn't really interested in his food tonight. He ate some of it (maybe half). And it wasn't all at once. Probably over a half hour period.
He ate his breakfast fine.
He wasn't really interested in treats, either.
Should I be concerned with this? I haven't seen this behavior before.
How long do I wait to see his vet if this behavior continues?
Otherwise, he seems to be acting pretty normally.
It was kinda hot in the house today (around 85), but I gave him access to the basement which is cooler. Plus I gave him a couple Benadryl's around 2:30 PM because there was a chance of storms today. There were a few rumbles of thunder today. He's scared of thunder. I fed him at about 6:45 PM.

I gave him a NexGard anti-flea/tick med last Wed. They say a side effect is lack of appetite, but I find it hard to believe that it would take almost a week to show up.

Also, lack of appetite could be a sign that his cortisol levels have dropped too much.

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First off I'm not a vet.

I'm always ok with 24 hours if hey' re drinking and not vomiting and acting kind of normal but Brick has other health issues and I don't know if not eating will effect his meds or means anything about his condition.
Can you phone your vet for quick check in re: symptoms?
Hope he's on the mend. :crossed:
He ate ALL his breakfast this morning like normal.
He was even pushing his bowl around after eating and looking for food in Zeke's bowl.
All normal behavior.

He never stopped drinking, no vomiting, no diarrhea, no other abnormal behavior.
Unless there is vomiting and diarrhea, or severely abnormal behavior, I usually let things go for about 24 hours before my vet call. And especially when there is a sudden weather change, even with the cooler area available, they're just not quite ready for it.

Glad he's feeling better this morning!

I didn't give him his Cushing's med today.
The vet called me back around 1 PM.

She said if he eats his dinner tonight and eats his breakfast tomorrow morning, start him back on his meds after breakfast tomorrow.

He ate his dinner tonight. Then he ate some carrots this evening. Then he barked for food so I gave him some. Then he barked for more food and he ate that, too.
He then went out for pees and poops, which all looked normal.

The vet said it's hard to determine just what causes a dog to not eat one meal. Could have been the heat, could have been the Benadryl, could have been the thunder. Or a combination of those things.
Appears things are back to normal.........maybe he sensed the storm? Has the vet OK'd the Benedryl with the meds he receives? Also the flea/tick? Don't want an interaction.

I kept die fors......type food for those who got picky or off their food. Mackerel was great when I could find it, tuna, sardines for some. If they turned their nose at the TDFs, then I knew something was amiss.

Not a problem here, everything is a TDF.
Hi Susan,
Yes, I checked with his internist to make sure there were no contraindications between any of the meds I give him.
I even checked with the manufacturers of the flea/tick med and the Cushing's med.

No known contraindications.
Glad to hear all seems back to normal.
:crossed: it stays that way.
He ate his breakfast AND dinner just fine today.

I gave him his Cushing med right after breakfast this morning.
It sound like he's back to normal, which is a relief. I'm with the other's, I don't get too concerned if they miss one meal and show no other symptoms. Declan is like that, he'll get up in the morning and not want to eat breakfast. So I set it up and away so Helene doesn't eat it and offer it to him through out the morning. Usually by dinner time he's ready to eat. Benadryl will take your appetite away, at least in my own personal experience and make you feel kinda crappy as well.
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