Puppy kennel behaviour in car and long sleeping nights.

Any advice would be appreciated. I have researched and read everything I can find. I just don't know what to do to improve the problems and if I can make them worse.

My puppy has some new kennel habits. She wont get out of the car and sleeps in it long nights (12 hours).
She has no health issues, all her shots and deworm pills. She is a purebred and she was checked by a retired Kennel Club Obedience judge for her temperament and advice with a teething pup during her first week home. This is my 3rd OES and the other ones were older. There hasn't been any changes at home or other stress/schedule that may cause this.

This puppy loves car rides, the vet, groomer, pet store and day care. About 2 weeks ago, she stopped getting out of the car. She lays down in her kennel. If she gets onto the road, she lays down or pulls on her leash. I take another family member help and she does the same thing. Should I be picking her up or dragging her out gently?

If she see someone go into the business, she jumps up to follow. Yesterday, I had to finally call the daycare and say we cant come today. She wont move for 20 minutes. If I grab her, she thinks its play and can get chewy. I don't want to make her kennel a negative place. I have tried treats and other ideas. No luck. A staff member came to the car to ask her to come play. She jumped up, wiggled her bum, leaped out of the car and went inside. After the appointments, she jumps right into her kennel in the car and lays down. She jumps out when we get home.

She sleeps in her kennel at night and sometimes in the day for a nap. She started scratching the sides and rocking the kennel for a few minutes at bed time. At first, I was worried she would get sick. Then she lays down in 2-5 mins and sleeps till morning. If she needs a late night pee break, she goes right out and back in her kennel. She wont go into a kennel at daycare.

I cleaned the kennel and the toys then threw in an old sock. The kennel is the right size for her. She goes in and out during the day for short naps. We have gone through all the stages as she grew. The crying, howling and refusing to go in. Last month, she got sick in the car twice in her kennel. One for a vet appointment and the other at the groomers. She attended both appointments and was fine. Her behavior didn't change then. She didn't have enough time to wake up, eat and digest before the 9 am appointments. I book afternoon appointments until we get back on schedule.

I don't know why her sleeping habit has changed. For over 2 months, she would get up between 5-8 am and go to sleep at 10 pm with lots of naps in the day but the past 3 weeks, its tough to get her up before 10 am. She usually ate her food before I put down the water. She will leave breakfast and sometimes lunch. She is not filling up on treats. I think she just new food. Her weight has been an issue since I got her. She was low weight and had trouble gaining. She is 38 lbs. I know puppies sleep long hours but should I be concerned that she starts sleeping at 8-9 pm. I open her kennel, start breakfast and wait for her to wake up to play. I don't think she is sleeping all these hours. I have a pet camera to check on her. She is awake until midnight most nights.

Next week, we start obedience classes. I hope that will help me solve these issues. She gets lots of exercise, socialization, new experience, fun, days off and rest. She just started daycare for 5-6 hours, 2-3 days just to have some playdates and exercise. I thought it would help her appetite. Not yet. Does she need this amount of night rest during a growth phase? She has no issues with kids, people or animals. Any advice will be helpful. I can lift her into the appointments until she changes but I don't want her to stop wanting to go any appointments. Thanks.
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How is it now?
Puppies are always changing. When they are going through growth spurts they do seem to sleep longer hours. Mickey Finn lays down at 8:00 and sleeps until 3:30 in the morning when Chuck gets home from work. Even though Mickey has been out of his crate at night for a week, Chuck still takes him out to the potty at night, it's a habit. I've left the kennel in the bedroom for now, just in case he wants to use it with the door open. Helene has gone in ii a time a two and laid down. Mickey Finn had gotten to the point where he knew how to open the kennel from the inside. They are too smart sometimes. Their feeding will also change, sometimes they skip breakfast, sometimes want it later, you just never know. If I see it too many morning in a row I change their dog food or add something into it like beef/chicken broth, an egg or anything they consider a treat. I hope all is going well with your pup.
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