Lets hear it for the sheepies

Just quickly glancing over the subject headers in the behavior section one might get the impression that having an OES is a chore and a laborious venture. Lets make a thread about the GOOD things, the true reasons why we share our homes with our OES pups and dogs.

When I look into the eyes of my Frodo I see pure and unadulterated benevolence. Unconditional love in the purest sense of the word. Simply being around him fills my spirit and makes me feel more relaxed and at ease with the world. Petting and playing with him is akin to a two week vacation. That’s how much he affects me in a positive manner.

So, lets here it for our wonderful dogs. Give them a hand (Just make sure they don’t nibble on it)
, they deserve it.

Oh, and just in case my cats see this post. You guys deserve a hand as well.
Respond to this topic here on forum.oes.org  
Here, Here for SheepDogs!

Sharing my life for the last 8 plus years with my dear sweet Tyler has been the best! Looking into his eyes, I see the love and adoration he has for me, I only hope that he see's what I have for him. He is dear and sweet and the most loving little character I have ever know. Tyler is at an age now where he requires quite a bit more assistance with the day to day events, but I don't mind at all, I only need to think of all the love and support he has given me, and it's no chore at all.

Gabriel, thanks for thinking of this thread idea, it's a good one.
This may sound corny, but, my heart actually melts when I look at Panda. She is all love. She is the second best thing that has ever happened to me (Brian being first :D ) She is a licker, a nipper, and a spaz....and she is all mine!!!!! Yeah for sheepies!!! There is no better breed!!
Agreed - there is no better breed - certainly not for me, anyway. Sometimes when I'm hugging them, I think, "It's amazing how much I love this dog!" :D

I couldn't begin to start my day without sheepie kisses & hugs. :D

And there is nothing like having a lap full of sheepdogs!! :lol:

My SIL said it best when she first saw him, "Just looking at him makes me happy". I couldn't have said it better myself! :wink:
You know, as I was cleaning Bob's butt in the tub the other night after he had been sick, I was kind of overwhelmed at how much I loved him. I know with my kids I wouldn't think twice about anything like that, but I find myself more and more every day just doing things I would never dream of (and my husband would never dream of seeing me do :lol: ). And there's nothing better than those sheepie hugs from the big fuzzy guys!!!!!! (or the purring head butts I get from my kitties!! :lol: )

I travel a lot for work, and my husband always brings Bailey along to the airport when I come home from a trip. No matter how yucky my travel experience has been (and it's always some degree of "bad"), it always makes me smile to see the truck pull up with my wiggly Bailey, all excited to see me. Then I get licked all the way home. You can't ask for a better homecoming than that :D
Who else is ALWAYS glad to see you? When you're tired and crabby and hate everything? Who else lets you sing silly songs in a terrible voice and wiggles with excitement because it's just for them? Who else puts all their trust in you and asks only to be loved in return? I have always said my dogs have given me far more than I have given them
I couldn't agree more! Gucci George is the love of my life (sorry Grant=>husband) and I look forward to every day with him! I still mourn the loss of Bart, our last sheepie, which just makes me remember how fast time goes!

Cheers to all the sheepies!

Colleen and Gucci George=>I wish mommy would stop kissing my nose all the time!
I so totally agree with what everyone has said. Drezzie is our world. She is so loving and caring, and even now in her declining and infirmed years, she still tries to please us first. Remembering her antics over these past 10 years (that we've had her) would fill an encyclopedia, and each one warms the heart like nothing else can.

The hurt of losing Buford, our first sheepie, in 1994 is still there, and I still cry when I think of his last day with us. I dread the first day in our home when there's no Drez. My heart hurts just thinking about it.

Even though we go through such pain when we lose our babies, I know each of us would willingly do it all over again (and most of us have) because we know that there is no other love in the world like that of a sheepdog for his owners.

I love having Winston. He has been so much fun to have. I love taking him for walks and car rides. He has many different expressions on his face and I can tell how he is feeling just by looking at him. He makes the house happy because he is always happy and is always waiting for something to happen and join in on the fun. He does silly things that make us laugh. I like the way he follows me around the house and wants to get involved in whatever I'm doing. I am amazed at how many words and sentences he understands.
Sheepdogs are wonderful!
lick, lick, lick,
nip, nip, nip,
jump, jump, jump,
let's have some fun!
I do not have a sheepie now (I do not have the money to support one and the apartment I live in has this really annoying "no pets other than a fish" rule) but my parents have one and he is so happy all the time and makes others happy so I call him the "puffball of prozac" sometimes.
:lol: "puffball of prozac" :lol:

That was so funny. Here is what I have to say to anyone who could ever possibly think that owning a sheepie would be to laboreous, I rescued a sheepie who lived in the most horrible circumstances from puppyhood, they hit him, didn't bathe or brush him, but the only complaints from my children and husband are "he licks us too much" and "he won't sit still". My responses are he loves us and is so excited that he has us.

My baby Kobe is only 22 months old, a toddler who is experiencing the world just as any happy toddler would. No matter who you are and how your sheepie is, they are just ball of fur and love, no harder to care for than a toddler or teenage female human.
Being a former(very former) teenage female I can say with authority OES are easier :lol:
I have had many different breed dogs, but nothing compares to a Sheepdog. He has so much love for my family & I. I was driving home the other day from my mother's house and looked in the rear view mirror and saw Pepsi with his head resting on the side of my 5 mos old daughters car seat. Both were sound asleep. My Babies :D
I had Pepsi at my Parent's house over the weekend. In the backyard he chased butterflies, smelled the flowers, watched airplanes go back and sat under a shade tree. I have never had a dog that was so interested in enjoying his surroundings.
He also watched TV with me. He sleeps at the foot of my bed.
He does have his little annoying habits...like his love nibbles.
But we absolutely adore him and wouldn't trade him for anything.
I have more to write but my hands hurt!

I couldn't imagine my life with out Bunker, it would be so dull. Who would do all of the stupid things that she does to make me laugh. When I travel for work, she is so happy to go to grandma's 1/2 the time she doesn't even notice I'm gone till bedtime. But after she relizes I'm gome, she sits at the back door and cries. WHen I do come to get her, seeing her wiggling bum move that fast and the kisses and the hugs makes me love her even more. When I talk to her she cocks her head and looks at me as if she is going to answer. When I cry, she licks the tears, that unconditional love. They just give you that look (when you can see their eyes), you melt. Who else would sit on the couch as I'm eating and drool, eat the remotes, the phone and anything else I leave around. What kind of other dog would let you put hair accessories on them, (Dad says she looks stupid) but she doesn't care. She is my baby and my pride and joy and I always tell my boyfriend the dog is included in the package take it or leave it. (He loves her but won't admit, I see him sneaking her food and talking to her when he thinks I'm not listening).
My husband and I love Ben so much, it's embarrassing. We were on vacation last week, and we were constantly saying to each other, "I wonder what Ben is doing right now" Oddly, we didn't miss our human children (20 and 23) at all.

Everyday he makes us laugh.
This morning, my husband let Sam into the bedroom and she very gingerly jumped on the bed and plastered herself into me! I was away for the weekend for a tournament and he told me that Samantha was walking from room to room looking for me (it is very unusual that I am gone and not anyone else!). I guess she missed me and that means a lot.
Well here some thoughts that came to mind when you have a Sheepie in the house.

Even if your furnace dies in the middle of winter one will never be cold. Nothing like a warn sheepie blanket to keep you warm. :D

If your hot water tank blows...again no worries..your sheepie will wash your faces and feet. In fact, any bare skin is fair game. :D

Your counters will always be clean with a sheepie. Either from yourself as you've become a smart sheepie owner or by them as wonderful dogs they are they will clean them for you. :D

Weight problem? No worries a sheepie will keep you slim and trim! They will assist by eating those goodies you leave on your counters to save you. :D

No need for fancy smancy rugs in our homes...nope we have sheepies! Especially when in "frog pose". Home decorators are envious I'm sure! :D

No need for home alarms either as our sheepies would lick burglers to death. I've heard that many burglers have been found frozen to death in the cold climates due to sheepie kisses. :D

Often lose your kids, hubby or other pets? A sheepie will round them up for you! :D

Ever feel like no one understands you? A sheepie probably won't either! But then ...when they do the head tilting thing you will laugh and forget all your worries. :D

If you love hockey (as most Canadians are crazy about the game) you can pick up some mighty good hints especially with hip checks! :D

You will never be sad with a sheepie around - these goofballs will always keep you laughing at their antics. :D

A sheepie will sweep you off your feet - literally! :D

Marianne and the boys
Our sheepies are the best thing that happened to Danita and Me. I could never do without their hyperactive antics and my very own personal licking alarm.

Hear, Hear For sheepies!!
HEAR! HEAR! For the Sheepies is right!

I picked dried up vomit out of a braided seagrass rug with a toothpick the other night. The whole time princess Chelsea stood there watching me with this huge pained expression, she felt so bad.

I love every minute with her, barf, butt smell, wet beard, scratched hardwood floors, horse size poops in a bed of roses, all of it. I wouldn't trade the priveledge of having known either of my sheepies for anything.

I want another one. I'd take five or six if allowed. I've never met another dog so loving, so comical, so empathetic, so playful, so devoted. I know all dogs are great, but none are like the OES.

My husband was walking home from the park with her the other day when a guy drove by in a big pickup truck - he slowed down and said out the window "that's on Olde English Sheep Dog" (a duh) And my husband said "yup", the guy just sat there in his truck smiling and looking at her, he drove off beaming. It made me wonder if he knew just what magical dogs they are.

Up, you are so right! Sheepies are almost like celebraties (sp) when you take them out! I find people in cars pointing and laughing at us all the time! They just make people happy! And our fuzzy little wigglebuts love every minute of it, don't they!

I swear, GG just expects everyone to come over to him for a kiss and scratch. It's like he turns into Sandra Bulloch from that beauty pagent movie, " you want to kiss me, you love me!" :roll:

Colleen and Gucci George=>Everyone loves Sheepies! :D
Even my stepdaughter who is afraid of large dogs wants an oes...well, actually she wants Panda. She 'aint gettin' her!!!! My stinky (she needs a bath) fluff ball is mine, all mine!!! I asked Colleen to come over on Sunday to help groom her and she wanted nothing to do with that. I told her she wasnt ready to own one yet...they have more hair issues than I do..lol...but to really love a sheepie not only take patience, but hard work. And she is sooooooo worth it...every sweaty moment outside....sigh...God, I love my dog!!!
I am also one of those people who just is amazed at how much love I feel for my dogs. Just like my kids....I'm so protective of them, so proud of them at times, and the times I'm not, well, I still am because they've usually done something that at least makes me laugh.... No matter how bad things are, they can brighten my day with the sloppy kisses and happy doggie grins, and the gentle cuddle when they know I'm not feeling well. They are truly a gift to me and my family.... I know I can never do enough to show them how much I appreciate them and love them, but they don't need me to do more.... they don't expect anything in return.... maybe that makes it feel so much better to do those extra little things for them anyway. :)
You are a chore, my dear friend. The labor of love, you provide plenty. But, what you give in return, is equal to none.

Who else can convince daddy it's time to redo the house? You gently persuaded him by chewing the walls and carpet, by rubbing up against walls, leaving a fresh coat of whatever color you've chosen for the day, and the wonderfoul odors you carry in on your behind, when the hair got too long, and you forgot to wipe. :oops:

A sheepie answering the door, will say "Welcome to my home, these people just live here." :lol:
It's been an amazing 6 months since I have had Beau in my life. The amount of Love he has is amazing. :D The amount of Love that I have for him too: especially, when I'm picking up three bags of poop on our morning walks! pu :lol:
On Seinfeld yesterday (rerun) he was doing his stand up before the show starts. He commented that he was not sure why it was that people loved dogs so much. Just think about it, if aliens are watching they think that the dogs are the superior beings. Why else would someone walk behind them on a string, with a bag and pick up their poop? Sounds like us doesn't it? We don't own them, they own us, or our hearts at least. I have had several different dogs, but none of them that were as loyal and loving as my Sheepie Pud. He is always eager to give Sheepie kisses, on command I might add. He never fails to know that when I go to the treat bag, that he needs to sit to get the treat (usually sitting before I can get there). He is always eager and ready to please. He never complains about my singing or my driving. He is truly the most wonderful companion I have ever had (other than the hubby of course). I love him!
I've had my non-sheepie Lucy for years and she's an awesome companion. She's very sweet, loving and just a great dog to be around. She's been with me through thick and thin and just has a way about her that makes me really feel like she understands what I'm saying when I talk to her. She always knows when I need her most too. I don't know what I'd do without her and I worry about the day when that happens.

Clyde, however, is the most lovable dog I've ever had. He just loves to be with me all the time. He's so floppy and squishable. He's such a funny little clown, even when he's doing something he isn't supposed to, we still laugh at him because he has a way of making it seem not so bad. Every morning he gives me a kiss when I wake up and one before I go to sleep. He always stays right next to me until he thinks I've fallen asleep and then goes to the bathroom to sleep the rest of the night until it's time to wake me up in the morning.

I always think, I wish I had another one just like him but then I remember the housetraining and I think again... :twisted: One's enough!
:D While I was reading all the love everyone has for thier sheepie;I have to admit i got a little tearie eyed..My love for Cody is so great! I had a scare a couple weeks ago.My son was playing with him and fell on him. (which he didn't tell me right away) I thought because he didn't want to get up,that something REALLY bad was happening.I called around to Pet ERS just completely torn apart.Then he just jumped up and ran to me..My
boy was so upset that he had hurt his "bestfriend";that he affraid he was going to be in big trouble.I know it was an accident.He cried as much as me..Thank-God! All is fine,Cody is not broken! But, this was the first time anything had happened to him.Hopefully the last... My love for this dog is like the love for any other family member! (sometimes more :lol: ) Sheepies are the GREATEST dog on earth!!!!
I do love my boy lots. I was just thinking this morning how much I love having Winston around . He brightens up a dull day. Makes all of us laugh at the funny things that he's doing. My grandaughter can even hug him now without being chewed on. He just loves to give big wet bearded kisses. I am soooo glad I picked this breed. I have never had a more loving puppy! A little on the wild side but so am I. Ha Ha
Sir Gucci's Mom wrote:
Sheepies are almost like celebraties (sp) when you take them out!

Had I know that sheepies were so popular, I would've got one when I was single. :lol: :lol:
Well here some thoughts that came to mind when you have a Sheepie in the house.

Even if your furnace dies in the middle of winter one will never be cold. Nothing like a warn sheepie blanket to keep you warm. Very Happy

If your hot water tank blows...again no worries..your sheepie will wash your faces and feet. In fact, any bare skin is fair game. Very Happy

Your counters will always be clean with a sheepie. Either from yourself as you've become a smart sheepie owner or by them as wonderful dogs they are they will clean them for you. Very Happy

Weight problem? No worries a sheepie will keep you slim and trim! They will assist by eating those goodies you leave on your counters to save you. Very Happy

No need for fancy smancy rugs in our homes...nope we have sheepies! Especially when in "frog pose". Home decorators are envious I'm sure! Very Happy

No need for home alarms either as our sheepies would lick burglers to death. I've heard that many burglers have been found frozen to death in the cold climates due to sheepie kisses. Very Happy

Often lose your kids, hubby or other pets? A sheepie will round them up for you! Very Happy

Ever feel like no one understands you? A sheepie probably won't either! But then ...when they do the head tilting thing you will laugh and forget all your worries. Very Happy

If you love hockey (as most Canadians are crazy about the game) you can pick up some mighty good hints especially with hip checks! Very Happy

You will never be sad with a sheepie around - these goofballs will always keep you laughing at their antics. Very Happy

A sheepie will sweep you off your feet - literally! Very Happy

Marianne and the boys

:lol: :lol:

Just looking at sheepies makes me smile. The love that they give is so magical.
Vidhya29 wrote:
Just looking at sheepies makes me smile. The love that they give is so magical.

That is my first reaction - even if I am mad at them I can't help but smile - or downright laugh looking at those expressive hairy faces! Okay another reason why they may not always listen to me.

My first OES Max spent almost three weeks next to my bed when I had pneumonia one year. People had to drag him out for walks and meals. I have never met another breed of dog that so emphathizes with their person. And aren't we all a bit narcissistic anyway?
saulmr wrote:
Had I know that sheepies were so popular, I would've got one when I was single. :lol: :lol:

Funny you should say that. When I was 16, living in Southern California, I asked my parents for an Old English. I thought they looked cool and would be just the thing for attracting girls.

It was back when the original Disney movie was fairly new and there was a TV show on called "Please Don't Eat the Daisy's" that had a big, funny OES on it. They said if I sold my bicycle and helped with the cost, I could get a sheepdog (our little Sheltie had died of old age not long before). I sold the bike, we went to a dog show and there, under a big tree was a little old lady and her tweedy husband with two, huge sheepdogs. She was Winifred Barnes and her husband the Colonel, a proper British couple who bred Old English including a dog called "Lord Nelson" who was, in fact, the dog on the TV show. The two dogs with her were his littler mates, Adam and Charlie. To make a long story short, she had a second litter, then 10 weeks old from the same pair (the sire was "Sam", the original Shaggy dog in the movie) and invited us over after the show to see them.

We came home with a female and named her Lillibet, a nickname Queen Elizabeth had as a child (my family was also English and followed the royal family closely).

To my initial dismay, while Lillibet did indeed attract the girls, it was the dog that they were attracted to, not me. However, 43 years and 11 sheepdogs later, I realize that I feel the same way.

EDIT: Just remembered something funny about Lillibet, who was something of a glutton. My mother, when she was older, used to love to tell stories about Lillibet even though she had lots of other dogs over the years. How one time she got into a ten pound bag of potatoes and nearly finished it, and how another time, she ate my sister's birthday cake before her party and the kids had no cake. But her favorite story was the time we hired a crew to put an addition on the back of the house and my mother had to make all of them lunch. That morning Lillibet had discovered where they had put their lunch bags and had quietly eaten everyone's lunch.
I am on number 5 and 6. I love having two at once. There is no other breed for me. In my world why bother having a dog if it's not a sheepie.
No matter how bad my day is at work, I come home to two sheepdogs who are THRILLED to see me again.
I take a nap on Saturday afternoons and it wouldn't be the same without Max on one side and Stella on the other.
I have to help Stella up and down off of the bed now...she is ten years old and the last few months have been rough...diabetes is really taking a toll...but she is a trooper about getting her "jabs". Max doesn't quite understand why she doesn't play as rough as they used to...but I can tell he knows she's not well...just like they can tell when I'm sad or sick...they "up" the love factor and help pull me out of it.
Bottom line is...I can never picture myself without a OES...NEVER!
Vidhya29 wrote:
Well here some thoughts that came to mind when you have a Sheepie in the house.

Even if your furnace dies in the middle of winter one will never be cold. Nothing like a warn sheepie blanket to keep you warm. Very Happy

If your hot water tank blows...again no worries..your sheepie will wash your faces and feet. In fact, any bare skin is fair game. Very Happy

Your counters will always be clean with a sheepie. Either from yourself as you've become a smart sheepie owner or by them as wonderful dogs they are they will clean them for you. Very Happy

Weight problem? No worries a sheepie will keep you slim and trim! They will assist by eating those goodies you leave on your counters to save you. Very Happy

No need for fancy smancy rugs in our homes...nope we have sheepies! Especially when in "frog pose". Home decorators are envious I'm sure! Very Happy

No need for home alarms either as our sheepies would lick burglers to death. I've heard that many burglers have been found frozen to death in the cold climates due to sheepie kisses. Very Happy

Often lose your kids, hubby or other pets? A sheepie will round them up for you! Very Happy

Ever feel like no one understands you? A sheepie probably won't either! But then ...when they do the head tilting thing you will laugh and forget all your worries. Very Happy

If you love hockey (as most Canadians are crazy about the game) you can pick up some mighty good hints especially with hip checks! Very Happy

You will never be sad with a sheepie around - these goofballs will always keep you laughing at their antics. Very Happy

A sheepie will sweep you off your feet - literally! Very Happy

Marianne and the boys

:lol: :lol:

Just looking at sheepies makes me smile. The love that they give is so magical.

Exactly! Marianne, I love the way you put it! :hearts:
Dutch is one mischevious imp of a little sheepie, nothing is safe on tables , counters or people coming through the door but that's ok she has repaid me so many times by always being beside me and knows when I'm in need of a cuddle I can be sitting at the kitchen table or in a soft chair and she will just climb into my lap and give me some sloppy sheepie kisses as much as to say it's ok Mom I'm still here and of course I give her a few kisses and hugs back just to thank her for being her :)
:hearts: My life would be threadbare without Willoughby!
You in Jerry McGuire where Tom Cruise says to Renee Z. "You complete me"...

Oliver completes me.
A day doesn't go by I don't laugh at or with my sheepies. It begins with MO kissing me awake.......lip kiss she learned watching my husband and I smooch. She will only lick lips......blech! Then Jack talks me out of my sleeping chair, "aruump, arrrumph, BARK!" I grab is collar to get a boost to my feet.......then next stop is the cookie jar for "We got Mom up rewards!" Breakfast is share time, they eat their food and half of ours. The day is filled with stepping over and around the sheepers as they want to participate in every activity and pause for a cookie each time we pass the jar........"no's" are accepted with grace....thankfully.

Hours are determined by sheepdogs: it's sheepie breakfast, sheepie dinner time, human dinner time, sheepie outside play time, pee time outside, sheepie bed time/human bed time. I honestly don't think I need a watch......the sheepers have the day planned out.
We have added a new word at our house -"puple" (prononounced POOPEL)...part puppy and part people...Miley is hilariaous when she sits on the sofa leaning back on the cushion just like a person would. She seems to understand us. Nothing is better than starting the day with the "liking alarm clock" and coming home to the happy wiggle pup.

I am sure there is a very empathic person underneath that long shaggy coat. Sheepies are the best!
Hi this thread is great I love sheepies soo much. Shamu is every where with me. while i'm reading this thread they are all howling. I can't wait to get home after work. It's like everything that you all have said about your sheepies I feel the same way. I just love the fact that we all feel the same way and that one breed of dog brings us here together. :lol:
rfloch wrote:
But her favorite story was the time we hired a crew to put an addition on the back of the house and my mother had to make all of them lunch. That morning Lillibet had discovered where they had put their lunch bags and had quietly eaten everyone's lunch.

I love it when they get their hair cut and are looking around WOW I can see!!!! And of course when you come home no matter how bad of a day we all had they are there making us laugh and feel loved.
I just put a note under brags, it just about said it all, My OES brightens my day every day! (as well as my other dogs :D )
The other day, I was in the bathroom foyer that is attached to our master bedroom. The layout is two sinks in that room, and then turn to your right and the next room that contains the toilet and bathtub. Anyway, I was standing in the foyer area and I saw Violet standing on the bed watching me. Now, Violet has hd, so when she climbs on the bed, I know her hips are doing ok that day. Anyway, so I turned to her and crouched down a little and did the hands to my knees saying "what mamma baby puppy doing?" over and over again. Well Violet, got into the "puppy want to play" bow. Where her butt goes up in the air and wiggles and her front end goes down. She was wiggling all over the place it was so nice to see...I couldn't believe it. Violet is 5yrs old and has not done the "puppy bow" in so long, I can't remember. So after a while I grabbed her and we tussled around on the bed for a while. It was good to see her so playful. :lol:
What did I ever do before I had Obe? My life must have been boring. I can remember throwing the alarm clock a couple of times. Now I get kisses and paws no later than 5:10am mind you. Including Sat and Sundays and never complain. I laugh daily at his antics. Sometimes you can see it coming other times you just sit and wonder as a huge smile appears on your face. I love my boy more than anything, he is spoiled and gets treated like a king, but don't we all spoil our children? He is such a loving dog and just wants to be by me. When I shower, he is next to the tub. On computer, he lays down beside me. On the couch, he is there wanting a belly rub. My world now revolves around a sheepie and I love it. So to Obe, I thank you for all you do. I promise to do my best and give you everything you need love, attention, playtime, food, toys, treats and whatever else comes along. You are my boy love dad.
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