Charlotte is peeing blood

So last Friday we woke upto Charlotte Peking blood. Freaked my hubby out. So into the vet l I went and took in a urine sample. Got the call that it was a UTI .Got the antibiotics started Friday.Sat, Sunday great. Then Monday came and blood is back. Her urine is almost purple. So kept giving medication of ours and Tuesday no change. So back to vet with another sample. :sidestep: . Took her into day and vet ran blood work. Nothing out of the ordinary. She is acting fine. Tomorrow they are going to do an ultra sound. She is just four months! Anyone have any idea? :lmt:
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In our experience, the initial antibiotic may not work. Izzie always ended up needing something stronger for uti's.

The vet will find out for sure but there could be stones or crystals.

Hope she feels better soon!! :ghug:
I shouldn't be typing this because I know nothing but I am trying to ease your mind a little in case you don't sleep like I don't sleep. I wish Susan had read this, she knows everything!!! I have a friend - A PERSON who gets UTI's all the time. Constantly. Again, a PERSON. She is constantly taking medicine for it. Routinely. It makes her pee change color. It stains everything it comes in contact with. Towels, toilet seat. Everything. Again, the medicine makes her pee change color. Are you sure she is peeing blood? You said it was purple. My friend pee's purple. I could be all together completely wrong and I'm 100% glad you took her back to the vet I was just trying to maybe calm you until you heard back. Sorry your poor baby doesn't feel well :(
Took her into the vet this morning. Won't know anything til tomorrow. As for the color change vet said it was blood.all I can do is trust he knows what he is talking about . Thanks for trying to help it is so appreciated. I just want her to be ok.......
Poor little love. I'm sure you are so worried! Here is my optimism and positivity for you today, I hope it helps.....The up side is you haven't been slow at all, you took her right in to get her help. You will get the answer soon and the right meds soon and she and you will feel muuuuch better! PLUS, if this happens again all of this will be on record at the vet and I am sure permanently etched in your mind so you can bypass the "normal" treatment and get her what she will need right from the start.
Poor pup! Our vet is always more sympathetic to UTIs as I think she's had trouble herself over the years. It may take 3 weeks for the antibiotics to totally work, it is not a quick repair. Sounds like the vet is giving it a chance to work. However he/she may need to culture a sample as it may be a more resistant bacteria than the common run of the mill types. It is not uncommon to be on antibiotics for up to 6 months for some girls, even a year or more. Ask about acidify the urine to make the environment less friendly to UTIs. Glacier was our problem girl and took powdered cranberry in her food. Think I read recently that doesn't work well........I agree, it helped but didn't stop.

Our vet works a lot with greyhound rescue and had one bitch who was a real UTI/incontinence problem and finally did a big time examination and found a malformation in the bitch that required a bit of surgery to correct. After that, no more UTIs.

Someone mentioned stones.....these are crystalline deposits in the bladder. (they can form in the kidneys too but not as often). Some are formed in lower pH, some are higher pH forming, so acifying the urine isn't suggested until the stone is properly id'ed. Sometimes the stones are caused by UTIs, decreased urinary production (inadequate water intake), high levels of minerals in the food, high protein foods.

So what I'm saying, the owner should be aware vets can get lazy and not think beyond the antibiotics. If this problem doesn't clear up in a few weeks, time to think culture the urine to determine if a different antibiotic is needed to start thinking outside of the pill bottle. Reference to a urological vet might be necessary........but let's let the pills do their job first.

Final thought is kidney problems. I'd put that way on the back burner but something that shouldn't be dismissed. Rare, but not unheard of. That would be a call made by the urological specialist. No vet knows it vet is very well regarded here (and past retirement age :twitch: ) but she is always consulting with specialists and referring patients when she herself isn't sure. I'd rather patronize a humble vet than and egocentric.
On another thread, this owner has posted that her vet thinks Charlotte has hemoglobinuria caused by an immune response. :( Very serious stuff. Oscar was tested for all of this as a young pup back when we were trying to get a handle on all of his immune issues.

Sometimes there is an underlying cause that can be addressed, but this also can be a primary immune response as the body sees the protein in the red blood cell as foreign. Not good.

I am keeping these folks in my thoughts.

Laurie and Oscar
DH is going thru something like this as well, so well aware of all possibilities. He's off for more tests today as they try to figure him out too. Let's hope the pup's is something more simple like exposure to some mushrooms and not an immune system condition. (not exactly mushroom season)--yes hemoglobinuria has been associated with than animal eating certain mushrooms .....among other causes too, of course.
Sorry to hear about your DH. It must be incredibly stressful! I hope they get to the bottom of things quickly.

Laurie and Oscar
I would insist on a culture. My first OES had a cycle of every 6 weeks. More antibiotics and then would come back. And blood. I constantly was asking for a culture and the last time, I blew my top and was firm that I wanted that culture. Low and behold, she had a combo of strep and staph. The meds she was give prior treated one or the other and believe me, she went thru different meds. Once she received the correct medication, no more infections.
Good luck. keep us posted
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