Booties - Version 3.1!

After a couple of sub-zero potty trips that ended with Benson picking up her cold little paws and looking woefully sad, I finally got off my behind and sewed her new snow booties for the season.

These have evolved over the last couple of years from ankle-length fleece (too absorbent, and slipped off in deep snow) to knee-length with overlapping flaps (snow got caked inside the flaps) to last year's version in orange burlap. Those were decent, except they wore through by the end of the season.

This year includes really tight seams, tabs on the velcro for easier on-off, and coating for the feet to help with wear and tear. Best of all, Benson is much happier with her warmer toes!
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Very nice.
Good job! And she looks so proud of her fancy feet.
How long does it take to put them on? They go crazy with salt use where I live and I am finally considering booties, but the idea of putting on 12 boots makes me scared of the idea. Benson does look very stylish!
Mady wrote:
How long does it take to put them on? They go crazy with salt use where I live and I am finally considering booties, but the idea of putting on 12 boots makes me scared of the idea. Benson does look very stylish!

Hubby just took Benson out for her last walk of the night, so I decided to time it. 2 minutes on the nose, and that's without rushing. If it's just for the salt, you could go with the low ankle booties, which would probably go on even more quickly. And removing them takes about 30-seconds.

Mady wrote:
How long does it take to put them on? They go crazy with salt use where I live and I am finally considering booties, but the idea of putting on 12 boots makes me scared of the idea. Benson does look very stylish!

My goodness! Yes 12 booties does sound rather daunting. :twitch:

I haven't put boots on Tiggy for a few years. I gave up and resigned myself to being the doting parent of a little piggy Tiggy. :pupeyes:
It was a quick process though, once we both got the hang of it. Took about 3 or 4 goes before we had a system in place. As long as DH wasn't around to laugh at us and cause excitement and discontent. I know David would never be involved in encouraging naughtiness.
Those look way too cute to be functional! I noticed Steel was not a big fan of getting snow balls stuck to his feet :( my others don't have hairy feet so it didn't dawn on me that it would be a concern other than messy which holy cowwww it is! He very much enjoy's being out and playing so I hate that he walks funny because the snow is bothering his feet. It's just the top as he did just get his little toes all trimmed up so if he didn't act like such a maniac out there it wouldn't be such an issue. Those have got to be the cutest things I have ever seen! Are they slippery in the house? Ever think of making some for those of us who sewing challenged? Great job!
Benson is a fashionista.....her lovely hair do's to her pretty winter boots :hearts:
Dawn (gotsheep) gave me a link a while ago for booties: My only issue with these was they fell off in the really deep snow we get here in Central NY. That's why I started making tall booties. Other than that, I really liked the Kondos dog boots (including the price!)

If you want to be crafty, this is the pattern I used for the starting point for Benson's current boots: Basically, I just extended the top up to her knees and put a second velcro strap about an inch from the upper hem.

As for slipping on the floor, she hasn't had a problem. This newest version has spray-on non-skid coating (that's the black you see on the foot portion), and it's working well so far.

Think we should start a "show us your sheepie booties" thread? :lol:
Two minutes, that is not bad! We wouldn't use them for hikes out in the deep snow, it is more for the salt on the sidewalks so hopefully they wouldn't get lost. Now I want to see video of Benson getting her booties on! I'll bet she is like one of the ladies on Downton Abbey, just relaxing while her lady (or man) in waiting does all of the fussing!
Mady wrote:
Two minutes, that is not bad! We wouldn't use them for hikes out in the deep snow, it is more for the salt on the sidewalks so hopefully they wouldn't get lost. Now I want to see video of Benson getting her booties on! I'll bet she is like one of the ladies on Downton Abbey, just relaxing while her lady (or man) in waiting does all of the fussing!

Not quite! Here's a video from today. Still only 2 minutes, even though she decided to be goofy little Miss Floppy Foot and make things difficult. :roll:
Would they be easier with a gusset down the length? What a patient pup.
SheepieBoss wrote:
Would they be easier with a gusset down the length? What a patient pup.

I did that on one version, but it got a lot of snow trapped in it when it got deep. This set actually slips on really easily. Sometimes she holds her back feet (especially her back right foot, for some reason) way up to her belly while we're putting them on. We often stand over her so we can help her lean into the boot we're putting on.
Good job!
The hopping around on three legs was familiar. :D
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