Removed two sebaceous.

Joy had two sebaceous removed yesterday, one on her back and a big one on her tail.
She cryed in the car way back home and complains a little now and then.

The vet sent one of them in - just in case - I am not afraid of anything, just hope she recovers very well.

Well - this is not a perfect am I going to play with my friends now?

The wound was dry and clean when I change the bandage today. That's good.

Eating and drinking is no problem at all - she eats like an elephant. :wink:
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Paws crossed for a quick recovery and clean biopsies.
Oh,my,that first picture--she looks so pitiful ....Hope you get good results from biopsy. Always good to check, just to be sure.
Tiggy's had lumps off too.
She hates the cone and so do my shins. :(
OOOOOO poor baby! We just got done with that dreadful cone too! The back of my legs are bruised and I have little chunks missing from the drywall! Hoping for a speedy recovery!
Sending wishes for a quick recovery and great results from the biopsy. We too have to schedule surgery for a sebaceous cyst so will be following Joy's progress.
Oh I remember when Glacier had one grow to grapefruit size on her tail with vet saying, "don't mess with it." It exploded on it's own and we had twice daily cleaning.....same point on the tail.......but it healed!!! Vet really feared very good you got it taken care of!! Poor Joy in the Cone of Shame. She will heal quickly, she's Joy.
Thanks for all your consideration and thoughtfulness.
We're awake in the middle of the night, Joy moans a little so I gave her one more painkiller. Poor girl. :hearts:

SheepieBoss wrote:
Oh I remember when Glacier had one grow to grapefruit size on her tail with vet saying, "don't mess with it." It exploded on it's own and we had twice daily cleaning.....same point on the tail.......but it healed!!! Vet really feared very good you got it taken care of!! Poor Joy in the Cone of Shame. She will heal quickly, she's Joy.

Thanks for sharing your story Susan - then we did the right thing when we had it removed. :crossed:
Get better quickly Miss Joy! :ghug:
:D Her wounds heals well so far, I think, now it's three days since surgery:

The big one on her tail - 5,5 cm. Dry and clean.

And the other one on her back. Looks good too.

And so does Joy even though she has the cone around her neck
- just cannot keep her eys open in the flashlight.

Life is much indoorlife - she cannot go out and play with her friends.
One week from now and I hope she is out running and jumping again.
They do look like they are healing nicely. You said the one on her tail was big....yes it was! Probably hurts when she wags it? She looks like she is hanging in there like a trooper. Probably feeling much better as the days pass.
:D Thinks it is healing good so far and that's the most inportant thing.
She waves her tale as much as always - however now and then she wants to bite in her tail.
And the first day she was licking a lot in the air and on the, yes, I guess it hurts.

She wakes me up every night and if it hurts more during the night......
Poor girl, and her appetite isn't quite as good as it was. However she copes with it all
even though we have only short trips outdoors with the leash on.
That's very boring for my girl.

Good thing is that she copes so easy with the cone, better than any dog I've ever had.
Doesn't look as if it bothers her much, and she doesn't give up if it stops her
- she moves om with it like a bulldozer - crazy girl :banana: :lol:
:cheer: Good News - the biopsy were ok and I've possibly put on the last bandage.

Put this bandage on yesterday, keeping it on a couple of days more because it's cold outside.
So soon we're back to normal here and she can play, jump and run together with friends. :banana:
Great news!!
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