What is this all about?

For some reason, Carl is now afraid to go outside. He's never done anything like this before even though he is something of a chicken when it comes to loud noises and things like that.
When I went to take the dogs outside this morning I had to keep tugging on Carl to get him to go out the door. This afternoon I had to tug him again and this evening my husband had to pick him up to get him out. When he is out, he runs right back to the door and won't come off the steps. The other 2 are out there with no problems.
He always goes out on a long handheld lead because he tends to run for the hills if left to his own devices. One of us is always with him, they're never left outside alone.
All 3 were in and out yesterday without any problems or incidents. He can't see out of the back windows and no one comes to our back door. He's also running and playing inside the house so he's not hurt. Also, none of the others are acting strangely.

So, what's going on?
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Some of mine didn't like going out in the rain and would have to be shoved out if it was one of those non-stop rain all day things.

One didn't like getting her feet muddy.

Perhaps a bee sting???

The heat???

The Collar on the leash?

The fireworks or leftovers from the 4th

Thunder in the distance?? They can hear it before we do. Had a male once that would get under the table and I knew then it was getting close. lol

Sorry, just throwing things out here. Good luck. :roll:
Gucci George sometimes decides he doesn't want to go out either! I've just chalked it up to him being a PRINCE. It can be many factors, wet outside, too hot... this morning he wouldn't go out and the only thing I could think of is the windows were all fogged up because it is so humid here today! He held it from 9PM last nite until 6:30AM! Sucky George! You might try going out another door with the lead! This seems to work for us if we go out the garage door? :roll: I have no idea why! But sometimes you've got to do whatever! :D

Gucci George was asking how his brother Toby is doing?

Colleen and Gucci George
How bad's the humidity by you? Both of mine are less than thrilled about going out these days and I noticed that they'll both hold it as long as they can, run out super quick and run back in because it's so hot and uncomfortable. Clyde sticks his head out the doggie door, tests the weather and if he disapproves, just comes back in and lies down by a vent.
Funny you should bring this topic up right now Maxmm. I have been
having the same problem with Tucker, and he has now convinced
Zeke not to go out too. Since we are in the same area I am sort of
wondering if it has to do with the weather. It has been rumbling out
there off and on for a couple days, and of course the humidity is
horrible. Tucker has never minded thunder and lightning, but he
really hates getting wet in the rain. That is another thing he has
taught Zeke-which he learned from our old dog. I hadn't really thought
much of him putting the brakes on at the door, since he can 'hold it'
for longer periods, but now Zeke is not wanting to go out too - which
really IS a problem since we have only recently been going accident
free.(Truly this has been our fault-he does let us know, and sometimes
we just aren't fast enough. We could have been accident free two
months ago had we realized his signals!)
I don't have an answer for you - just the problem. I sure hope it gets
worked out soon, cause I would really hate to undo all the house-
training with Zeke.
I know my nephew is training out at the Gap- are they firing anything
out there? I am close enough that I should hear it - but maybe the
dogs do and I don't! I can't imagine that would bother Tucker. Must
be the weather - the heat and humidity or the rumbling thunder.

Anyone else have any ideas? This could be a problem at our house
if it continues.

It's too freaking hot and humid.

Next question.

Bentley's decided the place to be is stretched out on the leather couch. I think he only moves to find a cool place.

Kayli's decided that being outside is preferable to being in the same house with Bentley. She looks miserable though. (They're doing fine, she's just protesting.)
Truman has been going through the same thing since the 4th of July. The firecrackers freaked him out. Last winter, we had a horrendous ice storm and he was out with my husband when a huge limb broke and fell to the ground. It sounded like a gun shot! He didn't want to go out for several days after that, either. What I do is put him on his leash and take him outside the FRONT door. For some reason, he will go out there. I guess the feels like there won't be any scary firecrackers or falling limbs in the front yard, just the back yard! :lol: He also hates the thunder and lightning accompanying storms. Being in Kanas, we have some pretty spectacular storms so, needless to say, we're back to the front yard again when that happens. I usually take a treat with me and tell him, "Go potty" and give him a "Good potty!" and the treat when he complies. Sometimes I'm out in the front yard with an umbrella in the wind and rain hollering "Go potty" like a complete idiot but who cares if it gets the job done!!
Don't want to be a downer but ever since we lit off fireworks in front of the house a couple of years ago, our neighbor's 5 y.o. Boxer can not tolerate any noises like thundering or fireworks. She literally becomes a basket case. I would say that if Carl is hearing thunder rumbling that maybe that is why he won't go out. We've certainly been getting a lot of thunderstorms here.

On another note, Rebecca hates the rain and will not budge from the porch if the grass is wet. We counted 16 hours one day before she went to the bathroom.

Good luck, give him lots of treats to coax him outside.

Update: I'm beginning to think it's a combination of 2 things, humidity and jerkness.

It has been so humid around here that it's like you just stepped out of the shower. Totally gross. So with his coat he might not be happy about even going outside.

I also think that it might be his way of protesting. He is the only one that has to go out on lead and he might see it as some sort of insult. Nowadays he sees everything as an insult. He's becoming the perfect example of a middle child. (Can I say, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!)
When I was paying more attention to him, he stayed out a bit longer and didn't carry on nearly as much.

It has been rumbilng for about three or four days straight now. Thunderstorms all the time and it's just making the humidity worse.
They haven't been firing anything at the Gap lately. (I called to check, just to be sure. :wink: ) The dogs do tend to get pretty antsy when they are doing training but at least that's not happening.

Carl did try to go out the front door today so maybe we'll try another door tomorrow. We'll see if that works.
Gucci/George, Toby said that he is doing great!
His personality is coming out a little more everyday which is fun to see happening. He is following my husband around like crazy. Bob doesn't know what to do because Toby is always right there, every time he turns around. I said just be glad he likes you!
He decided to steal some of Bob's chinese food the other day also. He got caught with a huge piece of chicken and some long veggies. He dropped the chicken but was running around with some julianned celery and carrots hanging out of his mouth which was hilarious!
OH TOBYWAN! That is hilarious! Guc does the same sort of thing when he knows he is in trouble! It's like the more mad we get, the more he laughs and taunts us! I don't even want to tell him his brother had Chinese Food!

I'm so glad to hear that Toby OBVIOUSLY has moved right in to the family!

All our love and sheepie kisses,

Colleen and Gucci George=> :twisted: go Toby go! He ain't heavy, he's my brother!
I just love the image of Toby running around with the chinese veggies hanging out of his mouth! :lol:
Could it be for extra attention? Daisy gets like that sometimes, if she feels neglected you have to beg and baby her ....come on baby girl, let's go out with the boys kind of stuff. When she feels you have made a big enough fuss over her she'll finally go, fully expecting a "good" treat for being such a good girl :roll:
Careful not to let them get use to going out the 'wrong' door. They may like it out there better, and then refuse to go back to the 'right' door. :roll: :wink:

Smart little guys, while we're trying to figure them out (in order to train them), they've already trained us quite well. :lol:
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