Super Sheepie

Sam and I have made lots of new friends in our neighborhood. Most people know him by name. I, of course, am "Sam's mom". Yes, like most sheepies, he's the local celebrity. A regular superhero, if you will. :roses:

And, as you know, every superhero has an arch nemesis. :twisted: Sam's is Scout, a black and white Shih-tzu that lives on the street around the corner from us.

Their relationship started innocent enough. Like most dogs in our neighborhood, Scout's humans aren't aware of the invention of the leash. :roll: And, like most small dogs, he believes his purpose in life is to guard his estate from the evils of the world. It's been the same since we got Sam. We walk past their house, Scout comes running to the edge of the grass barking. Sam's response is always the same too. Scout comes running and barking, Sam wiggles his bum and wants to play. And the beat goes on.


A few weeks ago, I was walking Sam when we met a neighbor walking the opposite direction. We stopped to talk in front of Scout's yard. Sam, being the sweet boy he is, got some loving from the guy then sat and waited for me to finish talking so we could walk some more. Enter Scout, stage left. I hear the usual benign barking as Scout comes out to remind us whose domain we have encroached upon. He and Sam do the usual sniffing and wiggling. Sam gets bored and sits back down. Then it happens. Scout walks around and tries to hump him. 8O Sam, not being into that sort of thing, hops up and turns to face him, bum still wiggling. Scout circles back around and tries again. Sam, to make sure he isn't sending any mixed signals, turns and gives the tiniest of grunts (the closest to a growl he's ever done, other than when we're playing tug). Scout takes the hint and retreats back to his yard.

The classic struggle begins. In every good vs evil tale, there is something that tips the scales in the good guy's favor. Fate, timing, the villain's Achilles heel, or the hero's virtue. A super power, if you will. It's always when the superhero uses his power to overcome evil that we cheer. The triumph of good over evil is inspiring. We feel a sense of justice when the villain slinks back into the darkness, licking his wounds, unable to stand up to the overwhelming power of the hero. And we admire the superhero for using his power for good. With great power comes great responsibility, and superheroes are "super" because they use their power to let the bad guys know they can not triumph. :bow:

It is now that Sam has decided to step up and claim his place among the cannon of superheroes we all know and love. His power isn't superhuman strength. He can't fly or spin webs. He has no invisible jet or cool crime fighting gadgets. What is Sam's superpower, you ask? :lmt:

Poop. Sam's superpower is poop.

Since the incident, every time we go for a walk on Scout's side of the neighborhood, the same thing happens. :popcorn: Sam finds many different things to stop and pee on. Mailboxes, sign posts, grass, trees. But one thing does not change. He always stops in Scout's yard to poop. Always. And to make it even better, if he sees Scout outside, he waits until Scout comes up to us and does his business right in front of him. It has become so predictable, when I see Scout coming, I get a bag ready. I'm sure anyone who sees me must wonder why on Earth I think it's so funny when my dog poops. They just don't know. I'm reveling in the triumph of good over evil. I'm laughing because poor Scout just stops in his tracks, turns, and goes back to his house, never to humiliate Sam again. Once again, balance has been restored to the world.
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The medium is the message! Proved once again.

Good for Sam!
Forget peemail!
Sam's parcel posting his sentiments. :D
OOOO My gosh, I just wet the chair I am sitting in! That is the best story ever! Maybe because I have a similar neighbor and I am not at all secretly wishing Sam would poop in their yard!!! I would even leave it - yep, wouldn't pick it up! Is it like the other Super hero's where if I wish in my head hard enough he will come to the rescue? They have an invisible fence and their goldendoodle gets through it to poo in my yard all the time. They bark constantly, they run in the road, they follow walkers. I went to talk to them about it and their shithe*d whoops zsu bit my daughter in the calf as we walked toward the door! They weren't home. All the neighbors ask me for help as they assume I have info because I am right next door. What I assume is because they care so little to train their dogs they most likely care as little to take them to the vet for simple vaccines and heart worm. Stay out of my yard and away from my healthy babes! I just don't want my kids to see when the goldendoodle gets hit by a car. Heck, I don't want to see it either!!! I am always running him home but no one is ever there to let him in the house. UGH! My sub is heavily governed with by-laws....technically these people should have been turned in but karma can be a nasty thing - If Sam just pooped in their yard oh man that would be GREAT!
Sprocket was very amused and says he may try that with the dogs up the road. x
Go Shindig Sam! He is a gorgeous big boy now. How old is he?
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