Help -- dealing with barking on car rides

OK -- So the only problem area I've encountered with Chumley in 2 weeks is that she is a total nut job in the car. She loves to get in the car but she gets herself all wound up, barking wildly for as long as the ride (whether 5 minutes or 3 hours). She seems to start out enjoying it (although I don't) but she becomes completely out of control and unable to relax. I know I need to work on this in bits (let her near the car, let her in the car, do a short drive) but what can I do on those occassions when I really need to take her on a longer ride?

At the moment, my strategy is to put her in the way back of my station wagon (which has a barrier since she otherwise scrambles up to the front seat). I've tried leash corrections -- no effect. I tried the prong collar --- nothing. . I actually spent the drive today intermittantly slamming on the breaks to keep her off balance. Not good for either of us. And I wore earplugs. And I was distracted. Calm in my treatment toward her although I had fantasies about leaving her at a rest area. Which is horrible because she is a really sweet dog. But a monster in the car.

So we need to drive again in a couple of days, and the way is see it, we have a few options: (1) same as before -- wayback plus earplugs; (2) drugs; (3) get a crate and put a sheet over it so she can't see the other cars. She was not crate-trained so that may introduce other anxieties. What do you think? Any other suggestions? I would really love some input. . .
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Have you ever tried Bach's Rescue Remedy? That has helped many dogs with various anxieties....
Never heard of it? What is it and where can I get it?
Now I've googled it. Does it really work? I'd love to hear anyone's experience with it. . .
You can get it at pretty much any health food store, and yes I do believe it works... but every dog is different, so what works for one may not work for another.... it's worth a try though.
For more information about Bach Flower Remedy,

(but use Ron's link to order :wink: )
Thanks Ron!
Hi Valerie,

I'm a big fan of that stuff...yes it works great and works for people too! Completely safe and natural so if you're stressed from all that barking..take a couple drops on your tongue. :wink:

Panda was horrible...never saw a dog that was so nutso in a car..he even went crazy with parked cars..13 months later, he's pretty good.

I had the advantage however, of also having Merlin and Blue who are well behaved and they really got upset at him for behaving like that. As he is the lowest in the pack amongst the three of them, he sits quietly now if they are in the van. By himself it got better's some suggestions of what may work and is based on classical conditioning. If you've ever taken a Psych course ..remember Pavlov and the salivating dog? Been reading a book lately that teaches this method for working with specific behavioral problems.

Open car door..have Chumley sit beside you..perhaps choose the passenger seat. Lots of praise..good dog..perhaps a treat. Hop out. Repeat this process for a week or two. You're teaching her of praise..treat.. Then with consistency of doing this for aprox 2 wks (increasing the time from say a min the first day to perhaps 5 at the end of the 2 wks) Try driving around the block or even just to the end of it...give her something to occupy herself...a Kong..lots of praise..good girl! Always end it on a successful note. If that is successful drive a few blocks...same thing. It may be helpful to have a friend help you out with this if possible so you can reasure her so she's not stressed for the trip to the end of the block.

Not sure if that'll work or not but it's worth a try. I keep sounding like a broken record but even if it seems to take an enormous amount of time and energy to break them of a habit. It's so worth the other result will be they will continue to do the bad behavior for the next 10 years or so.

I'm past the point where I care anymore what people think of my funny antics with my the time I sat in parks for weeks watching people mow their lawn with Panda. This was to desensitize him from going crazy when he saw one. I would speak quietly to him..reassuring him and we would just sit and watch people across the street. It worked!!! I can even vaccum, mow lawns or do a number of activities without him becoming stressed.

Good luck to you!
Marianne and the boys
Thanks Zahra and Marianne. I will try baby steps but I am still concerned about dealing with Tuesday (when we have to drive again). I'm going to see if I can find the rescue remedy locally since I can't order it online and receive it by then.

The thing with Chumley is that I can't really reward her for being in the car because she is too wound up with excitement to even take a treat. Just letting her stand next to the car gets her so enthused and overly eager. Even with firm and calm handling, she is super giddy. It takes her an hour to settle down. If I leave the car doors open, she'll sit in there excited for 40 minutes or more. I've have to pull her away from other people's open car doors to keep her from jumping in. I keep her on a close lead but that's the only time she really tugs. When she is in the car, she is so excited that she won't even take a treat. I've tried giving her bones or other treats/toys to distract her, but she is not interested. If we actually drive, even just around the block, she is a barking loon. So my struggle is to teach her that riding in the car is boring. Which I guess means taking her for a drive every single day. But I am not sure I can take it. Maybe I need to get help from a trainer. . .

In the meantime, I am going to try to get some rescue remedy for the both of us. On my drive yesterday, I was so wound up and gritting my teeth. I'm pretty calm about most things but I found it very very stressful.
We've also tried having them run in the park before a big trip, that way they are less inclinated to romp around the car. We got a barrier net that helps a lot when traveling so Sofa doesn't jump to the passenger seat whenever she feels like it. She's improving, she used to be a lot worse in the car 6 months ago, but now we've learned that one thing that startles her is sudden movements and bumpy roads. Driving carefully without sudden stops and soft lane changing did wonders for her.
Do you think putting her in a crate would help? Perhaps the visual excitement of the passing scenery is too much for her. A Vari Kennel or wire crate with a cover and small opening might be better.
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