Willow...and the adventures begin......


Willow and I were in the back yard about 10 minutes ago...I was enjoying a semi-cool breeze and Willow was by one of the flower bushes, sniffing around.

All of a sudden, she picked something up and began to run around the yard.

Now, for those who are not privvy to Willows unique 'pallet', (socks, paper, wash cloths)...I was sure that she found something that didn't belong in her mouth.....

So, I walked up to her...and she ran...I started to clap my hands and walk toward her...AND she RAN.....then she turn and sat and stared at me, so I tried just once more to get close to her. She was staring at me, mouth closed, eyes wide...

I FINALLY got close enough to coo and pet her, and began to pry her (closed) jaws of life open and...lo and behold.....

GUESS WHAT I FOUND IN THAT PRETTY LITTLE MOUTH OF HERS>>>>>>>>> a (dead) baby bird.......

oh..the adventures we will have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'm so sorry- I laughed out loud at this. You ARE in for some interesting times....!!! :lol:
Well.....at least it wasn't poop.......
LOL, Why oh why???

I must admit I was relieved to hear that other puppies are also interested in dead animals. Nonc doesn't want to put them in his mouth but he does a great job of rubbing the scent all over his body. How do they always find these things after a bath?
Oh Miss Willow--you are a Tomboy! :lol:

Your mommy is in for a 'great ride' with you!! Life will be full of adventures!!
Oh, those are delicious! Like some exotic Asian treat. I'm assuming she didn't get to eat it, poor Willow! :lol: :lol:
Here's one way to make her open her mouth . . . :sidestep:

(Demonstration is around 1' 30")

:lol: :hearts:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wee Willow.....you need to be easy with Mama! :hearts:

But it was just chicken....kinda :wink:
Hey Willow, Tiggy here.

You fell into an old trap for new players, I fell for it too but I have worked out the solution.

When you find something that you want to eat that you think your Mom won't want you to have just pick it up and act normal. Then later when your Mom's not watching you can chew to your heart's content.

Don't whatever you do run away, it makes your Mom suspicious. Trust me I know ALL about it. And sad to say Mom's have quite suspicious frames of mind, it's depressing how quickly they can suspect us adorable sheepies of nefarious activities.

If the delicacy is small enough you can hide it under your tongue or in your cheek down near your back teeth. That has worked for me. My Mom swore she saw me pick something up and she checked in my mouth and there was nothing there, or so she thought. Sadly she caught me chewing it when I thought she wasn't looking. But she never figured out exactly where I hid it. :D

Catch you round,
Love Tiggy
Exactly what Tiggy said. Those dogs have more places to hide what they know they're not suppose to have. I spend a good deal of my day, some days with my fingers down someone mouth. I'm glad the giveaway is the running and wiggle bum. Of course Helene likes to show Declan, he likes to take it from her and if I can get to them while Delcan is taking it away from Helene I can wrestle it out of her. However, if Declan is a success he takes off running, slowing down as I command him to stop. You did notice, I said slowing down, not stop. So far, no baby birds or frogs as of yet. Helene likes to bark at the frogs.
Kensie here. Don't chew, just swallow as fast as you can. If it gets stuck you can go elsewhere, bring it back and try again. Mom finally figured out why I was hanging out under the bird seed cone, the wood peckers knock off pieces just for me! Peanuts, seed, suet and other yums.
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