Going through withdrawls..

It has been a very frustrating day! Ive actually had to work the WHOLE day, because I couldnt get onto the forum!! I dont know if anyone else was having this problem...but I tell you this was harder than trying to give up chocolate :D Im afraid to turn around and find myself kicked off again and not be able to get back on....sigh...I missed you all...8 hours is too long to go without a sheepie chat!!!
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I apologize for the problems.

My webhost closed my older accounts on their site this morning, and I had failed to point oes.org to my new "nameserver" before they did that.

However, even after I did that, it seems that their software hadn't put oes.org into the NEW nameserver.

Bottom line is, there are still some issue that may take some more time to resolve... but the good part is, if you can see this, it's not affecting you! :)
Thank goodness!!! I hope I can get back on when I get home!! Ill keep my fingers crossed.......I guess I cant blame one of my installers that was on my computer this morning for messing it up!! :D
I couldn't get to it for a long time either..... glad I can now though! LOL
I thought it might have been just me!!! Glad we're back on!
I couldn't get on either. I've been freaking out because poor little Bob is sick and I wanted to reread those posts about Frodo and his diarrhea. I know frantic mommy. I just want to sleep on the kitchen floor with him tonight.

Darcy.......Why give up chocolate? Dark chocolate is quite healthy. What a decision: give up chocolate or sheepdogs...................horrors.
Giving up chocolate until October.....only one explaination...Bathing Suit Season :D
sheepieboss - that's sooo funny, my husband just came home the other day with 2 dark chocolate bars because they help us live longer!! Hey, who am I to protest?? I'm in!!!!!!!! :lol:

My father was in the candy business........what can I say? I knew the differences in chocolate by the time I was 5. My favorite........oh come on!
Okay, Ill let you in on a secret....I had a snickers bar last night..found it in the back of the fridge and gobbled it right up...If Brian askes where it went, Im pointing the finger at Panda :D
At least you didn't fry it!

Understand it being in frig. Put my Aunt's KitKats in frig but forgot to tell her. She's blind, so chances are they will still be there when I go back in August. The M&Ms go in the oven (she doesn't cook) since they don't melt as easily.
Why dont you put all the candy in the fridge? Why the oven? Am I missing something? They would melt in my oven....1943 range with the pilot light ever burning!! 8O
I can honestly say I have never heard of putting candy in the frig!
I hear people put their peanut butter and butter in there too! 8O
Guess I am missing something too.

I tried until late last night to get on...
I thought it was the computer I was working on...
I was so lost :cry:
Here's a trick you can try... probably would never help except in the type of problem we were experiencing last night, but here it is.

Instead of

http://forum.oes.org/ you can try to reach the forum at

Please only use the second type in "an emergency"... it may cause problems for you (and me!) in the future if people use that secondary approach too much.


PS we might experinece some problems Monday or Tuesday when we try to fix the problem from last night, right now there's a band-aid in place.
Gosh I'm sorry for y'all....I didn't have any trouble! But wondered where everyone was!!!!
Reason for candy in frig is she's in Phoenix and transporting it to her apartment it gets very soft. Being blind she won't notice by chilling melted chocolate it will bloom.....still tastes fine. As for oven, I don't know why she uses it as storage. She has cabinets......could be there's a light in the oven which provides may help her see with her 3% eyesight. I was thinking because she gets roaches in her place.......and maybe it was to help keep the stuff critter free, but ovens are pretty easy to get into for a roach. Don't think she's overrun......the apartement does spray often, but still there are dead "pets" whenever I get there.
Shellie wrote:
I can honestly say I have never heard of putting candy in the frig!
I hear people put their peanut butter and butter in there too! 8O
Guess I am missing something too.


My family always puts candy in the freezer! Snickers, Reeses, cookies -- yum!
Frozen snickers are yummy! I freeze fruits too - love frozen grapes. :)
Yup, frozen candy AND grapes mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I love frozen grapes too...lol.... and I didn't think anyone else did.
Frozen grapes are wonderful!! Yummy!! Speaking of frozen things, are anyone elses dogs addicted to icecubes?
I've never had frozen grapes -- what a funny idea. I'll have to give it a try.
Also really good is if you make a fruity drink to use the frozen grapes as icecubes.....kids love it!
I went to the local convenience store today and they put their Ho-Ho's in the cooler. Turns out every drink cooler door has some sort of chocolate product in it!
I must be weird. I love my chocolate melted, even candy like snickers
or kitkats. Of course then you need a spoon eat it, unless you
want a mess. But I love it melted! I understand the keeping it away from
kritters part, and the blooming part though. I rarely buy candy
for 'later'. I usually only get any if I really crave it, and then it's gone
before it can melt or bloom or anything. I almost never have any candy
in the house now that I think of it! It gets snarfed up by the kids if its
Now you have me thinking about chocolate- I may have to run and get

That just reminded me... I have Reese's Peanut Butter cups in my purse that I bought last night... Time to eat them... all this talk of Chocolate is making me crave it
OHHHHHHHHHH! That just reminded me, Macintoshes Taffee, in the freezer! Then you smack it on the counter and suck on the pieces.

I am confused about the M&M's in the oven as well! :?

Colleen and Gucci George
Ditto grapes in freezer, :lol: :lol: See a bunch of us have strange tastes........no pun intended. Ditto candy bars in freezer espec peantnut butter cups. Alas, been a long time. And smacking taffee on counter........ooh, bring back memories.

Only time I had chocolate in purse it melted and became part of purse 8O

As for wanting chocolate, I'm trying to go several weeks without candy so I can do a blood test......LOL......I've been trying since early June. This topic isn't helping. But it's oh so Yummy!
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