
Just finished burying Harry. The throat tumor had grown so large he was having trouble breathing. Heat, expected storms later in summer and fireworks would have been cruel for a guy with such a narrow air passage. Darn shame because his eyes were relatively clear, hearing good, brain fully engaged.......he just couldn't breathe. Bye Bye Perfect Sheepie x Coonhound

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I am so sorry to hear of Harry's passing :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Susan, I am so sorry about Harry.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I'm very sorry Susan
I'm so sorry, Susan. I'll miss Harry stories! Run free, Harry!
So sorry for your loss. Harry was a very handsome fella. He knew you loved him as much as he loved you, for you gave him peace and eased his suffering. My heart sheds tears for you, knowing your sorrow. May the darkness let the glow of the sun back into your life soon. :ghug:
Awww, Susan.
I'm so sorry to hear of Harry's passing.

Rest in peace Harry.
God speed Harry. God speed buddy. We hardly knew ya.

Vance, Jen, Zoey and Caitlyn
I'm so sorry Susan. God's speed to Harry, and big hugs to you!
Sorry for your loss of Harry.
I'm so sorry. :ghug:
:ghug: :ghug:

I'm so sorry. He made it a very long time with his diagnosis. Knowing what was coming with weather and his fears, you made a kind choice for him.

:hearts: :hearts:
I am so sorry Susan, you've been there so many times before, I'm sure it never gets easier :( :(

I am so sorry to hear of your loss of Harry. You did the kindest thing for that sweet boy. When I saw the posting, all I thought was "oh no, not Harry." I'm really going to miss the Harry stories. :ghug: to you Susan.
So sorry for your loss, Susan. Run free Harry!
So very sorry for your loss. :ghug:
Am so sorry for the lost of Harry, sending you hugs
So very sorry to learn of Harry's passing. He lived life to the fullest, loved his stories too.

Run free, big guy!

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
so sorry, another sheepie with angel wings....xxxx
Susan, I am so sorry to hear this. You gave him a great life, and now your heart is larger with the memories he filled it with.
:ghug: :ghug:
Poor Harry. :cry: :cry: :cry: But what a great life he lived with you!!!

Sending hugs your way, Susan :ghug:
I'm so sorry for your loss of Harry. Run free Harry.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

So sorry for your loss. :ghug:
oh, Susan...I just saw this..I am so sorry!!

Run fast and free, sweet Harry...run to Rainbow Bridge there are so many waiting to welcome you...

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I am so sorry.
I'm sorry. :(
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. May your heart be soon filled with sweet memories of your dear boy.
Aw Susan, I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you...
I'm soooo sorry.
Most poignant picture of all, the last Harry picture with Paul.........Good bye Dad, it's been a great life. Thank you.

SheepieBoss wrote:
Most poignant picture of all, the last Harry picture with Paul.........Good bye Dad, it's been a great life. Thank you.

:aww: :aww: :aww: :aww: :(
SheepieBoss wrote:
Most poignant picture of all, the last Harry picture with Paul.........Good bye Dad, it's been a great life. Thank you.

:aww: :hearts: What a sweet picture--brought tears. :hearts:
Sorry I am so late with this. Susan, I am terribly sorry to hear about Harry!
what a beautiful picture, showing their love for each other. I am still crying...the love we share with our sheepies is so special. :ghug:
Thank you all. He was a great dog. We miss him daily...........except last night when we had big time storm. He would suffer from the sound of rain along with the lightning and thunder.

He hung around a year teaching Kdog about alerting the front gate and keeping the feral cats on the run. Unfortunately since he was getting tired, he'd often retire to the dog bed in the garage for quiet and now when I let Kdog outside by herself, that's where she ends up. Hard to be a "guard dog" from inside the garage. But the cars and garage freezer is well guarded! Priorities.

Picture makes me sad as my eyes to right to the tumor on his lower throat/upper chest, that isn't a muscle.
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