A month without the forum

Eek, but that's what is about to happen. My husband leaves for Guam on Wednesday, and my boys & I are going to go visit his parents. We go see them for a couple of weeks every summer anyway, so MIL said we could just make the trip out then. :)

I'll have to manage a 6 hour trip with me, my two toddlers, Jasper, Allie & her baby... Pray for me! LOL It's not going to be fun, but it'll be a lot of fun once we get there.

Gonna miss everyone! Hopefully, I'll be able to check in some while I'm there, but I seriously doubt it.
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We'll miss you! :(

But enjoy your trip anyway :lol: !
Have a nice trip!
Have a good trip and remember to take pictures so you can post them when you get back!!
A whole month, Gail?? We'll miss you! I hope you enjoy the visit and that the trip is a pleasant one. :D
Remember - one day at a time!! :D Have a good trip. I'm sure you'll be fine!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk to you in a month! Can't wait to see pictures!

A whole month????????????? OH MY!! You'll survive, I'm sure of it!!! Have a great trip, good luck with kids and critters. I'll keep you and your husband in my prayers for safe travel and safe return :D
A whole month??? And I thought it was bad that I couldn't check in for a week while we were on vacation! A month is WAY too long! 8O

But you'll be so busy visiting with your in-laws that you'll probably not even notice how fast the time will fly. Have a safe trip, and I'll keep you and your husband in my prayers for safe travel and safe returns home.

Have a GREAT TRIP!! Enjoy the MOMENTS!! Be safe!
Have a safe trip, enjoy your visit!
Please take lots of pictures to post.
Our thoughts and prayers to you and your
husband for safe travel/return....

We'll look forward to hearing about your
trip in a month !
Six hours? Is that all?? :lol: :lol: OK, with the crew and possible busy roads, that's plenty. You will be insane before you get in the van........Drive safe and have a good time.
Now, the important question.... will the ferret be coming also???


Karen - that avatar is hysterical!
Sheepie - I've never driven past a hour where I live! lol It's always from my house to my parent's house. Our town has a population of about 30-40k people, it's all highways and small towns to my parent's house. That's why I'm so nervous! The traffic will be crazy to me. My hubby always drives on these trips, lol

No..Skittles (the ferret) is no longer with us. He developed tumors and had to be put down. :( I wish we still had him, but he lived a long 5 years. Ferrets are awesome pets. We've been thinking about getting the boys one soon, but I think we've decided to wait until they're older. There's too much going on right now to add another pet, but I'm positive things will calm down once they both start school. Maybe then, we'll see. :)

I'll try and take some pics. My hubby will have our good digital camera, and we have a 3.2 mp one around here somewhere. I've been letting the kids play with it, so I've gotta find it! lol I would use our 35mm, but I'm the world's worst about getting film developed. I have a box with over 20 undeveloped rolls in it...lol Whenever I leave for town, I always forget about taking film with me!
ooooh, a big trip! Sorry, didn't realize you haven't been " on the road again......" You'll do fine. Don't let the fast drivers fluster you. There are idiots so give them room. Plan to miss bigger towns rush hours if you can. With kids and pups it will be a challenge. Let's hope they all fall asleep allowing you move right along.
Have a great trip! :)
JakobandBrandonsMom -- what is that creature in your new avatar? It is a very cute picture but I'm stumped! Is it a bunny?
valerie wrote:
JakobandBrandonsMom -- what is that creature in your new avatar? It is a very cute picture but I'm stumped! Is it a bunny?

Thanks :) It's a ferret. We did have a bunny too though :)
Snacks!! Take lots of snacks! HEHEHEH When I just typed that I kept typing SNAKES!!!!!!! FOr you that wouldn't be out of the ordinary, but I definately recommend SNACKS not SNAKES. Road Music, don't forget road music. My daughter and I used to take a stack of CD's we could sing along to. With her it was Meatloaf but for your little fellas it might need to be Raffi :lol: Frozen bottles of water, when they thaw you have COLD water. DOn't forget everybodies pillow and blankie :D
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