Oh Amy... Is this a side effect problem?

Can side effects to medication build up? Amy is doing really well behavior-wise with her clomipramine. She's been a little off on eating, but not a lot, not even enough that I would consider it an issue. She is maybe leaving 1/8 to 1/4 of her meals in the the bowl. Over the past week we noticed that she went from having normal stools to softer, then even softer, and now diarrhea. This also is contributing to her night-waking.

She skipped her breakfast today, but ate her dinner, which she does about once a week anyway. I gave her a dose of pepto bismul this afternoon to help calm things down since she had two rounds of diarrhea today, she was up twice last night, and she's acting lethargic. She is still drinking water, although less, which I'm chalking up to being less active too.

I know stomach upset is a side effect, as well as diarrhea, but I expected it earlier rather than later. I'm wondering if this is normal. And if there is anything I can do to help her out. Crazy dog loves kibble versus "people" food, so she snubbed the chicken and rice I offered earlier.

The only other thing is that she gets a teaspoon of pure peanut butter (just straight ground peanuts, nothing else) twice a day with her pill and we give her little milkbone brand training treats.

I guess, I'd love to hear that she'll be ok. Or there is some home remedy that will make her feel better. My unfortunate sheepdog just is getting hit with one thing after another these days. :?
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Have you tried a probiotic on her food? Is her medication an antibiotic?
Best to talk to your vet on this one. Could be a side effect or may be coincidence. A phone call to your vet?
We never saw any poop-realted side effects. I did have concerns about appetite; Tonks is thin, and she would often leave her bowl half full when on the meds. We switched her pill time to at bed time instead of in the morning, and her appetite improved significantly.

Has anything in her diet changed? Did you give a flea or heart worm preventative recently? Could she have gotten into and eaten something she shouldn't have? Our girls are both grain allergic; once we switched to no-grain diets, they have done really well. Maybe a change in food is something to try? If you DO consider it, do a gradual change, or the diarrhea will get worse.
with all the things Willow has gotten into lately, I have been feeding her a tablespoon of pumpkin at every meal to settle her tummy and it has helped....
I would call the vet especially if it lasts more than 24hours. It wouldn't hurt to take in a stool sample. Dogs can dehydrate pretty quickly. Maybe she ate something or maybe the meds need to be adjusted. Also, another thing to try is rice and cottage cheese. Poor little Amy :hearts: :hearts: I'll keep good thoughts for you both. :hearts: :hearts: :kiss: :ghug:
I'm supposed to call the vet this afternoon to let him know about how Amy is doing. I'll definitely mention this. She is on a tricyclic antidepressant to treat her anxiety and aggression.

We tried switching the food a while back and nobody ate it, so we went back to the lamb and rice formula that the two dogs like. Let's see, we haven't had any flea & tick treatments applied yet, and the only thing different is the girls both had baths this past weekend. Not anything new there, in that we used the same shampoo as before, and her symptoms started showing up before then.

I can try adding the pumpkin in to see if it helps her out. Any idea if I can use it instead of the pepto for her upset tummy? I think I have some in the freezer from the garden. (Too bad you didn't say zucchini... I still have too much of that in the freezer.)

Could it be the peanut butter? She had only had it a couple of times before but now she has it twice a day.
try cutting out the peanut butter and see if the symptoms go away.

Vl is right; pumpkin can be a godsend. My girls ate loads of it before we figured out that they had grain allergies. It's completely harmless for pets, and good for them, and has the happy side effect of firming up loose stools or loosening up overly firm ones. You can feed it to cats as well!

http://drjeandoddspethealthresource.tum ... yd1NhafN5g
Ok, so the vet has her on a probiotic now.

We switched her pill delivery from peanut butter to cheese tonight. So we'll see if changing that will help too.
Did the vet think it was the meds or something else?
The vet thought it was the medication. He is pleased with the overall effect and what the trainer said though, so that was a plus.
I really hope the probiotics work since the meds are helping so much. :crossed:
:crossed: :crossed: :crossed: fingers crossed that all will be well for Amy in a couple of days!
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