He has to go back in the crate

I thought that when we had to pull Bert out of the wire crate because he was going to kill himself tying to escape that it could mean he chewed something up in our finished basement. And my basement is like another room of the house - we have decent furniture down there. But sadly that is no longer the case - Bert chewed up the basement couch today.

These were nice Flexsteel couches that we splurged on seven years ago and they were in mint condition. I am sick.

I am also not too happy about putting Bert back in the crate because he has had such issues in the crate. I was unable to find a stronger wire crate to contain him so he will have to go back in the molded plastic crate that he really hated in the beginning.

This is such a lose-lose situation.

Back to the furniture - has anyone ever had a couch repaired? I am going to call around tomorrow to see if someone can fix it. I really don't want to spend the money to replace it. :(
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Oh my--he really did do a 'chew job' on the couch. I am so sorry for both the couch and that Bert will need to go back in the crate.

I haven't had a leather couch repaired, but did have a couch that belonged to my parents repaired and reupholstered. They were able to rebuild some of the frame that had broken. Good luck on your search.

Wow! If it was upholstery fabric that wouldn't be a problem. Finding someone who works with leather, that will be the problem. Contact the manufacturer for possible solutions...I suspect they've seen worse.
sorry, I've been a victim too. family friends build similar institutional furniture. it doesn't look too difficult a fix if you can buy the fabric. doesn't appear bert got the framework, so padding and fabric sewing would fix like new. don't discount the rv businesses as they sometimes have the best upholsterers. 8)

Does Flexsteel offer re-upholstery service, or can you refer me to a reputable re-upholstery company?

At Flexsteel, we focus on building new furniture so we do not offer re-upholstery services. You may want to check with your local Flexsteel RV or Marine retailer to see if they offer re-upholstery services or can recommend a reputable re-upholstery company.

I need to purchase fabric to match my Flexsteel furniture for a repair, or for accent pieces. How do I go about purchasing Flexsteel fabric?

Please contact your local Flexsteel RV or Marine retailer to check the availability of fabrics and to place your fabric order.

oh and bert will become better behaved
Oh Bert you are in the doghouse ............ I mean dog crate!! :( 8O

I hope you can get it fixed without too much trouble Judi.
I am also worried about this dog. He had such major anxieties in the plastic crate. He was a wet slobbery mess when I would get home. Then he escaped the wire crate and I thought he was going to hurt himself so I let him out.

I cannot afford to put him in daycare.
I am so sorry that you and Bert are going through this. When China was small she did a number on my couch, it had to be thrown out. I'm sure you can find someone to repair your couch. Good luck and I hope Bert does better soon.
I am so sorry about your couch and Bert.

I will ask around to see about a good reupholsterer.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Oh no! I'm so sorry about your couch and Bert. Yes, a reupholster should be able to repair that if they can find the same color. It won't be cheap, but still better than replacement.

Poor Bert, it's sad he has such issues with the crate. Teddy didn't like his crate as first and then he came to love it. I felt bad taking it out of the kitchen last fall, but 2 1/2 years was long enough to have that giant thing in the kitchen. It's in the basement if he wants it, but he doesn't use it down there.

Good luck with Bert in the crate. :crossed:

I had a friend who was able to reupholster her sofa on her own. I'm not that capable so I would have to call a shop. But there are shops and it might not be as bad to redo the sofa as it could be.

Poor Bert, and you too. Would a playyard type of enclosure be a better option for him over a crate?
Oh No! I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this. Shame on Bert, you are right, it is a lose-lose.

I've had two couches repaired, three, if you count the same one twice. Our beloved boxer pups find our upholstery irresistible. But, they were fabric and probably much easier to hide.

We used the original fabric from the underside of the cushions and used the newer fabric there. After a couple of years of turning the cushions, you cannot really tell. I also added brighter, eye catching pillows to distract from the subtle new/old shades initially. Arm covers can be a good source of fabric, (and you do have a matching pair) if leather sofas have them?

If any sofa can be moved against a wall, this is the one. Also, from a decorating standpoint, some sofas now combine two contrasting colors of similar fabric, etc. Just an option maybe?

Hopefully you will find the original fabric and it will be an easy fix :crossed:

Hope that Bert will be an easy fix too :ghug:
SheepieMommy wrote:
I am also worried about this dog. He had such major anxieties in the plastic crate. He was a wet slobbery mess when I would get home. Then he escaped the wire crate and I thought he was going to hurt himself so I let him out.

I cannot afford to put him in daycare.

That makes it extra tough. :(

Tiggy didn't like a closed in crate either but she was more than ok with the wire crate. Possibly due to the fact that I didn't need to crate her till she was a bit older so she spent very short periods of time in the crate with me still in the house providing lots of biscuits and praise. I hope he grows out of chewing real soon. :crossed:
OMG you poor thing, he really did a number. Can you gate him off in a corridor instead of the crate when you are out?
Holy crap. That is impressive.

Can you tire him out before you leave, I mean, really exhaust him, and leave him with a bone? Maybe a huge bone since he apparently likes the bigger things.
We are on our way to fixing the couch. I found a lady who was reasonable and didn't expect me to haul the couch to her place. She came by today and removed the arm and the back piece. We found a fabric that was relatively close. After she makes a new back piece and covers the part on the arm she will return to attach them.

In the meantime Bert has spent two days and one evening in the plastic crate. He is not happy but he cannot escape like he has the wire crate. I am not happy either but it is the safest place for him right now. But he so far hasn't been stressed when I came home - so fingers crossed. Tim was home with him this weekend and he caught him sticking his head in the spot that he tore up. Apparently he does not get that it is wrong.
Great news re: lady upholsterer! So what if the leathers don't quite match and they won't. Throw an afghan over the section.........blanket, not a dog 8) Really I suspect you will be the only one who will notice the leather color difference.
SheepieMommy wrote:
Tim was home with him this weekend and he caught him sticking his head in the spot that he tore up. Apparently he does not get that it is wrong.

Wrong??! Whaddya mean wrong? He was redecorating. It was fun!
So glad you found someone to fix your sofa!! Sounds like she knows what she is doing, and an afghan will look great on that end of the sofa! :D

And glad to hear that Bert is not stressing in his crate!! All good news!
May the good luck with low stress in the crate continue! 8)
Judi: What brand of metal crate are you using? I have found General Cage to be very strong. As an added precaution, at shows we will put a clip on the door attached to the crate so there is no way they can get it opened. I have never seen a dog escape from a wire crate other than when they flipped up the latch on a Midwest metal crate. There again, using the clip prevented the action.
Marilyn I am not sure what brand crate mine are. They were two different brands and he broke both of them. He also was shoving the tray out. I think he also went nuts when I made sure that the latch was up to keep him from pushing the tray out.

After talking to Dawn when the escape incident happened I have added reinforcing hardware to the gates but still wasn't willing to take my chances for eight hours since he had ripped off wires too. I couldn't find a crate that appeared to have a heavier gauge.

In the meantime, he is going willingly into his molded plastic crate and I know he can't get out of that.

Thanks for the helpful suggestion.
So here is the finished couch. I picked out the fabric and we could not find and exact match. I had hoped the swatch that I selected would match better than it does but at this stage I am just happy it was fixed. And I doubt I could have found a better match with the people who were quoting me over twice as much to repair it since the couches were seven years old and the same fabric was no longer available.

The repaired sections are only visible from this angle so for the most part won't be noticeable when standing facing the couch.

The couch looks great in the picture AND in person!!!! And Bert is wonderful, joyful and so funny!!!
Looks great to me. :clappurple:
They did a good repair, and for an aged couch, an exact match is going to be pretty impossible anyway. Looks like real good work. :)
That looks really good. I'm glad Bert is willingly using his plastic crate now too. Perhaps this is the end of his sofa eating days.
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