Clipper recommendations?

What are your favorite clippers? Brands? Corded? Cordless?
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Andis 2 speed. And if you do a forum search, there are many discussions about this topic already...of course ;) It's pretty much a given article with these guys.

Doing a belly shave.
The corded vs. cordless question hasn't been brought up much before. Definitely go with a corded clipper if you want to get through an OES coat in one charge. Most cordless clippers are actually trimmers which are meant for small areas, such as toe pads and sanitary areas.
Maggie McGee IV wrote:
The corded vs. cordless question hasn't been brought up much before. Definitely go with a corded clipper if you want to get through an OES coat in one charge. Most cordless clippers are actually trimmers which are meant for small areas, such as toe pads and sanitary areas.

The cordless don't cut it. :? OES coat is dense enough to test the power with the corded ones.

Similar to the issues that cord vs battery power tools have.
I love my Wahl clippers but to be fair I started out with Wahl and I've not been adventurous.

I've often contemplated getting cordless to trim feet, face and sanitary areas when I groom my Mom's poodles. They a wrigglers and the cord gets all messed up around they're feet or just gets annoying around my arm. But a little adjustment of where we're standing sorts it so I've not gone to the expense.

From what I've read the cordless wouldn't even last for two mini poodles but I haven't checked in ages.
Only cordless I use is around the ears and under the feet...but there I often used blunt nose scissors instead. Clipper sounds like an angry bee and Kdog just barely tolerates it because she knows it's only for 4 square inches max. Otherwise, corded by all means! I've thought about a cordless for a sanitary clip but the corded is fine, no big deal.

Two speed, lower cuts per minute rate to keep the heat from building up so quickly. Comb attachments are way too difficult for our breed unless dog is PERFECTLY combed out, even to point of undercoat greatly reduced. If you want an inch or so cut, use scissors.

Brand is up to you. I have Oster and Andis........and use a Wahl on my DH, granted not an dog groomer clipper.......but I've been tempted. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: All are fine.

To keep the blade from overheating and getting dull quickly, I use the blue liquid dunk.....obviously can't think of the name, to cool the blade and clean it while I'm working on the dog. I also have several blades and switch back and forth. Some folks here will cool their blade on a wet rage, I'd avoid ice to prevent thermal shock.
Oh, thank you for mentioning the comb attachments. I was considering them since I use them on the man and the boy, why not the dog? But if they don't work, I'll skip them.
I have used them on a sheepie BUT a very well brushed out sheepie whose coat was not too long.
The combs have to be able to travel at skin depth and our pups' hair density makes it impossible to get through unless you have brushed so much to reduce the density. Also to use the combs you need a high number blade, higher than 10 that comes with the blade........I've know people to use a #40 with is nearly surgery clipping closeness.

I'm not saying it can't be done, but it isn't as easy as on man and boy......I use them on DH so know how great it would be if they went through dog like man.......sigh.

When you are an "old hat" at line brushing, then clipping with scissors will be no big deal.

I admit, I still "shave down" with a #3 or #5, shorter than I want but I know it will come back quickly. Trying to get up nerve to do Kdog in the next 60 days or do some creative undercarriage work to reduce the trash she is picking up daily. She's decided she can be a bushwhacker on our walks.....but brings back the bushes attached to her hair. "Mom these tumbleweeds hurt!"
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