Just checking in-- it's been awhile

Hi everyone, it's been awhile so I wanted to drop by to say hi and give you some updates on what we've been up to. First, I'm so sorry to see how many of you have lost your beloved dogs. It's so sad that all of our guys are getting older. I'm sad to say that Clyde has been diagnosed with both bone and spleen cancer, and, unfortunately, the latter is devastating. The bone cancer is on his foot and we had planned to have his foot operated on but when he went in for the pre-op scans, they found the mass in his spleen. Due to its growth (we've been monitoring it with ultrasounds) it is very likely a hemangiosarcoma and even with a spleen removal, they only predict an additional 3 months of life. With that in mind, we didn't want to put him through a foot amputation only to spend the last few months of his life limping and recovering so we opted to let everything run it's natural course. He's in good spirits and feeling great so it didn't make sense to mess with that. On the plus side, we got the 3 month prediction about 4.5 months ago and Clyde is still going strong. At this point, all we can do is love him.

Owen is doing fine. He's been pretty high strung lately and I think he knows something is up with Clyde. He took losing Bear pretty hard and I'm kind if concerned what's going to happen with Owen when Clyde goes. I'm hoping for the best.

My human kid, Alexander is going to be 2 in a couple of weeks, which is pretty crazy. It feels like he was just born. He loves the dogs and likes to lay in the dog bed with Clyde but I have to limit it because Clyde licks him until he's dripping wet and stinking like dog breath! Owen loves him because he's constantly trying to pass food to him that he doesn't want. Since Owen is much faster than Clyde, that's why he gets this privilege!

Other than that, we're just generally busy with life stuff. My husband and I both got promotions at work, which is great but it's much more work for both of us. We have a long commute so between driving, spending time/activities with Alexander and getting time in with the dogs, we're pretty much always on the go. I feel like I never sit down since I've had this kid! I hope all is well with all of you and I'm going to try to check in more often to see what everyone is up to!

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It's so nice to hear from you! I'm sorry to hear about Clyde; so heart breaking. But it's nice to hear that everyone else is well! :hearts:
Miss you Jill.....prayers for Clyde...hugs to you and your family!!!!

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
So sorry to hear about Clyde :cry: :ghug:

Great to hear that everyone else is doing good!! :D
Thanks for stopping in to chat! Sorry about Clyde. I agree with your decision. We want to fix them but at what cost physical and $$? Double up the loves.
Hey, it is great to hear from you. It always feels right when some of the former "regulars" check in. I am sorry to hear about Clyde. I still remember when we finally got to meet both of you and person and Harry played with Clyde at the Michigan Nationals in 2007.

Take care and hugs to Clyde.
So so great to hear about what's going on.
I am so sorry to hear about Clyde. It really sucks that they can't live
longer lives. It never seems long enough when you are losing a great

Glad your Alexander is well. Don't blink, he will be grown before you know it
and the things you thought you'd never miss will make your heart ache in the

I have to tell you I think about you and some of the old members we don't
see much anymore. I understand life happens, but I am so glad you stopped
in to catch up. That saying - you can never go home - ain't that the truth!

Good to hear from you!
Glad to hear that Clyde is still going strong. And I can't believe Alexander is already two years old already!

It is good to see a lot of the original forum members here again. Check in with us once in awhile. We miss you here!
It's great to hear from you again Jill. I'm really sorry to hear about Clyde's troubles. I still remember when he was a puppy. You used to post the greatest pics of him. Asia is in a similar situation to how Own will be when Clyde leaves. Asia was the only one left behind with the recent loss of Violet and China (20 days apart) Asia stayed right near China's side the whole morning before we took China to the vet's. China and Asia were the best of friends. Yes, the loss of her two sisters has been hard on Asia. We did get an Aussie pup, Declan, who keeps her busy, but like a day like yesterday, Asia was kinda frumping around and really didn't want to have much to do with Declan. She seems better today. It is really hard on them. I think Asia has finally figured out China wasn't coming back. I walk the fence with her like China used to but I'm no China.
Congrats on the promotions. That is really good news for the two of you. That is the hard part of working parents, there never seems to be enough time for much. Wait until he gets in school and you throw homework into the mix, oh well. I'm sure driving in Detroit has been so much fun with all the snow and ice.
Stop in again soon. We miss you!
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