Does anybody spend alot of time in front of a computer...?

I've been really addicted to google searching, playing spider solitaire, checking forums, e-mail. (for the past 4 days straight)...anyways before I realize I've been infront of a computer for most of the day and long into the night. I don't normally spend more than 30 min I can easily sit for 3 hours watching tv and using the computer. I've been researching a few things...trying to figure some stuff out.

Normally, I will have other things to do and I get breaks...but the kids have been so busy playing inside/outside...they get their own things...they don't need me. So here I sit.

Now I have pain in my shoulder, and shoulder baldes, also down the arm, and across the back...I sit on the couch with the lap proper chair/desk set up.

My question is is this pain normal for excessive computer use? If it isn't I may have a problem to be confirmed in a couple days.
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Yes, back and shoulder pain are a VERY common ailment due to improper posture while using a computer.

Try not to hunch over; change your position frequently, use a chair with a back and lumbar support; sit upright.

BTW this is not limited to computer geeks; Pianist geeks are similarly afflicted if their teachers don't teach proper posture. Piano benches have no backs for support, so one of the most important things taught to young students is..... POSTURE!
I spend all day in front of the computer, at a desk with a proper chair. There are quite a few days when I get pains from my neck down my back between my shoulder blades. With the way you're sitting it could definitely be a result of bad body alignment. When it happens to me I get up and stretch for a while, because they pay me to sit here all day so I don't have much of a choice :lol: So get on up and stretch! Or, if you have a breakfast bar put the computer on it and stand. I had a friend with terrible back pain who started standing to use the computer and it did her a world of good.

Good luck!
I spend waaaaaaay too much time at the computer....
When I use the laptop and am sitting on the couch my back does hurt, however, the other 2 on desks work better, I don't have decent chairs though, that's on my "list" LOL
Thanks everyone,

I don't have pain in the wrist so I didn't think it was a carpul tunnel thing...and I believe that is years and years of slacking.

Funny thing is we do have a computer in a desk, downstairs...our main one. But ever since we got this lap top, that one only serves as the internet conector and kids play games on it.

I'm just a little suprised it took this long to hurt so much...I even called the chiropractor hoping to get an appt tommorrow.

Okay, I will start taking breaks...I do have things to get ready this week. Time to shut it off for awhile...until tommorrow anyways.

We will be gone for 1 week, camping...I should be making a make shift outside dog house. I have to build a platform, with hooks, and carpet, and I should have it 3 inches, approx off the ground so rain doesn't soak the carpet. Then I will use my exercise pen to attach to the clips...they can't dig out or push it over...then tarp the whole thing. We also have the tie outs, to make a run for the campsite...they get free reign and I don't get tangled long as we have two tree far enough apart.
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O

Whazzat? Me spend too much time on the computer?....naaahhh!

Marianne and the boys
If you are sitting on your couch make sure you use a pillow or some such to support your elbow. I had shoulder surgery a couple years ago and the things that really help are having the mouse/hand/wrist at the same level as my elbow and having the elbow supported.

Signed a fellow sloucher.
Marianne wrote:
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O

Whazzat? Me spend too much time on the computer?....naaahhh!
Marianne and the boys

Now that we've settled that, along with the wrist, back, arm and shoulder ailments, etc...... The secret to re-cushioning your tailbone is to keep a fresh supply of food and drinks next to the keyboard. Seems to work wonders for me. :oops:
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