How Often Do You Bathe Your Dog?

I find giving Monty a full bath with shampoo such an ordeal that I do it as little as possible.

From May until September the dogs will swim quite a lot, I might give them a bath with shampoo three times during these months.

I gave Monty a full bath with shampoo yesterday, the last time was September.

He does get a foot wash if it is muddy and a butt wash and head wash about once a month.

I groom him lots so he is soft and looks in good condition so I don't find he looks dirty and he is not a smelly dog. It's his head that gets smelly that's why I wash it once a month.

How about you, how often do you give the dog a full bath? Do you do it yourself or at the groomer?
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Kensie is getting's been almost 8 months. Far too long but bathing is very difficult for us.
In the summer, I stick to a good monthly schedule. It sometimes stretches out to 5 or even 6 weeks in the winter, especially with the extreme cold temperatures we've been having.

We keep Benson in her natural coat for the most part. I trim her feet, legs, and face, but the her body has never been trimmed. That monthly conditioning is really helpful for getting the occasional burrs out of her fur without having to cut them out.
SheepieBoss wrote:
Kensie is getting's been almost 8 months. Far too long but bathing is very difficult for us.

I understand.

We got a hose connector for the garden hose to the kitchen so I can give warm baths outside in the summer. I find this easier than putting Monty in the bath. As the garden hose has more pressure, I can soak them down quicker and then have a squirty bottle to apply the shampoo and conditioner, less bending over. I leash him to a tree.

It's still hard work but goes a lot quicker.

Buster won't get a bath for 6 Months over winter, we can't get him in the bath!
I do every 9 days, and have for many many years now. Before I think it was every 2 weeks. I think with age, Yuki stinks more. I can't handle a day more w/o feeling they are stinky. I'd love to have someone else take this chore away from me though. Hmmm... wonder what age I can start getting my oldest involved ;)

My other dog is a male... so I feel that is why he stinks too ;)

I feel the more baths they get, the easier the coat is to handle too... Of course this is assuming a person is brushing regularly and has a cooperative dog. We brush every other day. I will not go to sleep until I've brushed 1 dog a night. That way it's always super quick.

Lambo tries hopping in the tub now every time he gets in the bathroom. Then he cries for the water to be turned on. He's weird!! He definitely didn't start out like that, but he's a water dog, so maybe it's in his blood to like water :P
Well, we usually get ours cut/shaved down 2 to 3 times per they get a bath at that time.

Otherwise, there are only baby wipes and foot/butt baths as needed. It has happened that Tay rolls in something outside and needed a bath.

When their fur starts to grow out, and we are brushing them on a regular basis we use a conditioning spray and that seems to keep them plenty fresh and clean. They just don't get smelly or dirty.
In his full coat now, I only have him bathed him at the groomers. I will do touch-ups on his feet and face, but that's it for the baths. He goes every 5 weeks! I use lots of spray and leave in conditioners tho. He's doesn't smell and isn't dirty. That outer-coat keeps a lot off of him.

In the summer he swims and swims and is in a shorter cut, so they get baths outside, maybe once a week!
We don't keep ours in full coat, and I don't have time to groom much myself. I had been taking Harley in for a monthly groom, but have just recently changed it to twice a month - just a bath and brushing one time and a trim the next.
I have Murphy bathed at the groomers about every six weeks. They don't do any of the brushing or trimming. I just don't have the facilities at home to do a full bath, but I do have a good dryer and do face and paw washes as needed.

My hair stylist gave me a couple of his old 'capes' from his shop and they are perfect to put on him for a face wash!! :D
Lambert (Lamby) is 3 months. Very very active so gets dirty very quickly. Once every 2 weeks for me. He loves the warm baths.
hecolivares wrote:
Lambert (Lamby) is 3 months. Very very active so gets dirty very quickly. Once every 2 weeks for me. He loves the warm baths.

Welcome to the forum, do you have a picture of lamby? would love to see him.
Its been 3 months since Opal has been bathed. I love that full collie coat, where the dirt just brushes off of her. Amy is at the 6 week mark. When I brought her home I was bathing her at least once a week. I assumed that dogs are like cats when it comes to their own urine stench being comforting, and well... gross. I wanted her to find the smell of clean to be good and comforting instead. Right now the weather has been either too wet and muddy or way too cold to bathe her. I'm tempted to take her in to a groomer.

If we let Amy grow out her coat will she have the same effect as the collie coat? Would I just be able to brush the dirt out? I've never had a full-coated sheepie, and right now it seems like we are at a length that mats start very easily, but dirt doesn't release.
Well it depends being honest. Puppy (Elwood) every week as he seems to be in the mud also seems to stink of pee as he is learning to pee for GB up most up right things and tends to fall over. They get there flea bath every four months as well as other flea stuff. Clean mouth and face area once a week a white bits two weeks before a show. Don't wash the dark area only when flea bath. At the moment due to all of the rain feet get washed a lot. Have our own dog bath and cage dryer.
Hi sorry im not logged in!

bloo gets a bath when I can be bothered to waste half a day standing up getting back ache! Usually a full bath with oatmeal shampoo every 4 to 5 month or so. He gets his face washed once a week over the side of the bath. I never wash his whittes only the night before a show i wash him feet and bum/tummy. He stinks now but he hasnt had a bath since the start of november...
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