The End of an Era?

I haven't been on the board nearly as long as many that are here, but I like to think that my 6 years is nothing to sneeze at. So I look at the last year or so, and I ask- are we at the end of an era? And if so, are we looking out into the wide blue yonder at the start of a new one?

We've lost so many dogs that to me, in my 6 years, seemed like pillars of the community. Heart, Pearl and Cosmo. :hearts: Wendle. :hearts: Violet and China. :hearts: Hattie. :hearts: Both Pandas- Marianne's and Darcy's. :hearts: Bumble. :hearts: Butterstotch's Bear. :hearts: Ravenmoon's Abby. :hearts: And many more that I know I'm forgetting. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

But we've seen some wonderful new additions as well! Declan, Willow, Shindig Sam, Bert, Tucker, Murphy and Bond (not too big to still be babies, the both of those boys!)... so many lovely pups have joined us in the past couple of years, and rescues as well!

So- is this a new chapter for
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:hearts: :hearts: :aww: :wag: :wag:
Definitely a new chapter...

I was just talking to someone else on here about everyone's dogs. By everyone, I mean.... the people who go way back on this board. All of us have dogs that are 8+ in age... and have been here since they were born, went through that rough puppy coat, damaged so much of the house, you name it!!

Sigh... it's sad to see both those dogs and their owners disappear from the board.

It is nice to see a whole new crew taking over... with some oldies still staying strong in posting.
over 15,000 posts... sigh ;)
I have thought about this as well.
Seems like there are batches of dogs approximately the same age. With that, we will see, unfortunately, more spats of furbabies leaving us for the Bridge.
Well, being one of the newbies, I'd like to say I am so glad to be part of this group! I look forward to checking the forum every day to see what's going on, and I'm bummed when I don't get a chance to get on. Thanks for accepting me and my sweet Sam into this awesome family! :ghug:
There does seem like we've had alot of our wonderful pets to to the Rainbow Bridge lately. Maybe it is that alot of us old timers our dogs are all getting up in years, so it's inevitable, I guess. It just seems like there have been so, so many lately. Another one this morning with JJ's Sully crossing.
We've been so involved with each other's lives through stories and pictures, playdates, events. We feel like we know each other and our animals. That is why it is so hard when one of us lose our furbaby...we all feel the pain...of loss.
Many members have moved on, passed on, and some come back and check in every once in awhile. We need to welcome new people, support our member as we've always done and rejoice when something wonderful happens to a member as well. I've learned alot of this forum and I really don't know where I would have had the opprotunity to learn if I wasn't on here. So yes, we have to go on. I also want to thank everyone for all the support they have given me over the years, but expecially during the last 6 weeks with China's diagnosis right down to the loss of both my loves Violet and China.
I realized not long ago that I celebrated a 9 year anniversary with on Jan. 29th! So many wonderful friends, stories, pictures, events, and fun along the way.
The losses have been painful, and the joy of welcoming new members and new puppies is always fun. I plan to hang around for a long time!! :D
I know it's sad :( You forgot my Annie Bananie who crossed the bridge 2 1/2 years ago. Miss that crazy lady! Unfortunately, Foz is getting up there in age too. He will be 8 this year.

Stacy wrote:
I know it's sad :( You forgot my Annie Bananie who crossed the bridge 2 1/2 years ago. Miss that crazy lady! Unfortunately, Foz is getting up there in age too. He will be 8 this year.

I know i missed many; I was just thinking of the recent losses, but you are right; these lives are far to fleeting!
As a newbie, I am so very thankful for the wealth of information provided here. Living in a place where sheepies are rare, leaves me often asking questions I can't really ask a local person. Having a rescue dog leaves me without breeder support for specific issues. Plus, my current lifestyle with kids and school and everything else doesn't leave me with the ability to meet other people very easily. During my days, I use the forum as a reward for finishing parts of an assignment, or as a break in an otherwise difficult day.

Thank you to the ones who have stuck around. I know its tedious to answer the same questions over and over. I've combed the forums as I've searched for information and wish that the people who no longer post would--so much knowledge and so many personalities I'd love to "meet". Just through my association here, I know that we are better dog owners for Amy than if I hadn't started researching and found this place.

So thank you so much.
I feel the same way as all of you...

Rainbow Bridge has gained many joyful, sheepie-souls in the last couple of years...and, we have lost a bit of our (soul), but, we have no other choice, but to go think fondly of the sheepieangels, to open our hearts :hearts: (and this is the first time I have used MY heart symbol... :( ) and our souls to another even though we know we will feel that pain, that emptiness again and again.

But, it is so worth it, to have such a wonderful furbaby in our lives.

I, like Helen, cannot express the gratitude I feel for each and every one of you. For, during my darkest saddest days with my Heart, I knew, that you all were just a click away from making me feel supported and less alone. Knowing that you 'felt' my pain, my helplessness meant so much to me.

The cards, flowers, bracelet, memorials, I received .....they were all symbols of what these sheepdogs do to us.

How they give us such compassion and empathy, almost by osmosis...

We are all better because of these wonderful wonderful creatures.

We will always remember.... maybe with a smile, maybe with a tear for those who are no longer here..

We will always miss them..for there will never be another quite like the one we lost...

But, we must honor them, and give the love we felt,,,,,are another,,,,to make another life remarkable........

So, Allison...I would like to think we are all beginning a new chapter, here on the forum, and some of us, on new adventures with new puppies.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
all i can add is thank you all for being here
I've been wondering the same thing Alison and even used the words End of an Era in a discussion with my DH about the forum.
It seems people are getting busier and busier and find it harder to find time in their lives. But this forum is such a great resource in terms of information and connecting with sheepie peeps around the world. I've found it invaluable.
Sam wrote:
Well, being one of the newbies, I'd like to say I am so glad to be part of this group! I look forward to checking the forum every day to see what's going on, and I'm bummed when I don't get a chance to get on. Thanks for accepting me and my sweet Sam into this awesome family! :ghug:

Being active in this forum was part of Amber's contract with you...did you miss it????? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, I used to roll my eyes when others talked about online communities :roll: :roll:

And while the sheepies may have brought us here, the friendship, support and the dedicated canine commitment keep us strong :high5: :high5:

So grateful to be a part of this caring community, and meet so many wonderful people. :hearts:
auntybren wrote:
Sam wrote:
Well, being one of the newbies, I'd like to say I am so glad to be part of this group! I look forward to checking the forum every day to see what's going on, and I'm bummed when I don't get a chance to get on. Thanks for accepting me and my sweet Sam into this awesome family! :ghug:

Being active in this forum was part of Amber's contract with you...did you miss it????? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, I used to roll my eyes when others talked about online communities :roll: :roll:

And while the sheepies may have brought us here, the friendship, support and the dedicated canine commitment keep us strong :high5: :high5:

So grateful to be a part of this caring community, and meet so many wonderful people. :hearts:

Couldn't have said it better myself!
This is the only online community where I actively participate. There were a couple of other owners with deaf dogs when I joined in 2004, but now I think we're the only ones who are still posting. Oscar will be 10 years old in May. 8O

Laurie and Oscar
This prompted me to post a check in. All of our fur kids are getting old. It's the worst.
I miss those who have passed but look forward to the new pups and rescues!! Just remember antic stories and PICTURES!!!
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