Monty at Agility Class

Monty and I have been doing agility classes for about a year and will probably start trials in May. Here are couple of videos of his progress so far. I stopped and treated after weaves to reinforce good weaves. These are the last two runs in the class, the first three had a lot more mistakes.
I wish we had practice runs at agility trials :)
I need a better video camera :(

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You guys are doing awesome! Very nice fast weaves! :clappurple: :clappurple: Looks to me like you will do great in Novice trials!

He'll get those weaves, it will come. He's just skipping a few to get onto the more fun stuff. Like his contacts and his concentration :clappurple: :clappurple:
In the class we use gates and that helps the dog as it makes them weave in and out of the poles. Cindy do you use gates in class? We didn't with a different agility group, I like them as it gives the dog the desired movement.
This was about three weeks ago, now he can go without the gates, it suddenly clicked what he should be doing. He is one of the better dogs in the class for weaves but one of the worst for taking directions.
He is anticipating what to do rather than following me, but I am sure it will get better. It wasn't so bad on this run as it is quite straight forward, but other ones where you have to change direction often it's a bit of a mess and I have difficulty remembering the course.
Woohoo! Way to go, Monty! There's nothing quite like a flying Sheepie :)
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

Great Job Team Monty!! You both did a great job!

He does love agility, what a big smile on his face!! :hearts:
You guys did great. I loved watching you two work.
MontyQs wrote:
In the class we use gates and that helps the dog as it makes them weave in and out of the poles. Cindy do you use gates in class? We didn't with a different agility group, I like them as it gives the dog the desired movement.
This was about three weeks ago, now he can go without the gates, it suddenly clicked what he should be doing. He is one of the better dogs in the class for weaves but one of the worst for taking directions.
He is anticipating what to do rather than following me, but I am sure it will get better. It wasn't so bad on this run as it is quite straight forward, but other ones where you have to change direction often it's a bit of a mess and I have difficulty remembering the course.

We never used the gates. I think they might have them but we never used them. If Monty loves agility like Teddy does, he is more focused on the obstacle than you. That's how Teddy is. He wants to get to the next thing in his line of sight rather than wait for me to direct him to what's next. And Teddy is super fast so it's like trying to keep up with a bullet! :lol: I have to be very conscious of my body clues because they pick up on the direction of body cues also, not just where you are pointing with your hand. My trainer was at our trial and I sent her the videos so she can see the things we need to work on.

We need to work on his focus more on me and not letting his excitement of the obstacles become his focus. We are both learning at the same time so it's an extra challenge. We will get there though. It just takes time to become a team.

Keep up the great work!

Thanks everyone for the comments, Monty sure does enjoy it.
4 my OES wrote:
MontyQs wrote:
In the class we use gates and that helps the dog as it makes them weave in and out of the poles. Cindy do you use gates in class? We didn't with a different agility group, I like them as it gives the dog the desired movement.
This was about three weeks ago, now he can go without the gates, it suddenly clicked what he should be doing. He is one of the better dogs in the class for weaves but one of the worst for taking directions.
He is anticipating what to do rather than following me, but I am sure it will get better. It wasn't so bad on this run as it is quite straight forward, but other ones where you have to change direction often it's a bit of a mess and I have difficulty remembering the course.

We never used the gates. I think they might have them but we never used them. If Monty loves agility like Teddy does, he is more focused on the obstacle than you. That's how Teddy is. He wants to get to the next thing in his line of sight rather than wait for me to direct him to what's next. And Teddy is super fast so it's like trying to keep up with a bullet! :lol: I have to be very conscious of my body clues because they pick up on the direction of body cues also, not just where you are pointing with your hand. My trainer was at our trial and I sent her the videos so she can see the things we need to work on.

We need to work on his focus more on me and not letting his excitement of the obstacles become his focus. We are both learning at the same time so it's an extra challenge. We will get there though. It just takes time to become a team.

Keep up the great work!


That's exactly what we need to work on too, on some of the runs I am not going to say anything so he has to look at me to see where to go next, and just point where he needs to go.
Randy my instructor also says the positioning of the body is important.
I ordered a soft crate and set it up today at agility practice so that Monty can get used to being in it, of course he wants to be out sitting next to me for cuddles.
Does Teddy bark on the side lines sometimes? Monty does when he sees an exciteable dog or if he wants his turn, he's getting a bit better, but it's loud
MontyQs wrote:
4 my OES wrote:
MontyQs wrote:
In the class we use gates and that helps the dog as it makes them weave in and out of the poles. Cindy do you use gates in class? We didn't with a different agility group, I like them as it gives the dog the desired movement.
This was about three weeks ago, now he can go without the gates, it suddenly clicked what he should be doing. He is one of the better dogs in the class for weaves but one of the worst for taking directions.
He is anticipating what to do rather than following me, but I am sure it will get better. It wasn't so bad on this run as it is quite straight forward, but other ones where you have to change direction often it's a bit of a mess and I have difficulty remembering the course.

We never used the gates. I think they might have them but we never used them. If Monty loves agility like Teddy does, he is more focused on the obstacle than you. That's how Teddy is. He wants to get to the next thing in his line of sight rather than wait for me to direct him to what's next. And Teddy is super fast so it's like trying to keep up with a bullet! :lol: I have to be very conscious of my body clues because they pick up on the direction of body cues also, not just where you are pointing with your hand. My trainer was at our trial and I sent her the videos so she can see the things we need to work on.

We need to work on his focus more on me and not letting his excitement of the obstacles become his focus. We are both learning at the same time so it's an extra challenge. We will get there though. It just takes time to become a team.

Keep up the great work!


That's exactly what we need to work on too, on some of the runs I am not going to say anything so he has to look at me to see where to go next, and just point where he needs to go.
Randy my instructor also says the positioning of the body is important.
I ordered a soft crate and set it up today at agility practice so that Monty can get used to being in it, of course he wants to be out sitting next to me for cuddles.
Does Teddy bark on the side lines sometimes? Monty does when he sees an exciteable dog or if he wants his turn, he's getting a bit better, but it's loud

When we are in class and waiting for our turn, yes, Teddy gets very excited when another dog is running. He used to be much worse but is getting better. At trials, he is very good and quiet in the crate. That is probably because he's been going to dog shows since he was 6 months old. I see at lot of people at the trials getting their dog all pumped up before they run. I sure don't need to do that with Teddy. That just makes him crazier in the ring. With doing back to back weekends of trials, I found this past weekend, that if I waited outside the ring where he couldn't really watch the dog before him run, he was a little more focused on what I wanted him to do. Every trial will be different on how you enter the ring, but at this one I could kind of hide his view behind people watching and crates.
Nice work! Enjoyed your videos! We are just getting started--love watching!
Nice job - you both are doing very well!

We have wires - which is what I believe you are calling gates - on the weaves. They can be single arced lines, or actual fence types. I have used both. I have a kind of crappy picture of both set up at home. This was channel weaves, and added wires as I was starting to move them into line. This was in the beginning of our training...can tell by the haircut - he just finished his CH and I had cut all his hair off!

and my grandson William LOVED them too ;)

Our previous agility set up at home - before it all had to get dug up for our new septic mound system. :(

From our 1st trial!

Looking at dates, it was about 8 months from when we seriously started training, to trialing. But - we weren't the typical newbies. While Chewie is my 1st agility dog, we had done a lot together prior to this point - he was a show CH, had obedience and rally titles, herding and weight pull and packing titles...and he also was 3 yrs old. Maturity and work ethic in abundance. :)

Now I'm just in the starting phases with Bond - it's such a fun sport!
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