Plucking the Tuckman's ears. How?

We had a vet visit today, and she said I needed to make sure to keep Tucker's ears plucked. I am trying to do some of his grooming myself, and to tell you the truth, I have no idea about ear plucking. Help? :pupeyes: :plead: :lmt: :oops:
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Mmmmmm I think I remember a post from ages ago about ear plucking.

Will have to look for it. I will say this though ................ ear powder!

Just wondering why you your vet was concerned. Every time I plucked Tiggy's ears they flared up red and occasionally got infected. I asked my vet if it would be a problem to not pluck them. He said recently vet dermatologists, having noticed that plucking stirs up some dogs ears, are saying that it's not necessary.

I decided to trial not plucking as I was at the vets for an ear infection so I figured if plucking caused it I'd see what not plucking did. So far no infections and no other problems. I think its close to 9 months now.

Tiggy has hair in her ears but it seems to have reached a point where it's not getting thicker. I just clean them with a damp cotton ball now.

I know it's not effecting her hearing. She's only deaf when she wants to be. :roll:
Mim wrote:
Mmmmmm I think I remember a post from ages ago about ear plucking.

Will have to look for it. I will say this though ................ ear powder!

Just wondering why you your vet was concerned. Every time I plucked Tiggy's ears they flared up red and occasionally got infected. I asked my vet if it would be a problem to not pluck them. He said recently vet dermatologists, having noticed that plucking stirs up some dogs ears, are saying that it's not necessary.

I decided to trial not plucking as I was at the vets for an ear infection so I figured if plucking caused it I'd see what not plucking did. So far no infections and no other problems. I think its close to 9 months now.

Hmm... she pulled a few strands that were "pinkish" to show me which hairs should be plucked. When she looked in his ears she said they looked great except for some hairs? I ask a million questions, so I'm not sure why I didn't question this... Thanks for the input.

Tiggy has hair in her ears but it seems to have reached a point where it's not getting thicker. I just clean them with a damp cotton ball now.

I know it's not effecting her hearing. She's only deaf when she wants to be. :roll:
Here you go. Enjoy :mrgreen:

Discusssion on ear plucking, there are others.

Website with photo essay on how to pluck ears.
When Violet was a pup, I did the ear plucking, the groomer did the ear plucking and it seemed like she kept getting ear infections. So I decided to not pluck them for a while and see what happened. She stopped having ear infections...amazing. Of course you have to clean their ears, but for some reason, the plucking just stirred up the infection.

Good luck.
I pluck & clean regularly. Very few ear infections over the last 29 years with (I have really lost count when I consider all the ones that have lived with me & the ones I groom for my show homes) them. Of course keeping on top of the ears, I am prone to nip something in the bud too before it turns into a full blown infection. I keep a bottle of Zymox Advanced on hand in the event I see anything that remotely looks like it might go that direction. It's one of the things my vet always comments on when my dogs are there for anything....."your dogs always have the cleanest ears"! Plucking the 1st time with puppies ......they will squeal like you are killing them. Best to have help the 1st time. After that it must feel pretty good because mine never complain. Hey Vance....remember that time we plucked Caitlyn's ears & what we pulled out?????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have started to lag on the ear cleaning and plucking and need to pick it up again. foz used to get a ton of ear infections, but once we told the groomer not to pull as much hair from his ears and his diet changed to wheat free and now mostly raw, he hasn't had an infection I don't think in over a year. Jeri Hoppe had given me a "recipe" for this blue ear cleaning stuff. I used to do it religiously and then use ear powder and stuck my fingers down there and plucked some hair. I have long nails and felt terrible on the occasion that I scratched him :(
Ear powder and then pluck. I also followed it with a treat for my big boy. I didn't have any issues and mine only had one ear infection in 14 1/2 years. The video someone provided, should help! :)
I never pluck w/o ear powder first... and never too much in one session. Usually I clean ear and I never get the stuff from the vets b/c you can get it on amazon for half the price. ...powder, pluck.

Actually I put some powder on a paper towel THEN pinch some into the ear and rub around.. OTHERWISE I've gotten it all over the hair outside the ear, ......huge mess that i have to deal with until next bath. did this for sooooooooooooo many years with yuki that my new method makes me want to hit myself for all those years...
Ear powder and pull it out is what I do! I always have my fingers in their ears (they like that spot!) so they are used to it. Just pulls right out!

Agreed on Amazon, soooo much cheaper!
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