Oh...Tiggy???? It's meeeee....

Mim wrote:
sheepieshake wrote:
She is very sweet and very innocent, and so smart....

Dear Willow,
between you and me, keep the uprights believing that you are sweet and innocent. :pupeyes:
Obviously if you've convinced the uprights of that already you're a smart girl and you'll go far.

That Bert boy looks like he'll be good cover, you should be able to wangle it so the blame lands on him.
I find the cat that lives with me very handy for 'taking the fall', so you want to start setting that up now with Bert.

You're doing great in your new home so far. Just keep 'em eating out of your paw like you are now and
I'll be in touch with more ideas for fun and mayhem soon.

Love your Aussie friend,
Tiggy :kiss:

lakf;kdfjd;liojueroaifjlkdjr;liaqwj./amrlwemjflka;ewj'lfjep'ofkae';fop'l;flkm' p[ol;km f'ep'km;lafdolk;

oookkkkkkaaaayyyyy..I THINK I've got it...you have to use your toes!!!NOT the whole paw... :bulb: :bulb:

Thank you Tiggy, my neuw froum frend.....for the wise words of wisdom.

I am stillll a litrtle timid arround these two uprights, and the gilr uprite is always hugging and kiissing my nose.

The one called MOM, is sweet, but when I take her socks, shoes and jeans into my crate, she seems to get a little purrrtubed at me. I only want to mouth them and lay on them, what is the big deal??????

I love the DAD upright..he is always rubbing my head and ears and NEVER tries to slobber on me ~~he calls me """"Jelley-Bear""" or "Wee Willy Winkie"..what is up with that????? ((When I take HIS big heavy boots into my crate HE doesn't seem to care :lmt: :lmt: :lmt: ))).

I am getting better at actually walking through the house and out the door. (((I use to plant myself flat on the floor and suction my pawpads to the hardwood....it was very funny to watch THEM try to get me to move!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: ))))

THEY say I am doing good at going OUTSIDE (a new word I am beginning to understand) to do my busimess... Well, where do THEY think I would go???? Silly, uprights!!!!! :roll: :? :roll: :roll:

Speaking of new words...since you are so wise,maybe you can tell me....what these words mean????????????

STOP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SIT~~~~~~~DOWN~~~~OFF~~~~~

I know what GOOD GIRL means, because that momma lady always gets really excited when she says it, then showers my head and face and nose with those kissy thingys....(so that is a GOOD word..right???)

Those other words ~~~ well, they aren't said with the same nice high sweet voice...it is a LOW....GRAVELLY...kind of BARK..... :( :oops: :oops: :|

Anyway, thank you for giving the the scoop on these humans...I am learning very fast, that if I tilt my head, which I have mastered in the short time I have been here....they seem to melt in my paws....

Any other tips to get HER wrapped around my little toetoe, will be greatly appreciated..(the daddyguy???? piece of cake..he is MINE... :yay: :excited: :yay: :excited: :yay: )

AND...if any other of my new sheepiefriends would like to CHIME in.....I could use all the help and tricks I can get.....Thanks for the warming welcome....

(I'll tell you about the Bertboy later, couldn't get a handle on that handsome boy...and his big brother..My new ANT JDUI wouldn't let me play with them..... :x :x ))

Hope to see all of you at that SHEEPIEPALOOZA thing everyone here keeps talking about....

( I prmis to work on mytiping..and speling...for teh next psosttsssss....)

LOVE..... WILLOW ....... :aww: :aww: :aww: :aww:
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you iz very luzly, i fowned the bestest thing to do was juest to look cute, and us sheepies jest do it wivout twying, you can get away with anyfink, if it dont werk eversa well jest tilt yer head a little bit and wimper....that is all there iz to it....Luv Summer from Northampton UK xxxx
Well done Willow!! :clappurple:

These keyboard thingies are all wrong. I don't know why they make the squares with letters on them so itsy, bitsy but it looks like you've got the hang of it now. :evil:

It all depends what approach you want to take to organising your Momma and Daddy. The way I see it you have two options.

1. Keep practising that head tilt and looking really cute and you can get away with most anything. For example I am a fan of grabbing my Mom's shoes too. So I don't just grab them I grab them and run up and down the corridor and fling them about and pounce on them and be extra cute pretending that they're creatures that need killing. Then my Mom just laughs at me.


2. You can use my other strategy, the one that works no matter what. You develop the Tiggy Shell of Deafness. It gives you something that my Mom calls 'water off a duck's back'. This is a really cool power.
For example last night after my Mom went to bed and turned the light off I jumped up on the bed. When she said 'get on your bed' I evoked the Tiggy Shell of Deafness and heard 'sit on my head'. So I did, sit on her head that is. I got to stay on the bed for quite a while, it was fun. :high5:

The Shell of Deafness is also helpful if you've done something that was really fun that seems to upset your uprights for some unknown reason and you can't find a way to cute your way out of it. Just ramp up the Shell of Deafness and then you'll eventually notice your uprights give up on the growly voice and if your Momma is like mine she might even roll her eyes :roll: and say 'it's like water off a duck's back' and then quiet down. :D

Good luck with your strategies and remember to get creative and make sure you pass on your learnings.

Love Tiggy :hearts: :hearts:

PS if you act cute and do the head tilt when your uprights call you funny names you'll really have them in your paws!!
you guys are soooooooooooo funny duffy told me to tell willow just wait till mom and dad leave u alone someday for the first time now that will be fun to play in the trashcan!
Hey willow Suzie here. Always use your eyes. Stare right at the uprights and make some soft vocal noises. A little like purring. They think you are talking to them. Uprights love it! Works for me. Oooh and the little kiss I give mommy works too. Just a little lick on her face and she is mine!
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