The Brave Little Sheepie goes to the vet

I felt guilty today, taking Amy (now nicknamed the brave little sheepie because she isn't very brave), and Opal to the vet for first of the year checkups and shots. It started how you imagine:

"Yay! Ride in the car! Oh geez, the car! Panting because things outside the car are scary, but the girl-kids are here so I'm ok." Amy hangs her head as far over the seat as she can, so her head is in between the girls.

'Wait. Out.' "I know those commands. Yay! My turn to get out of the car! New things to sniff. New environment. Mom says its ok. The girl-kids say its ok. Its all OK!" Amy doesn't piddle as soon as she gets out of the car. She does fine approaching the door to the Vet's office. This is really good.

"Oh no! That new woman looked AND talked to me! Oh no! Someone peed on the floor. I love you, Mom."

"This is a lot to handle. Girl, I need a hug. Let me sit in your lap." This is when Amy knocks over the squatting almost 11-year-old, who was petting her, and crawls into the girl's lap and buries her face in the girl's sweatshirt. The pet owners with their crated and quite little cats and pocket dogs burst into laughter. BUT no piddle.

"Mom says, 'OK' so... Charge! Hey, girl-kids, come on. No girls? What's in here?"

"That new woman is touching my ear. I don't like this. Someone peed on the floor. I love you, Mom... Mom says that everything is ok, and I'm a good girl... Mom scratches my ears just the way I like, so it doesn't matter if the new person touches me. I'm ok."

"I get a cookie. Opal took my cookie. :( I get two cookies! Yay!"

And this is how Amy's visit to our vet's office went. Only two piddles. No growling, just crawling on top of Naomi and hiding her head in Nomi's sweatshirt. She's made such progress. :D Now she's all set and cleared for obedience classes. She weighed in at 64.5 pounds and the vet thought that she was very healthy and probably a little younger than 4 years old.
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Such a brave girl! :clappurple:

(And great storytelling! I was right there with you!)
Hey Amy, it's Tiggy here.

The vet is good - mostly. They have cookies and there are other dogs to meet and even cats. Although it's always a disappointment to me that the cats are in dinky little boxes so I can't chase them anywhere. And really that's what cats are for.

And I agree with you a car trip is the best!
Awe Amy it's good your visit to the vet went so well. The peeing will eventually stop, so don't worry.
Yes, peeing stops with confidence (unless it is a UTI). More trips, more new people introductions, more new buildings will help a lot. Obedience should be a breeze for Amy since she is wanting to please you.

Each vet trip has been an adventure, I'm sad when they become boring and routine. MO was the coward who crawl up onto the furniture or onto the window sills. Generally the boys thought it all a great adventure and were double happy if they had to go to the back room for treatment or an Xray. I think they loved the vet-tech. The most fun is when we'd take 5 or 6 dogs in at once, Great Pyrs and OES. I'd sit on the floor and they'd sit there with me, except MO who was up in the window sill.
I have a secret hope/plan to get both dogs through the CGC at some point. I especially want Amy to earn it because of all of the issues she came with. So events like today are so awesome because I see how much Amy's progressed from that first meeting. :hearts:

I can't imagine arriving with 5 or 6 large dogs. It was a circus with the two I took today. :excited:
she sounds like she handled it very bravely!!!! :hearts:

Try talking to your vet about bringing her in just to visit and say hello. Sure, it might mean more pee clean-ups. But in time, she might not associate going to the vet only with scary stuff. Sometimes it's just to say hello and get a cookie- not an awful thing! :wink:
Darth Snuggle wrote:
Try talking to your vet about bringing her in just to visit and say hello. Sure, it might mean more pee clean-ups. But in time, she might not associate going to the vet only with scary stuff. Sometimes it's just to say hello and get a cookie- not an awful thing! :wink:

We take ours in about once a month to weigh them. We go in, they get weighed, we give them a cookie and we go. We hope it sort of desensitizes them to the vet and helps us keep on top of any weight changes.

Otherwise, sounds like The Brave Little Sheepie had quite an adventure!! :high5:
I can't imagine arriving with 5 or 6 large dogs. It was a circus with the two I took today
When they respect you as the leader they are great fun. (Obedience will do wonders--and CGC) I loved the expressions on the faces of the new staff, " :cow: :twitch: " But all went well, except for the bitch in the window sill. I guess she just wanted to above the "fray"??? I miss the days of the BIG PACK!
I'd love a pack of dogs, although it would never work to have more here where we live. The HOA sets a limit of 4 and I'm happy they do. Some of the neighbors are less involved in their pets. That and our house is small.
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