Cause and Effect,,,

,,,,from the pred and the cancer...

Heart is dropping hair, although I brush her every Saturday...

This morning, at 8AM this is what I brushed out of her......

ANd this is the result.....

I never thought I would ever see skin on my little girl....

(after I brushed her, she threw up all her food that she ate at 5 this morning....)

is this the beginning of the end?????
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Val, I'm so sorry to see all that hair, and cannot imagine how you must feel :(

When Chloe was losing so much hair, I quit brushing. To compensate for that time, I just sat on the floor and massaged her gently. She seemed to like it as much as I.

She also tolerated smaller, more frequent meals. Basically, she became an on- demand type of eater, or an all day snacker.

Whatever works for you and Heart is perfectly fine :hearts:

Big hugs to you :ghug:
Oh Val, I'm sorry.
As Brenda said, massage is so good. I bet Heart would love it, and you also.

Sending hugs to you.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Thanks Lisa and Brenda....I am leaning toward not brushing her..enough is enough!!! And the messaging is a great idea!! :clappurple:

Also, the smaller meals make sense, so I will begin that this afternoon.

Thank you.... :bow: :bow: I guess I am too close to this to think clearly.... :oops:
Well :pupeyes: at least she will be easier to groom. I'd change over to a soft brush now, no more pins. I use a boar bristle on Harry now. Since he likes to be outside especially when he's having trouble breathing, I can't remove too much hair.

Ditto smaller meals. I've been using fish oil, salmon oil on one meal a day. It perks his interest and I think helps him keep some hair. For you girl it may be too late.

Just keep loving her and make each day interesting to her. She'll let you know when life just isn't worth it any more. It's easy with Harry, he has a tail to wag, tho arthritic and the wag is limited. With sheepies you gotta look for a bum wag, head cock, bright eyes. :ghug:
So sorry to hear & see this. Breaks my heart.

I agree with ending the brushing.
Not that it was a dog (and therefore maybe not applicable), but I remember when my grandmother had lymphoma. It finally got to the point that she hurt when her skin was touched.
Maybe that's what's happening with Heart.
Oh, that is so sad seeing all her pretty hair come out. :(
Were you talking earlier about a short cut for her? Might be a good idea.

And in regard to the tender skin, that happens to me when I'm sick. Todd looks at me like I'm nuts. Normally I just love a back rub or massage, but when I'm sick, often my skin hurts. It literally hurts me when touched.

So maybe shorter with less grooming needs might be a good thing?
I'm so sorry, i think Heart needs a pretty sweater to help keep her warm. And of course some bling to accessorize that new sweater. Hugs for all of you.
Val: I am so sorry. I do see what you mean by the hair loss. The massage sounds nice, provided her skin isn't sensitive to touch. My face is sensitive to touch or even a breeze since I had shingles, so I understand what Dawn goes through when she's ill. Hopefully giving Heart smaller amounts to eat will help her tummy/ Do you give Heart Pepcid an hour before her predisone? That is what China's vet recommended. So China has the Prepcid with her breakfast and an hour later I give her the pred, always hoping her tummy is nice and coated. Our poor babies.
I wish I had some better answers for you to help you and Heart in your journey. :ghug:
I can't offer any other advice, but I do send you all more :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

She will always be the most beautiful baby.
Sorry to see her hair falling out, kisses cuddles and gentle touch for your heart, give her a kiss from us :kiss:
Humans hair falls out so I assume this is natrual as well under the circumstances? Perhaps a short haircut is in order? And maybe some boiled chicken and rice for meals? I like helen's idea of a pepcid ac about an hour before meals to coat her tummy.

So sorry to hear this...sending prayers :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Oh Val--so sorry to see all that hair in a pile. Good advice given above--I just wanted to say I am thinking of both of you and sending Hugs.
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