I thought I'd save some money & groom the boys myself. I brushed Brick out with the thought I would bathe him tonight. I finished that and moved onto his nails. The fronts when fine, most of the rears were fine, too. Then, bam, the quick. Blood starts pouring out. I grabbed a bunch of paper towels and cornstarch. I got the bleeding to stop. No prob. I then figured I wasn't giving Brick a bath. I decided to brush Zeke out. Finished that. Moved to the nails. Was extra careful in light of what I did to Brick. I was just shaving his nails really when bam, the quick. Blood starts pouring out. The towels and cornstarch were already handy. I got his nail to stop. No prob. So now it's about 10:30 PM and time to let them out for the last time. They come in and Bricky's bleeding like a stuffed pig; blood all over the kitchen. I dry his paw off and notice 2 nails are bleeding. I grabbed the cornstarch again and begin packing the nails but the blood wouldn't stop. I could NOT get the blood to stop. At that point I realized I'd be taking him to the ER. I'm about to walk him out of the house when I noticed Zeke's nail bleeding profusely again. I guess he's coming, too. I wrapped their paws in paper towels and masking tape so they weren't bleeding all over the place, placed some old sheets in the truck and off we go. It's about 11 PM now. Oops, no gas. Gotta stop for gas. And did I mention it was snowing pretty good? We get to the ER and they take Brick first. I then hear him screaming. I'm thinking, what are they doing to him? I could see him thru the doors. They had him lying on the floor with 3 people working on him. One by his head, one at the midsection, and one applying the stiptic. The vet tech told me it really stings, that's why he was crying. They finish him up and then do Zeke. I didn't hear him make any noise. They asked me if I wanted their paws bandaged. It wasn't a lot more money, so I had them do it. First Brick and then Zeke. They also put old IV bags over the bandages to keep them dry. They told me the nails were bleeding pretty good and without stiptic, I wouldn't have been able to stop the bleeding. So $190 later, I think they'll be OK. I got home about 1:15 AM. But no baths for a while. And I'll be throwing the nail trimmer away. Not gonna try that again. |
Oops! Don't you hate that. Why do these things always happen out of hours? Hope it's all sorted out and you have no more problems. I have some fellow feeling for you, I'm watching my Siamese cat at the moment to see if I need to take a Christmas eve trip to the emergency vet. He's been acting a little more sooky than usual and visiting the litter box a bit. He does get constipated so I hope it's that and not a urinary tract infection that will require an emergency out of hours trip to our local, very expensive emergency vet. Have a very merry and blood free Christmas. |
I am so sorry, wow the two boys. I'm glad you were able to get them both to the vet and get taken care of. They'll give you grey hair yet. I hope all is well and the boys heal quickly and you can enjoy your Christmas. |
Oh no. Poor guys, poor you! I will not attempt trimming nails. Hope the boys are good and you too! |
Oh jeeze, that sucks. |
Oh dear, I bet you felt pretty bad. You could use a dremmel (sander) on the dogs toe nails instead, it takes it down nice and rounded and haven't touched the quick yet - the dog pulls his foot away if I get too close. |
oHHHH.....Poor all of you!!!!! Hope their toe-toes are feeling better soon.... |
I've nicked a few nails, but never to the ER. There is a powdered styptic that works well for us. Some dogs react others don't.......as you found. Like ear nicks, those nails can really bleed. Not a nice Christmas Eve for you and no I would not have considered bathing after nicking....I hate dark nails!! Any chance of IV Bag picture? Or was it just Bah Humbug time? |
Sorry to hear, get better soon boys. |
I don't keep styptic in the house as I normally don't cut their nails. I figured I'd do it myself to save some money. Ended up costing me more. <sigh> |
Poor boys I'll bet Santa is extra good to them this year. Maybe a Dremel for dad too |
I actually have a Dremel and have used it before on his nails. The times I've cut his nails, I clip with the trimmers and then smooth & round with the Dremel. That was my plan last night. Just never made it that far. |
Ouch! |
Oooow! So sorry for you and the boys. Emergency = $$$ as so many of us know. Take it from one who has always done all my dogs nails for the past 30 years and is actually pretty darn good at it ---- Rule#1: BEFORE picking up the nail clippers, first locate the qwik stop (styptic powder) and put it on the grooming table right next to where you are clipping the dog's nails. |
I trimmed 4 dogs' nails today. One has dew claws, so I trimmed 66 nails. I had 3 that bled. And like Linda (oes) posted above - I do the exact same thing. Get the quick stop out and set it on the grooming table. Mine's a powder, so I get some poured in the lid too. If I don't need it, I can just dump it back in. |
Hope they are healing well! |
So sorry about this. I do all of the dog grooming and always have, but I won't do their nails. My husband whines about the cost of getting their nails done, but full grooming would be worse. I am going to show him your post. |
Oh I can so relate to this post. I once cut my Bowie's neck trying to cut out a mat. Ended up in ER and he ended up with 6 stitches I felt so guilty and never forgave myself. Also never attempted any cutting myself again. Hope they heal quickly. |
They're doing fine. I took their bandages off today. I still have to use the plastic bags on their feet when they go outside for a few more days. It was funny. The ER called me today checking up on them. They asked me if they were eating and drinking OK. I was a little perplexed. I told them they just came in for bleeding nails. She said "oh"; as if she didn't know what they came in for. I'm guessing they have a standard script they read from. |
I don't do dogs' nails. I once had a similar nail incident with our old dog, and had to take him to the vet. He was fine with someone else trimming his nails, but not me. I still trim the cats' nails, one or two every day or so. Its a constant job, but I don't like to try to take on two furry blenders of claws and teeth at once. |
And thats the reason why I have someone else do the nails. |
I am ok on the pale nails but hate the 2 black ones so just take the tips off those.x |
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