Heart's vet visit...pretty reassuring..

Heart went to the vet this afternoon.

She has been dribbling (pee) in the house, not aware of it, and, of course I was concerned the cancer had spread to her kidneys or bladder. I took a urine sample in and a clump of hair I found on our bedroom floor.

Heart lost 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks (and she eats like a horse!!!). The urine showed a UTI...(I never thought I would say this but.... :yay: :yay: :excited: :yay:)

Got some antibiotics and she should be better in a couple of days.

He said the hair is from the cancer and not the pred. Good thing she can lose a bit more ~~she was blessed with gobs and gobs of cotton candy hair.... :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

I asked him if we should lower the dosage of the pred. since she is doing so good. He said NO.....1 mg. for every pound is the best, most aggressive way to treat this type of aggressive cancer.

So.. We are going to continue with the high dose of the pred.

Heart was diagnosed on Oct. 4th......she went down hill fast, with her nodes swelling more and more each day...
On Nov. 11, she was put on the pred....and she went up hill almost immediately~~~

On Dec. 4th, tomorrow, will be 2 months since we found out that her life expectancy would be ONLY 2 MONTHS~

So, my dear, dear, forum family, with your prayers, good wishes, healing thoughts, great support,

Heart will be 1 day old on Dec.5th!!!!!

~~~~I know we will see many more days together!!!!
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Been worried all day....wonderful news!!! Give Heart a big hug! :ghug:
I was so glad to hear the news when you called me.

We cherish every day with her so I can only imagine how glad you are with the good news.
I kept checking back to see an update. I am so glad she is doing so well and it's something that's easily fixed! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
Thank you for a UTI. I've been checking all day, I'm so glad it is positive news. Keep up the good work Heart.

:ghug: :kiss: :ghug: :kiss:
Great news, Val! All of our Christmas wishes are coming true :hearts:

Hang in there, Heart! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
How often is a UTI good news! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Happy to hear she has a UTI...how many times can you say THAT!
That is great news to hear! We will all continue to send healing thoughts for our dear Heart! :kiss: :hearts:

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

What great news and each day is so special. Sending prayers and positive thoughts.
I've been worried and checking in since I got home too.
So glad to hear things aren't so bad. :ghug:
:wag: Love to hear that! Best wishes to you and Heart. :hearts:
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Very happy to hear this, I was worried when you weren't here with an update! :clappurple:
Oh Thank doG for the good news :hearts: :hearts:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Cheers for a UTI! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

So relieved to hear! Sending hugs to all of you! :ghug: :ghug:
Oh, thank goodness for good news!
And thinking about it - a UTI isn't that far fetched. Pred suppresses the immune system, so things like UTI's can get a hold pretty easily. When Harley was just on it, he got a hot spot. He never had a hot spot before in the 5 years he's been with us. But on Pred and WHAM! - hot spot. :? I was scared too - as his spine injury was the reason for the pred, and the hot spot was on his spine...crazy. :(

So happy for the UTI being the reason for the bad scare. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Santa came early for Heart :yay:

So glad to hear the good news about our Heart. Good girl....a very good girl :kiss:

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
O I was wondering what was going on! This is great news, of course a UTI is never fun, but thank god!

Keeping the prayers going!
Glad to hear some good news.
:hearts: :hearts: :ghug: Such good news!
So happy to hear such encouraging news. (A UTI you can deal with!)
And happy the pred is having such a good effect for Heart.
Praying and sending good energy Heart's way.

Linda Zimmerman
Here's hoping and praying that you get as many extra days, and years, with Heart that we got with our Buford with the high doses of pred. We got almost 8 years MORE! Wouldn't that be just fantastic???
Drezzie's Mom wrote:
Here's hoping and praying that you get as many extra days, and years, with Heart that we got with our Buford with the high doses of pred. We got almost 8 years MORE! Wouldn't that be just fantastic???

8 years? 8O 8O That would be fantastic! Please let it be so for Heart! :hearts: :plead: :plead: :plead:
That was a very good news !! my prayers are with you and Heart !
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