One month with Amy

Amy has been home with us for one full month (and 3 days). When we got this four? year old Sheepdog from a rescue in Nevada, I was hesitant. Told that she constantly urinated out of fear and submission, that she couldn't be a good house dog, and that she wasn't trained at all, I still loaded her up in the back of my SUV and brought her home. That first night, I really did wonder if this giant, stinky, scared dog was a good idea.

She's unpacked some baggage since getting here. She did have a few little problems with urination, but she hasn't in 2 weeks or more. She was apparently a little crabby because I wasn't feeding her quite enough, but now she's a doll. She easily lets me move food dishes and stand nearby, knowing that a premium biscuit is probably going to come from it, where before she seemed a little food aggressive. She and Opal the collie, play beautifully together. She walks on leash, although she does still try to pull. She has easily learned what I want when I whistle, and obeys (the collie still ignores me 50% of the time).

The best part is she is so funny. Last week, the kids and I took both dogs for a ride in the car. We went to our local coffee guy, who adores dogs. Amy was frightened and growled a little and barked at him. Then he passed dog treats through the window. So Amy stopped growling and barked louder, and he passed more treats. Then Amy started trying to crawl over the seat, to get to the window to get more treats... which I had to put an end to, since I don't want either dog thinking they can climb all over the car. :lol: Oh, and she was so scared when I told her to load up, her legs started shaking, but she didn't pee, :D and once she saw Opal hop in, she took a second and then jumped in by herself. You could just see that she was so stinking pleased with herself. :clappurple:

On that trip around town, we stopped at a trail to walk the dogs. Opal is all business on these walks. She gets annoyed when her "herd" of children won't walk how she likes them to (everyone in front of her, no one veering off the trail or she'll bump them back in place). Amy was so excited and all over the place. Finally, she annoyed Opal enough--who was trying to herd the whole group--that Opal nipped her to get her back in the group. Amy looked at Opal like she was nuts.

And look! She actually raises her head when you talk to her now, instead of hanging her head lower.

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Great to hear Amy is coming around.
A few more months and you won't know how you ever lived without her.
So glad Amy is settling in so well! :clappurple: She's adorable! :aww:
How wonderful that she is coming around so nicely! She is very lucky to have found a family with the patience to help her work through her issues, and it sounds like she has truly stolen your hearts.

She looks like such a sweetie!!!!!

Isn't it amazing at what some love, patience and kindness can do? And how, Amy is beginning to trust all of you in such a short time?

What a wonderful thing!!!!!!

(more pics and more 'amy stories', when you have time, please.)

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Looks like you are doing a wonderful job with her and it's paying off. They are well worth the effort.
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

Just one quick thought. You might want to trim the fur in front of her eyes, so she can see better. Part of her timidity may stem from her inability to see anything but shapes, and objects in motion, until she gets close enough to smell something. It will also prevent her from running into things. (Oscar has been deaf since birth, so we are especially conscious of keeping his line of vision as clear as possible.)

Glad to hear that she is settling in so well. :hearts:

Laurie and Oscar
Or use Barrett's to clip her fur back, we always get a smile from passers by when Monty has Barrett's in.

She has an adorable face, glad she is settling in nicely.
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

That's great to hear!

:aww: :aww: So glad to hear that she is coming around. Love will do amazing things! :hearts:
Your success with Amy brought a tear to my eyes. I remember your anxiety a few posts back, so glad that she is blooming. What a wonderful success story. :banana:

As Mark said, you will wonder how life was before Amy.

And I will add, "Hang on for one heck of an adventure" :hearts: :hearts:
What a wonderful story! Sounds like everyone is doing fantastic! Sounds like Opal is a HUGE help in getting Amy to adjust to life with the family :)
This is the kind of report that warms my heart. I'm truly impressed that you have made such amazing progress so quickly. This bodes VERY WELL for the future. Can't wait to hear more "adventures of Amy" stories.

Linda Zimmerman
It is always nice to see a dog blossom with a little bit of guidance and love.

Since Laurie suggested it, we've started putting her hair up every morning. Its part of the routine to pick a hair elastic, then redo her topknot and tell her she's pretty. She loves that last part a lot. :lol:
Cute pic.
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