Breakfast time

My hubby is away four days so now I have to feed the dogs in the morning.

Russ is an early riser so the dogs get their breakfast at 6.30 am. I am a really late to bed person so don't get up before 10.00 am.

Buster will nudge Russ awake if he is 5 mins late getting up to give them breakfast but this morning the dogs did not get me up to get them breakfast.

I got up at 10.00 am, showered, went into the kitchen and they were standing by the back door for their usual routine which is to go outside for 5 mins and then come back into cuddle with me.

There was absolutely no looking at their food bowls, food bucket, fridge, or even licking their empty bowls in anticipation of food.

I just could not believe how polite they were being, I really think they thought that breakfast was going to be skipped today. :oops:

I of course fed them.

Wonder If I will get to sleep to 10.00 am tomorrow now that they know I will feed them breakfast. :D
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What gentlemen.......interesting to see what tomorrow brings.
They are creatures of habit. Hubby wasn't there so they thought they were going to be shorted a meal. It will be interesting to see what they do today.
Did the same thing today, I am able to get up my usual time which is great :D
that is so funny. Yorkie barks every morning between 6.30 and 7. I get up put kettle on let them in garden, they then go back to bed for a while until brekkie appears. 12.30 is lunch time they appear in the kitchen again, when I work (one lunch time a week) they appear at 12.30 look for me, and then sit next to OH and glare at him until he feeds them. xx
Here K eats her Brekkie before her first pee! She'll even wake me up. Dedicated to food. Not this a.m.

I was up first!! and prepped something for the crock pot. K literally at my feet, giant rug, so I dropped celery stalks and whole carrots. She munched and crunched and then had the "look." Fortunately DH was returning the tube outside to catch the snow just beginning to fall..........and K dashed out ahead of him.

Guess it is kibble time. Harry is far more picky about eating. He may not have Brekkie until Noon, his choice. Dinner is late afternoon.
mine get fed 3 times a day, which means Summers poos 3 times! but she is better fed little and often, like me, though mine is chocolate!!
:aww: Wow......That's great!
Very gentle dogs........Wonder if it continues?

:high5: Great dogs!!!
So I didn't get away with sleeping until 10.00 on the third day, Monty was chatting away in my face at 7.30 am and then barking, I let them outside to pee and went back to bed but then felt guilty and got back up and fed them, even though they weren't asking for food and then went back to bed :lol:

Today I slept until 10.00 again with no indication from them for breakfast, both were napping on their backs when I got up. My gentle boys :hearts:

Buster is different in the evening, licking his empty bowl before dinner, staring at you with sad eyes or staring at you and then the fridge and then at you. And trying to nose his way in when you are chopping food.
Like Susan he gets whole carrots and celery but only in the afternoon and evenings that is probably why I am not getting pestered in the morning.
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