Heartguard and Sentinel problem maybe??


I have two OES, one who is 7 and the other who is 8 years old. I've always given my dogs Heartguard for heartworm/parasite prevention and during warm months, Sentinel for flea/tick prevention. Never any problem, although neither dog likes the Sentinel at all. That always surprised me because I just put it on topically. Nothing nasty to swallow, no sticks.

There has never been a problem with either dog. Or previous dogs. I've had dogs all my life. This spring, both dogs had a bout of diarrhea that didn't clear up quickly so it was off to the vet, a round of meds, very bland diet food for a bit, with some pro biotic powder sprinkled on for good measure. It took a bit over a week, but both were ok. The older male later had a bit more diarrhea and the vet felt perhaps he had become sensitive to something in his food so we changed his food and he's been great ever since. The younger female: always had very firm bowl movements (except this bout of diarrhea--her first ever.) She cleared up more quickly than the male and was back on her regular food. Then, about a month later, another few days of diarrhea, change to bland diet food plus pro-biotics (didn't need meds to clear it up) and she was fine on her regular food. And then another bout about a month later. Same story. Finally, this last month it struck me that each bout was a few days after the first of the month, when I give her her heart worm and flea/tick.

Could there be a connection? Or am I just crazy? For certain, I won't do flea/tick in December and am on the fence for heartworm. Any thoughts? I know that some breeds have specific issues with some meds. Trying to get as much info as possible.
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Excuse me: I wrote Sentinel but meant Frontline for flea and ticks. Don't know what I was thinking......
Have never had a problem with frontline(origional,not the new combi). When used advacate though we had upset tum.x
We use the Frontline/Sentinel combo to treat fleas in all stages, ticks, and worms, for Oscar. Oscar has a few :roll: medical issues, one of which is IBD (autoimmune troubles). He is sensitive to all sorts of things, so I never do treatments on the same day, but instead, wait a few days in between. This gives his body a chance to deal with everything, and also give me a chance to isolate the cause if he happens to have a reaction.

I find that the Sentinel definitely gives him digestive problems (tummy rumbles, loose stool, etc.). Oscar does react to the Frontline as well, but in a different way. He starts to pant more, seems a little more anxious, and the pink skin on his body turns a bright red. That heightened reaction can lead to loose stool, as it's like his whole body ramps up. (I see this same reaction after he gets a three-year rabies vaccine.) I know that some folks have reported lesions and hot spots where the Frontline is applied, but we have never had any issue like that.

Laurie and Oscar
We use the Sentinel with no problem. We use Advantrix for fleas and ticks and my male does get some irritation if I apply too much in one spot. I really hate using it but living here with all the mosquitoes I feel I have no choice. I tried the Bug-Off garlic capsuls for pets but the were really smelly and my dogs wouldn't eat them.
She goes from extremely hard stools (unlike any other OES I've had, she typically has zero digestive issues. Ever.) to really, really loose, almost liquid. This was not a problem until this year. I live in an area with lots of ticks so I need to find a different product, I think. Or, maybe there is no connection. It's cold enough that I feel safe in not doing Sentinel for the winter. Gives me some time to come up with alternatives.

Unfortunately, I don't live in an area with lots of choices for vets. My old vet sold her practice and moved to FL. The new group of vets.....some are ok, and some not so ok. There seems to be a revolving door and as soon as I find one of the group I like, she moves. I've been using this practice (with original vet) for the past 22 years or so. Looking for a new one: ugh.

Actually, this reminds me. Early this year, we boarded our dogs at the vets for only one day. We were out of town and our son was dog-sitting, but needed to be gone over night and into the next day--we didn't want to leave them that long. Our first choice to board was full, so we thought the vet would be fine for a day. They aren't ideal because of the space for longer, but ok for an overnight. Or so we thought. Our son dropped the dogs off and they asked when their last flea/tick dose was. This is not something they asked when my husband made the reservation and my son, not living with us, said he wasn't sure. We had made sure he knew to take her Proin, and her low cal food along with the food for the male. We didn't mention flea/tick because they weren't due and it never occurred to us. In fact, not long before that, they were in for their check ups and we picked up a 6 month supply of Heartguard and Sentinel for both dogs, so they knew we had the meds. First of month is customary for most of us, easy to remember.

For whatever reason, they never called us to ask and simply dosed both dogs. In fact, they dosed them 2 weeks early for a once/month treatment. I read them the riot act and refused to pay for the dosing. They assured me that there would be no ill effects to our dogs. But since that time, the female has had diarrhea starting a couple of days after she's given Sentinel.
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